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returning character app

Posted: November 25th, 2023, 6:37 pm
by Papa Virgle
Private application by Papa Virgle for JACKSON VOLPE
Sent: November 8th, 2018, 4:38 am
From: Papa Virgle
Recipient: Rex

Returning Beta Player Application

Private Application

Do you have any prior experience with Requiem? If so, please detail when and what characters you previously played:I have Played this Charater Jakson Volpe and VirgleJack
Do you have any prior experience with Requiem? If so, please detail when and what characters you previously played:
I played the Beta of This Act V. I played this Character and Virgle Jack

Briefly summarize your prior role-playing experience:
I have been playing UO on RP shards or RP guilds on non-rp shards since 2005ish. Shadowcove was my first RP Shard. I have played Tieravon, Khaeros,Darkage and a few others.
Why do you wish to play on Requiem, and what do you expect from the shard?
Requiem offers a fantastic immersive experience. I expect excellent RPZ and a fantastic story to be crafted by all involved.
What will your character’s name be?:
Jackson Volpe
Please briefly describe the physical attributes of your character, including age, looks, height, weight and notable features:
Jackson Volpe is in his mid to late twenties. Dark complexion, long dark brown hair and beard. Stands 6 feet tall and weighs 200 pounds.
Briefly state your character’s intentions for entering the First Province:
Jackson Volpe is alone in the world haunted by the screams of his village being consumed by the Tormented as he slipped away into the night. He is haunted at the memory of joining in with the Cannibal Clan and the memory of killing butchering,cooking and eating people. He is a man moving along hiding among others just surviving ...not afraid of death but in no hurry to die. The province is a place he can survive and maybe thrive in carving a spot for himself from the chaos. Jackson is not a sadist who takes pleasure in the pain of another but he is a sociopath in that there is no limit on what he would do to anyone to make his comfort more secure. He believes the province is the best place in Eden for him to have free reign to secure his comfort without to much oversight from the Church and Government.

Briefly provide the pertinent details of your character’s history:
Jackson Volpe was raised and nurtured by his Father and Mother who selflessly gave all of themselves to invest in his success in life he was taught everything they knew about the coallation herbal medicine his Mother practiced and the smithy/tinkering and shamanic work of his father. Jackson Volpe is alone in the world. He came from the western provinces and lost everyone he knew when his Coallation village was overrun by the Tormented. He does not know who if any survived that night only that surely he will never see them again. After stealthily slipping away from the horrible sounds of the village being consumed he wandered about doing what he could or had to, to survive …. he used his knowledge of western herbal-ism to doctor on those who were in need and willing. He fell in with camps of survivors now and again making his way “Doctoring” and repairing camp items and designing and building camp items like water purifiers food dehydrators and thermosiphon water heater hot showers whenever the camps held together long enough to allow such things.
Jackson Volpe has done some awfully bad things that haunt him …. when a camp he was in fell to cannibals he fell in among them and for a time haunted about Fort Prausedium to scout it out for the cannibal Clan but is all alone in the world since the fall of that Clan.
Briefly write an in-character response to the following scenario:

*he produces a water damaged blood stained partial letter of recommendation signed by a Priest while tapping a bag of silver coin with his left hand ever so slightly*
My journey has been difficult and fraught with hardship Doctoring and my Priests letter of recommendation shows it in the wear. It is my strong desire to give back to The Church a small portion of the blessing that has been bestowed upon me when I was delivered from the wretched pagan lands. I have been trained in the Herbal Apothecaries and design and tinkering of fine works …... I have no place to call home so wish to devote the remainder of my life to serving the Church and Republic in the quest to rid Eden of the Torments. Weather I live or die it is in Decus's hands.
*he waits on the officiants response to see if he needs to slip him the bag of silver or not*

Re: returning character app

Posted: November 25th, 2023, 6:50 pm
by Coty
Congratulations, adventurer! Your application is...


Please ensure that your character name is spelled correctly upon exiting the Songmaker's chambers. A GM will approve your character at their earliest convenience.

Welcome to Requiem!