Legacy of Viola Wandren

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Posts: 133
Character: Viola Wandren

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Post by TheOriginalFive » April 28th, 2021, 8:39 am

Beyond the veil
It's not often that I have the chance to think about the life I left behind. But the last few days were quiet enough that I could gather my thoughts.

There are times I wonder how my brothers and sisters are doing. The reason I promised I'd help stop the Torment was to protect them in the first place, especially after how one of our neighbors fell ill. Though that neighbor didn't catch the Torment, they were on the brink of death. Shook up our suburban neighborhood, that's for sure. Doctor said it was some kind of pox back then.

I don't want my siblings to suffer from want, hunger, or illness as long as I live; even if they're at the age they can fend for themselves. Our parents can't live forever, as much as I thought they could when I was a child.

I had a charmed life as far as a non-prelate goes. We used to go to the Mannering parish for tea and culture guidance. I always admired their library of curiosities. Must have been where I honed my love of artwork besides the city museum. It probably helped that Mrs Mannering and my mother were really good friends.

I wonder if there's a way to contact the Mannerings and have them send some of my earnings to the Wandren homestead.

Or I could ask Mr Renatus about how he managed to get in touch with the people outside the First Province.

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Posts: 133
Character: Viola Wandren

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Post by TheOriginalFive » May 12th, 2021, 8:24 pm

Raining on parades

The second edition of the paper ruffled some feathers for sure. I saw a note addressed to Mr Renatus with some very angry words, and later Kole had a message for us about a dead body dumped in the Anchorage.


I went to HIghfield after hearing about the festival there. Though work had kept me busy, I managed to attend the auction. Elsea was buying up a number of things, including a portrait session with Carmina and a set of cloth dyes.
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What we didn't expect was a thunderstorm dropping on us after two ghostly things crashed the party. The paper had talked about Thaddeus being a mage that blew up a crowd in a thunderstorm, though it didn't mention anything about ghostly minions.

I ran away when the ghosts came, and the thunderstorm too, though some of the others weren't as fortunate.


We went inside for the rest of the auction, which included the Giant, Josephine, and the host Flynn auctioning their time to "date" the winner. I wonder what would've happened if I volunteered to sell my time.


At the end of the festival, Elsea was crowned festival queen and Murat festival king for their generous donations. Despite the ambush earlier, the walk back to Teneborough was safe enough, with Elsea accompanying me halfway there.

The bright side of all this was that I managed to hire a few people to staff the Anchorage. Now I need to plan for its official opening.
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Posts: 133
Character: Viola Wandren

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Post by TheOriginalFive » May 19th, 2021, 11:04 pm


Mr Renatus asked Mr Howell and I to accompany him to the Last Chance Casino near the Foundry farm. I kept to myself because I'm not used to such an establishment, although the younger Silvercrest and his wife were there to make small talk over the bar.

While Mr Renatus was in the back room discussing something with the owner Valis, I mentioned that I'd promised my siblings something so I'm not currently looking for a suitor.

I'm not sure what I'd do if someone really did start trying to court me. I've been told the Wandren women usually wed quite late compared to their peers, and seem to be frozen in time in some ways. Much like the Mannerings as well.

A few days later I managed to attend a medical lecture by Dr Theo. Mr Lamora attended that too. A museum worker by the name of Atticus Black had been crushed under one of the statues. He was lucky he only came away with a bad bruise on his collarbone.

Dr Theo showed us how to treat a bruise by using him as an example, and I think I got all the steps correct. The Valentes made a generous donation to the doctor, which led to her bequeathing a copy of her current medical guidebook to me.

I'll make good use of that gift.

There's also the Anchorage's official opening coming up, which I hope goes smoothly or without party crashers.

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Posts: 133
Character: Viola Wandren

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Post by TheOriginalFive » May 23rd, 2021, 10:36 pm


Before I could have the official opening of the Anchorage, someone vandalized it! Smashed almost every single chair, tore down the wall of paintings, and smashed the flower pots.


Lisette was missing and the other maids were in town looking for the culprits. Thankfully Lisette managed to return late in the afternoon, despite her poor sense of direction.

We started cleaning up the broken furniture. Took us until evening to finish most of it.


Mirabel was terrified of this turn of events, and on very short notice I had to apologize to everybody who wanted to come.


When Mr Renatus started opening the premier store that night, I showed him the mean note the vandal left behind. He suggested I hold on to it as evidence.

I'm not sure who would do such a nasty thing to the Anchorage, even if they don't like the Frontier Herald.

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Posts: 133
Character: Viola Wandren

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Post by TheOriginalFive » June 1st, 2021, 1:02 am


I... I've failed. Everyone in Teneborough's Assembly and township, save one. If only I hadn't been so foolishly hopeful, to think we could resolve the mess Jakell and Flynn got themselves in without bloodshed.

It was true what Khalkeus said of the Legion entirely, then.

To think the last thing I said to Khalkeus was so perfectly mundane, just about the town festival and the new tenants, not even knowing I'd never see him, Tyr, or Kole again, much less the rest of garrison.

I didn't even get to meet Khalkeus for the last time that evening, for when I rushed there, a burned skeleton was all that was left of him.

Everything that led to this was a lot longer than just a week ago. The paper, the ensuing arguments I never saw. And when the people needed me I wasn't there. All because I'd followed Erilian's advice to make myself scarce.

I don't know if they will ever forgive me for shirking my duty. But I have to step up. I can't keep leaving things for others to do on my behalf.

