Ability Name

Torpor Technician

Description of Ability

The fledgling sciences of Pyrotechnics and Toxicology often go hand-in-hand, but you have taken things to a full-blown embrace. Picking up a few tricks of the trade from the realm of Poisons and Toxins, you are able to add a bit of spice to your ordinances; specifically, in the form of aerosol substances that paralyze those unfortunate enough to be caught in your blasts. Allows for the use of Toxins providing the effect of Paralysis within Pyrotechnic ordinances.

Governing Birthsign

Ability Command

None (Passive)

Animus Purchase Cost


Lifetime Animus Required


Ability Pre-Requisite


Skill Requirement 1

70% in Subterfuge

Skill Requirement 2


Skill Requirement 3
