A Slight Tweak to the Generated Loot System

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Character: Gryhun Kren

A Slight Tweak to the Generated Loot System

Post by Azareil » March 31st, 2019, 10:52 pm

I was wondering if we could have the loot system tweaked and minimize the amount of mage stats given to random magical equipment. Far too often, shields, weapons and armor have faster casting, spell channeling, Mage armor, mana regen.... More often than not and it's items that mages aren't going to be using.

I'm hoping that it's possible to reduce the frequency of these being applied to these items by a wide margin. I can't tell you how many times I've been disappointed when we get a couple extraordinary or masterwork items and it's mostly mage enchants.

Posts: 91
Character: Lucian Delavious

Re: A Slight Tweak to the Generated Loot System

Post by Talexis » April 1st, 2019, 2:44 am

+1 on this. It would be nice if gear for warriors stopped having mage stats. It is like a waste when you worked so hard to kill whatever you got it from. Not sure if loot tables have changed in the past few months but it seems most drops are geared towards magic users.

Posts: 11
Character: IaintGotOne

Re: A Slight Tweak to the Generated Loot System

Post by Prometheus » April 1st, 2019, 4:06 am

Requiem giveth and Requiem taketh. The RNG is as it is currently, as this system can create, and has in the past, very powerful items from drops. Some, sure, may benefit a more hybrid based build, but others have undoubtedly been a major boon to warriors.

I know of late Requiem has been quiet on the story front, which hopefully will change in the coming weeks, but I think this is an area we shouldnt be focused on, especially with the gambit of systems available to invest in that grant a more customized weapon (enchanting and augmenting) to the user over merely those found off a corpse you farmed over, and over, to get leet loots.

We should, at this point especially, be turning our gaze to story and creating Rp over mechanical pluses and minuses. Your characters are and should be, much more than that.

Aeolian Staff
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Re: A Slight Tweak to the Generated Loot System

Post by Rex » April 1st, 2019, 9:51 am

There hasn’t been a change to loot tables for gear in regards to properties that are considered mage or warrior. “Warrior” loot without the bonus +Hp or +damage prop that crafters Contribute is often discarded because it’s such a staple and relied upon. But +Hp and +damage are not default props and won’t be blanket added to loot drops.
Loot drop are simply random.
A mages bias for mage gear will have him feeling that most gear is warrior gear or not suited to his needs.

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Re: A Slight Tweak to the Generated Loot System

Post by Cons » April 1st, 2019, 11:48 am

Let me add my two cents as a mage player. I cannot speak for weapons drops but as far as armor is concerned, I don't see a reason why anyone would use a piece from a monster. HP bonus and improved resistances that crafted armor has are so essential that no amount of properties on a looted piece will outweigh them. I basically disenchant everything I get. The only piece a mage could use is a hat with magical properties, at the cost of 1 armor slot. There are some rare exceptions that could only be obtained from loot, tho. Enchantable spell channelling shield is one such example, but I cannot overlook the fact that generally, the loot is very unrewarding.

As Prometheus said, we are all here for the RP, but from time to time, it is nice to zap a zombie with a lightening bolt. It shouldn't be too difficult to make it also "mechanically" rewarding.

Posts: 45
Character: Basti

Re: A Slight Tweak to the Generated Loot System

Post by Kadda » April 1st, 2019, 12:15 pm

I had access to a chest of shields last night and all but one didn't' have some variation of mage armor / FCI / etc. on it. It just feels like it needs a slight adjustment so this is a little less the norm.

I have yet to meet a mage who uses weapons/armor/shields. I don't foresee issues with mages over loot tweaks as they all already disenchant/enchant what they require anyways.

I want to point out that I am someone who works with enchanters and has no issue working around this loot issue, and the reason I'm personally arguing for this suggestion is the story/lore: The way it's balanced now hobbles anyone trying to RP being wary of mages and magic, in fact it discourages it, knowing your magical enemies would have such an advantage against you with enchanting.

Enchanting is also way more accessible then augments, making this balance more discouraging (I.E. Enchanting doesn't require recipes, or expiring materials from gathering/crafters, # of augment slots aren't relative to quality of item, etc. - but this tangent is a completely separate thread) I'd need confirmation on this, but anecdotally I have yet to see mobs drop augmentable loot, so the idea of modifying a good weapon you found without magic isn't an option.

I seriously appreciate the want to emphasize story and lore. If this means we come back to this discussion later to prioritize story/lore work behind the scenes right now that's totally understandable; but we're working with what we have now. Right now, generally we can only RP try and beat back the bad guys to remain safe another day and attempt to make sure we're equipped to do so. This isn't a min/max issue so much as it is highly discouraging for non-magic playstyles.

Posts: 11
Character: IaintGotOne

Re: A Slight Tweak to the Generated Loot System

Post by Prometheus » April 1st, 2019, 4:46 pm

Shields, as a whole, have limited enchantments for them, and as such things like spell channeling are fairly common for them. So, in regards to a chest full of them, I'd say that's not uncommon, nor does that tell me the data for generating items is totally skewed toward mages; it's simply a fact of limited enchantments for shields, which is an OSI thing as well. Hybrid mages are out there, a lot of them use their martial skills to hide their mage capabilities, opening them up when the situations dire and if possible, secrecy can be maintained.

As far as enchantments, yes they are easier, but they cannot do everything, and the available enchantments to a mage, and enchantments they use, would typically be to augment their powers and further their arcane abilities. This is reflected again in the enchanting list they use, in comparison to augmenting, which offers it's own and in unique ways. Besides, this also speaks to the allure of magic, as it's a devils deal and a price heavily paid by ones soul, or very life if someone anti-mage finds you.

If anything were to happen with loot, I'd turn down the chances of magically enchanted items as a whole, as Requiem, though having high fantasy elements, wasnt always about enchantments, and finding magic items on every other NPC you killed simply wasnt a thing.

I think that this is an issue, simply because at the moment, there isnt anything else going on, the loot hauling is all players have, and I empathize, and hope to change that.

Posts: 45
Character: Basti

Re: A Slight Tweak to the Generated Loot System

Post by Kadda » April 1st, 2019, 5:30 pm

I think that's a fair response er: shields. I'd personally be in favor of less "magical" item loot and a way to modify loot via augments (Again, I don't think mob loot gets augment slots? Maybe it's just super rare?), or better yet maybe just some random natural bonuses like crafted items to lessen us muggles from leaning on Mages entirely to be viable/competitive in combat.

Posts: 18
Character: Elric Faust

Re: A Slight Tweak to the Generated Loot System

Post by Toroic » April 1st, 2019, 8:44 pm

+1 to reducing the drop rates of mage gear because it’s absurd with shields being the most egregious situation.

Also, I’m not sure about the relevance of story in the pipeline or enchanting when we’re talking about drop tables. They seem to be independent topics to me.

Also, if mechanics aren’t supposed to be a focus why have the last two updates been filled with a ton of spell tweaks?

Posts: 11
Character: IaintGotOne

Re: A Slight Tweak to the Generated Loot System

Post by Prometheus » April 2nd, 2019, 2:19 am

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