Ability Name


Description of Ability

Specific training in defensive stratagems, specifically that of parrying, has taught you how to bolster your own self-confidence in the midst of battle, often allowing you to catch a few critically-needed breaths amidst the chaos of battle. Confidence allows Stamina and Hit Points to gain with each successful parry that is completed by the character. Each such parry will heal 1 to (Stratagems: Parry / 12) hit points, and refresh stamina for 1 to (Stratagems: Parry / 5), for a total of fifteen seconds. Confidence also increases stamina and Hit Point Regeneration rate for 4 seconds upon activation for (Stratagems: Parry / 5) regen points. The increased rate is halted if hit during the 4 second duration. Confidence has a twenty second cooldown, and costs 15 stamina to activate.

Governing Birthsign

Ability Command


Animus Purchase Cost


Lifetime Animus Required


Ability Pre-Requisite


Skill Requirement 1

30% in Parry

Skill Requirement 2


Skill Requirement 3
