Miners of the province, take heed!

An in-character forum dedicated to the buying, selling and trading of goods and services of all kind within Absolution.
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Posts: 22
Character: Magnus Empyrean

Miners of the province, take heed!

Post by drowking » November 7th, 2023, 10:27 pm

Notes are pinned around Fort Praesidium craft hall.
Miners of the province, take heed!

I am seeking a skilled miner or mining company for a day's job: clear the path of a particular cave-in.

The entrance to the cavern in question is in the Spectral Camp; dangerous territory. But if need be, I can provide protection for the worker or workers. It is a small, practically hidden hole that leads to the vastness of the underground cavernous complex. A good reference may be the fact the hole leads to the lair of a Decus-damned Nightclaw; despicable things.

The cave-in is on the other end of the lair, where it connects to the tunnel that leads to those pallid eyeless monstrosities. A clear path to their burrow is what I require, for the beasts provide not only good training, but also leather to no end.

Depending on how this humble project goes, I might be interested in hiring the same parties involved for a second one: clear the path from the other side, the entrance from the Forgotten Glade. A much more extensive cave-in, spanning several tunnels.

Please, if you are interested, seek me in Fort Praesidium, or leave a note below with your name and a location, and I'll find you. Payment will be discussed in person.

With that, I remain.

Magnus Empyrean

Papa Virgle
Posts: 77
Character: Virgle Jack

Re: Miners of the province, take heed!

Post by Papa Virgle » November 8th, 2023, 4:38 pm

The post tacked up in the craft hall has a line hastily scrawled at the bottom.
“ Dig at the cairns at your own peril. Archeologists, years ago, disturbed an Ill Blood there, a daemon.”

Posts: 22
Character: Magnus Empyrean

Re: Miners of the province, take heed!

Post by drowking » November 8th, 2023, 7:13 pm

After an unknown, mysterious miner cleared the tunnel, Magnus went to remove the posters and spotted the one with the line written. The warrior quirks a brow. He discarded all the posters, but kept that one, neatly folded, in a pocket. He knew nothing about that, but it certainly caught his curiosity.

"Whoever cleared the tunnel, thanks for the effort", he thought to himself. "Whoever wrote this line, thanks for the warning".

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