Train Arcane Linguistics Manually

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Posts: 26
Character: Hathus Gress

Train Arcane Linguistics Manually

Post by Hathus » November 19th, 2018, 11:52 pm

Currently the only way to train Linguistics is by uncovering words of power. It would be nice if there were more options on how to train this skill up. Below are some ideas ive had and at least one of these im told used to be part of how this system used to work.

1. Make whispering or yelling a spell instead of its normal cast increase inguistics. They are perks of it afterall
2. Make books or other texts that one can study to learn. For each page a length of time would be required. Maybe a 10 mins per page with a skill check every 30 seconds? (not sure on balanced timing) Once enough time has passed to read/translate all the pages that paticular book has its consider 100% and no more skill can be gained off it. Then it can just be a cosmetic item or or short story depending on how much effort yall would want to put into it. Could be useful for lore or research hints.
3. Saying your spells in a different language

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