Ability Name

Eye Rake

Description of Ability

One rather nasty tactic that is seemingly above that of gentlemen warriors of Eden is the raking of an opponent's eyes, rendering them blind and defenseless to follow-up attacks. No one has ever called you a gentleman, and you can't say that your above resorting such an uncouth move when immersed in the throes of battle. Delivery of a successful Eye Rake will inflict a single attack for 60% of it's normal damage and institute a blinding effect on the target if used against another player. If used against an NPC, the NPC will be paralyzed for a period of three seconds. In addition, the use of an Eye Rake will lower the target's Defense Chance Increase value by (Wrestling Skill / 15) percent for four seconds.

Governing Birthsign

Ability Command

None (Passive)

Animus Purchase Cost


Lifetime Animus Required


Ability Pre-Requisite


Skill Requirement 1

70% in Wrestling

Skill Requirement 2


Skill Requirement 3
