OOC, Metagaming and Community Standards

Announcements, updates and news concerning the Requiem project.
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Aeolian Staff
Posts: 368
Character: Isidor Abendroth

OOC, Metagaming and Community Standards

Post by Sic » April 8th, 2021, 12:26 pm

As a quick and simple reminder, in character threads are not a platform for anyone to offer their suggestions or ideas in regards to situations, rules or mechanics. Issues concerning the veracity of a post and potential rule breaking are to be taken to a ticket.

Future issues concerning this rule will result in removal of forum privileges and/or gametime suspensions.

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Aeolian Staff
Posts: 368
Character: Isidor Abendroth

Re: OOC, Metagaming and Community Standards

Post by Sic » April 13th, 2021, 4:38 am

As we move closer towards emerging out of Prelude, we have now added additional in-character feeds to the Discord room that mirror the more formal in-character postings of the forums. These new rooms will provide abbreviated summaries of the posts along with direct links to them.

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Additionally, we have removed the trade channel from Discord as part of this change.

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Aeolian Staff
Posts: 368
Character: Isidor Abendroth

Re: OOC, Metagaming and Community Standards

Post by Sic » April 15th, 2021, 4:26 pm

With the launch of Act VI, we have taken an opportunity to distance ourselves from RP-related incidents in favor of polishing and fixing up many of our mechanical systems prior to running events and plotlines on the regular. This decision comes with its own pros and cons, with some of the cons being that we are less able to provide an example of the expected norms the shard has in terms of role-playing, rules of engagement, and more.

As we end with Prelude and begin running more and more in-game events, we are actively taking a more heavy-handed approach to the curation of our community. This includes removing elements in Discord and on the forums that promote or encourage meta-gaming (as seen with the elimination of trade chat) and replacing them with more formal alternatives more befitting of our level of expectations. More importantly, our curation is also focused on our in-game situation and health of our community, of which we are now taking an even greater role in addressing as we begin to transition into full launch.

Recently, we have taken action against the accounts of a few players of whom have persisted in behavior that falls outside of what we feel as though is commonly agreed upon rules of respect as outlined in “2.1 Player Respect”. We would like to take an opportunity to remind everyone of this rule, of which is located at the bottom of this post.

Additionally, we would like to take a moment to remind everyone that the shard and its environment is a reactive world, one in which has consequences for actions. Performing negative actions against a group of NPCs or in town ad nauseum without any logical RP, for instance, will eventually be addressed in-game through repercussions and reactions.

The project and its success rely upon a community being able to play together and handle strife and hostility in a mature manner while also holding individual players to a standard of responsibility due to the increased mechanical freedoms we give due to our players due to the inherent nature of our shard. Role-playing is always required on Requiem, to include situational RP involving combat engagements or killing a towns-person. Furthermore, and more importantly, players who are involving themselves in strife situations – specifically those in which result in PvP, are often held to a higher standard, and should be well versed in our rules concerning PvP, such as sensible looting and above all else, player respect as it relates to how and when combat should be initiated, the circumstances around it, the RP afforded to them, and the physical looting of their bodies and belongings.

Thank you all for taking a moment to read this, and we continue to be grateful for the community we have with Act VI!

2.1 Player Respect

Other players, like yourself, are here to create stories, role-play and have fun. However, it is to be reminded that it is a privilege to play here, not a right. We don’t expect you to like or get along with every single player within the community, but we do expect and require you to show respect towards them. If you have a disagreement with another player, please see to it that it is settled quietly and privately between you and them. If you feel this is not an option, seek Staff intervention via the forums. If you prove that you cannot fit in to our community due to repeated clashes with fellow players or staff, you will be removed from the game and the community.

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