Ability Name

Door Trap Identification

Description of Ability

Having trained yourself for what to look for when attempting to locate and identify traps placed upon doors and gates, you have acquired the ability to detect and point out these potential dangers. Enables the identification of door traps using both the [detect and [reveal functions of the Perception skill. Detecting door traps will result in feedback given to your character in regards to the amount of door traps they have found in the area, and will additionally mark detected traps with Advanced Detection if the perk has been purchased. Revealed traps will be marked with an overhead message visible to all nearby players.

Governing Birthsign

Ability Command

None (Passive)

Animus Purchase Cost


Lifetime Animus Required


Ability Pre-Requisite


Skill Requirement 1

50% in Perception

Skill Requirement 2


Skill Requirement 3
