Research and YOU!

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Research and YOU!

Post by revenant » January 2nd, 2019, 5:07 pm

Stay awhile and listen...

Inquisitive? Scholarly? Inventive? Into the arcane? Researching is how you can work towards uncovering the secrets or the unknown. Here in Tor, "Research" levels I-III are perks associated with the World Lore(

Levels I-III determine the likelihood of being able to craft an uncommon (Tier I) to Epic (Tier III) recipe for any crafting skill to include spells.

This guide is not meant answer all your questions, as there is some self-discovery that must is research after all. This guide is intended to help you tackle the basics and frame your expectations.

You cannot research specific items, for instance, you cannot directly start researching and expect to get a recipe for a "Claymore." Instead, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and blacksmithing a pray that your work yields a "Claymore."

First things first. You will need to acquire a Research Tome. These are made by artisans and are a "container" type item. These are multi-use items, so no need to worry about it being consumed on your first attempt. Once you have your tome, single click it and select "Start researching."
You will be prompted for four items. Vellum, beeswax, acacia gum, and drafting ink. Several merchants carry these, but if you are looking to go it alone; vellum and ink can be made by artisans and beeswax and acacia can be harvested through the horticulture skill.

Next, put the Tier III crafting tool of the recipe you wish to create into the research tome. This will be lost once the research is complete.
-For things like cooking and engineering - a pot or a set of tinkering tools will suffice.
-For things like spells, you will need to put in a power word. The power word will effect your result as will your primary spell disciplines.
Once you have all the items in the research tome your research will begin. Progress is directly linked to your active infusion gain. If you are a craftsman then craft. If you typically hunt, then hunt. Actively gained infusion through hunting, crafting, harvesting, healing, etc. are the only ways to progress your research.
Once your progress hits 100, the resources: Vellum, Ink, Beeswax, Acacia Gum, AND the tool or power word will be lost.

Congratulations and good luck.

Aeolian Staff
Posts: 253

Re: Research and YOU!

Post by Rex » January 7th, 2019, 9:33 pm

I approve of this guide.

Posts: 26
Character: Hathus Gress

Re: Research and YOU!

Post by Hathus » January 7th, 2019, 9:42 pm

You forgot that spell research also requires a morium.

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Re: Research and YOU!

Post by Cons » January 9th, 2019, 9:05 am

Little addendum for mantra research:

Researching spells is somewhat specific since you can actually "aim" for specific recipe, not unlike normal crafting skills. If you, for example, research contego, the system looks for all spells that contain contego and also all the other words you know, then according to your skill and a random chance and if you already have recipe copy uses it adds those to a list of possible spells to research, then it chooses one of those at random to be the final researched spell. So knowing more copies of same spell actually improves your chances to research other mantras with that same power word.

The current number of copies when your chances to research that mantra drop considerably is 4.

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