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Posts: 133
Character: Viola Wandren

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Post by TheOriginalFive » June 2nd, 2021, 8:36 pm


I couldn’t just up and leave Tenebrough despite what happened. Even though Galryth was the only one left of the Assembly, I ran it according to what it ought to have been. Then guests came to offer their condolences.

For their sake, I tried to be stronger. But I fell apart by the end. How could I rebuild it alone when there’s no one to turn to soon?

The next day I went to Josephine’s funeral. They sent her away on a burning boat. Ramona offered to give service to Teneborough’s dead too, I just have to say the word.

I wish I was dead. I wouldn’t have to worry about all this then.

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Posts: 133
Character: Viola Wandren

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Post by TheOriginalFive » June 5th, 2021, 3:18 am


The good doctor said I should spend a stint by the seaside to recover my spirits after what happened. Said I should start writing what I dreamed of too and how I feel during this treatment. If only I was dying of consumption.

Last night, I dreamt that the Assembly was all hale and hearty, with people from all over the Province crowded in like sardines. We were laughing and joking about an avalanche of keyrings before a fire broke out.

In the chaos, I managed to climb out of the window, get some water from the river, but no matter what I did, the fire wouldn't die down. It got bigger the more I tried to put it out. I shouted for everyone to make sure they weren't in there.

I saw the Assembly and everyone else waving their hands on fire. Only the Silvercrests managed to jump out and run away, they didn’t even look back. Then I woke up.

I've sinned. Because of it, Teneborough is gone. I don't deserve to carry on their dreams, much less mine.

They've all become ashes. Even Erilian. So this is what the Bannermen meant when he was sleeping.

Thought I’d make a fool of myself saying the wrong thing again, but my silence led to their deaths.

Daughter? Hawker? Faithful? Apprentice? None of those! I've been to the Thrones.

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Posts: 133
Character: Viola Wandren

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Post by TheOriginalFive » June 8th, 2021, 8:03 pm


Before I left Teneborough for good, I said my farewells to Galryth. He had something in mind for his swan song, but said it would be safer for me to be far away from there.

I hugged him and begged him to tell the others I’m sorry, wherever he’s going. Then I left for the Fort.

The seaside chalet that was leased to me was quite pleasant, especially after I tidied it up. If things had gone differently, the others would’ve loved postcards. But how do I send them now?

I dreamt again last night.

We were in the clearing where the Sindelar Institute used to be. I was so excited to start learning how to help others with first aid. I spoke out of turn, having mistaken their request to vote.

Erilian was waiting by the old well to tell me something. He started criticizing me all over again for something even worse than speaking out of turn. Said I was obsolete. Neither the Institute nor the Assembly needed me.

He then tried to offer me a drink that smelled oddly of bitter almonds. I refused. He drank it and collapsed.

I woke up.

The Province doesn’t need me at all.

They don’t want me either.

I’m a blight to everyone in the Fort.

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Posts: 133
Character: Viola Wandren

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Post by TheOriginalFive » June 12th, 2021, 8:48 am


I took up Ramona’s offer to have a memorial for the people killed during that Sunday. So I rode to Teneborough again, much to Galryth’s surprise.

I knew he had taken to the bottle, but he was a mess when I saw him. Ramona gave him something to really wake him up.

The good doctor showed up too.

I’ve kept the dreams to myself so far, I couldn’t afford to crack all over again. But seeing the kindness shown despite our arrangements lacking compared to the Parish…

Galryth talked about Khalkeus, everything he said, it was almost as if he was back again and acting like a brother to me. That Khalkeus would die fighting for this town, for us.

I couldn’t bear to tell Galryth, Ramona, or the doctor that I saw Khalkeus in my dreams the night before. Though I said that nobody will ever vouch for Teneborough again, we’re cowards, craven, sneaks, and absolute failures of settlers...

So my dream was...

I was telling Khalkeus off for bugging everyone to buy the Frontier Herald. He turned around, but instead of telling me off in turn for not being an annoying salesman, he showed me his burned face.

He started asking why I didn't turn up to that confrontation, when I had been attending every assembly meeting thus far. I told him Erilian asked me to keep a safe distance, before Khalkeus, still charred, told me off for being foolish.

He said that if I was there, I probably could’ve convinced everyone else not to get into a fight.

Maybe he was right. Maybe if I’d seen what went on I’d be able to vouch for Teneborough.

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Posts: 133
Character: Viola Wandren

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Post by TheOriginalFive » June 15th, 2021, 8:47 am


Although I had attended Josephine’s memorial, I wouldn’t admit that I was particularly pleased to see them. Not even their friend Mote, especially when she told me another view on the Highfield arson last week.

It was only after talking to Ramona during the Teneborough service that I realized Mote wasn't talking nonsense after all. They both claimed that the Highfielders were running away from Jakell because he had gone mad with power.

Then Ramona said the First Torians had helped Jakell build Highfield in the first place. But Flynn claimed the First Torians were walking all over them; and that everyone in Highfield had agreed to blow the town up.

Is it a case of biting the hand that feeds or something I will never quite know?

The latest dream I had was quite muddled.

Instead of being polite to Mote and the remaining de Ravins in the Fort, I had shouted at them for slaughtering the people of Teneborough.

They started calling me names and wishing I had died too, then chased me down the street like the time Josephine and Khalkeus had chased after Sadoul.

I must control my temper. It won’t do to incite another incident of bloodshed.

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