Ability Name

Shield Check

Description of Ability

Your knowledge of shields has given you a few tricks to use when in combat and when wielding a shield, one of which being the Shield Check. By utilizing your shield as a bludgeon device, you can momentarily stun an opponent and deliver upon them a scathing blow. The Shield Check is a basic offensive shield maneuver. By using your shield to quickly strike an opponent, you are able to momentarily daze them in addition to inflicting a small amount of damage. Shield Check will paralyze a target for one second, and deal 5 - 10 Corporeal damage for Light Shields, 10 - 15 Corporeal damage for Medium Shields, and 15 - 25 damage for Heavy shields. Shield Check requires and uses ten stamina to perform, and has a fifteen second cooldown. Shield Check is subject to a STR check vs. your target - if your STR is lower than your target, no damage will be dealt, and you will suffer a tripped status effect.

Governing Birthsign

Ability Command


Animus Purchase Cost


Lifetime Animus Required


Ability Pre-Requisite


Skill Requirement 1

10% in Parry

Skill Requirement 2


Skill Requirement 3
