Pioneering Guide

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Aeolian Staff
Posts: 253

Pioneering Guide

Post by Rex » December 13th, 2018, 1:46 pm

Pioneering is the ability to stake your claim of land, expand your controlled area and build structures and buildings.
Stake your first claim:
To get started you’ll need to acquire the Stake Claim flagpole which is crafted by carpenters.
This would be created using the crafting tool Nails, Moulding Plane or Smoothing Plane and having 10-40 carpentry skill. A standard pole, rope and 12 heavy cloth are required.

When you have traveled out into the world and found a nice place to settle, double click on the Stake Claim item in your base backpack and Claim your land!

The engineering ability Pioneering I and Animus is required to build structures on your claimed land (10 engineering)

Double click on the Pole to view the menu.
The menu has the following information.
Claim Info
Total Area: (16) this is the total area that the claim covers currently.
Expanded area: (16) this is the temporary expantion area as indicated by the green cubes highlighting the expanded area.
Cost to Claim Expanded area: (0) the cost in animus it would take to claim the expanded area.
Curent Invested Animus Pool: (-16) the current amount of invested animus in the pool.
Total Animus Spent: (0) this is the total animus spent on the claim ever.

These buttons will turn the page to the menus for Information, Co-Owners, Friends, and Structures.

listed here are buttons for the following:
Rename Claim: CLick this and then type in a new name for your claim.
North, South, East and West buttons will appear when you have invested animus into the claim.
After investing animus and clicking on the West Extend button you can click on Confirm to claim the expanded area.
Reset: sometimes if you expand in a way that you are not happy with, you may click on reset to start over the process of expansion.
Claim Markers: clicking on any one of these will turn on and off the rock which notates the outer corners of the claim.

Declaim Area: clicking this will first pull up a confirmation window. Clicking OK will declaim the area and place the Stake Claim pole in to your backpack.

Animus to Invest: in this text entry field you may type in a number for the amount of your animus you would like to invest into the Claim Pool. Each of your different characters can only invest into claims the other ones have not invested in to. In other words, only one of your characters can invest into a particular claim.
Invest: Clicking this button will invest the amount typed in.

Animus Log: Each time anyone invests animus into the claim the log is updated with the time and date, name and how much animus. This log is only viewable by the claim owner.
This menu shows a few buttons:
Add a Co Owner: click this and then target a fellow player to add them to the CO-Owner list. Once they are there if will track how much total animus they have invested into the claim.
Remove: This will remove them from the list.
Clear Co-Owner List: this will completely clear the Co-Owner list.
Co-Owners may start construction projects and help build them.
This page lists the same features as Co-Owners.
Friends may help build construction projects.
As the claim owner you may add co-owners and friends to your claim by accessing the claim menu and clicking on the friends tab. Claim friends are separate from house friends.
Buildables: list which constructions projects you have unlocked by purchasing the abilities Pioneering 1, 2 and 3. Each tier of pioneering unlocks more structures and buildings. Pioneering I includes the plans for a Wooden House 6x6:
Many others are available with tier 2 and 3. There's also a "Next" and "Previous" button that will show up as the list grows longer then the first page.
Claim owners and co-owners can start building construction sites according to their own pioneering ability level by clicking on the structure type from the buildables tab and then choosing a spot within the claimed area on the map. Logs are required at a minimum to start a construction site. All construction sites have at least a couple of wooden poles outlining the site area and a construction chest which has the additional materials needed to complete the build.
You can attack these construction site poles and destroy them all to destroy the site if it is in the wrong spot.
Once the construction chest materials are added to the construction chest by dragging and dropping them on to the chest you can start building the site by double clicking the chest. Higher engineering will build projects faster.

Owners, co-owners and friends can all help build the construction sites once all the materials are in the chest.
You can destroy certain structures of a claim by attacking the piece directly. This will take a while depending on the structure type and material. It’s tile by tile. Once a piece is destroyed it is removed. Doors cannot be destroyed. Buildings cannot be attacked and destroyed.

Claims are subject to criminal checks which means if you enter a claim that you are not at least friend of you will leave a hidden trespassing scent which is detecteable with the perception skill.
Attacking structures, Stealing and using items on a claim you are not at least a friend of will leave vandalism or theft scents.

If you declaim any structures in the area will stay there, and start their decay timer which is 14 days. Items will decay within 7 hours, Houses decay in 30 days.

During this time yourself or another player may place a their own StakeClaim item in the area. If they expand their claim to fully surround structures or houses they will then be claimed by that player, resetting decay and transferring House ownership to them.

If you die as a claim owner your claim will start to decay and can not be refreshed by friends or co owners.

Currently the reoccurring cost to the Animus Pool is 1 Animus daily per 25 tiles claimed.

If the Animus Pool reaches 0 the claim is deleted and then the decay timers for each structure and item starts as normal.

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