Malformed Powerword Bug

For issues concerning magic, spells or enchanting.
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Posts: 68
Character: Fiat Tenebrae

Malformed Powerword Bug

Post by Atreyo » February 5th, 2023, 4:43 am

I suspected there was something off going on with powerwords ever since grinding them didn't always yield the expected reagents, and I finally figured out why: reasonably often, when successfully identifying a powerword, the inscription on the powerword won't change to the expected symbol, retaining the default symbol they all show prior to identification:

Powerword Capture.png
Powerword Capture.png (180.38 KiB) Viewed 2321 times

In the example above with the Magus powerword, the malformed one only gives infusion when put in the trash compactor, while the perfect one will also yield the associated reagent. I believe a character can still learn the powerword from these bugged powerwords (although I wonder if the problem I have with researching spells with the Dolor powerword is somehow connected with this issue).

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Posts: 68
Character: Fiat Tenebrae

Re: Malformed Powerword Bug

Post by Atreyo » February 6th, 2023, 5:09 am

I just realized if you double-cllick the malformed powerword even though it's already "identified" (i.e. it shows the powerword's name but the symbol doesn't change), it'll indeed become a proper powerword. Tulip did say something like this in Discord a while ago, but back then I didn't understand what they said, so credit goes to them on this one.

For all intents and purposes, since we have a way to circumvent this odd behavior, I believe we can consider this matter with a very low refactoring priority, if not downright solved for the time being.

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