Ability Name

Prejudicial Slaughter

Description of Ability

Your rage knows few bounds when you are fully committed to a fight, and you often drive yourself to loathing your opponent when exchanging blows. As such, when you have finally bested an opponent, you cannot help but funnel your overflowing rage into slaying them in the most horrific and gruesome ways imaginable. This move takes careful consideration to pull off, however, as if you fail to execute your opponent, your morale will take a serious hit. Prejudicial Slaughter is a killing move, used to end an opponent's life with extreme prejudice. Successful use of a Prejudicial Slaughter (move lands and the enemy is slain) will restore (5 + Stratagems: Raging/10) Hit Points and Stamina. If your character is under the Enraged status, successful use will also impart a 20 second Swing Speed Increase of (( Stratagems: Raging * Stratagems: Raging) / 720.0)). An unsuccessful use of Prejudicial Slaughter (a miss is yields a 10 second loss of all Magic Resistance and all other Resistances are reduced by 40, and will cause your character to lose their Enraged status, if they were under the effects of one.

Governing Birthsign

Ability Command


Animus Purchase Cost


Lifetime Animus Required


Ability Pre-Requisite


Skill Requirement 1

50% in Raging

Skill Requirement 2


Skill Requirement 3
