Portal knowledge and knowlege to portal

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Papa Virgle
Posts: 77
Character: Virgle Jack

Portal knowledge and knowlege to portal

Post by Papa Virgle » December 6th, 2023, 7:33 pm

The hooded man stood at the arch in the shadow of valley walls, remembering a night long ago. The Arch was whole and empowered by the ley line that ran through this valley .... the energy barrier had been broken twice that the man knew of ...both times through supernatural means. Once a daemon had cracked it and more recently the Ashwalkers also had disabled it for a time. In each of these cases the arch had been repaired then ritually activated to use the ley line to empower the barrier. The man was meditating upon the design and operation of the Arch attempting to learn the secrets of its design and operation, particularly the channeling of energy from the ley line. The man summoned a staff, "Gran Lass lends me yer staff".
The Hooded man walked a grid pattern throughout the valley using the staff to sense the location of the ley line and the flow of energy to the Arch and the tower. Serendipitously the rune circle near the tower also felt empowered by the ley line. He followed the steps to the top of the tower, there following the flow of power to the arch and portal totem. He sat and studied the Arch and the Totem deep in meditation attempting to be one with the balance feeling connected to everything he could see and hear, studying the crafting of the physical aspects of the apparatus and the flow of the energy through them. Remembering the Consortium of Redholme had once come through this very arch traveling a long distance in that instance, he wondered if the secrets could be discerned. As the sun was soon to rise he concluded his night of study and made notes of his impressions after the night of study and meditation, then slunk out of the valley as the shadows of dawn stretched accross the grasslands outside the valley. There were other places and things to study and some friends had recovered a tome that was yet to be deciphered, hopefully it was still safe in their possession.

Posts: 38
Character: A concealed figure

Re: Portal knowledge and knowlege to portal

Post by AConcealedFigure » December 7th, 2023, 4:35 pm

As the first light of dawn began to stretch its fingers across the grasslands, I found myself cloaked not only in my hood but in a shroud of solemn contemplation. The secrets of the Arch and the ley line, though intriguing, were whispers from a path I once eagerly pursued but now must abandon. My journey as a scholar, once alight with arcane mysteries and eldritch knowledge, was now veering onto a different path - a path defined not by spells and incantations, but by the weight of resolve and the quiet strength of a more grounded destiny.

My steps, silent and measured, led me to the ancient tower, a sanctuary built by the Consortium, a bastion for mages like myself who dared to defy the norms, who were hunted for our gifts. This tower, with its veiled histories and forgotten tales, had been a refuge, a place of learning. But now, it was to become a vault of my relinquished ambitions.

In the quietude of my chamber, I gazed upon the myriad of study materials I had amassed - scrolls imbued with arcane wisdom, tomes brimming with forbidden spells, and manuscripts that whispered secrets of the old magic. Each of them had been a companion in my journey, a mentor in my solitude. Yet, as my path diverged, these relics of my former life seemed like echoes of a dream I was waking from.

With a heart heavy yet resolute, I opened an old, ornate cabinet - its wood scarred with the passing of time and its lock infused with a simple enchantment for safekeeping. Here, I decided to leave my collection, a legacy for another mage, perhaps more ambitious, more suited to harness the depths of these arcane arts.

As I placed each item within the cabinet, my mind wandered through the corridors of my past, a past drenched in tragedy yet upheld by honor. Each scroll, each tome carried memories - of battles fought, of knowledge gained, and of losses endured. My voice, though seldom raised, carried the weight of these memories, a constant reminder of the path I had walked, the sacrifices made, the lives changed.

Closing the cabinet, I cast a final spell - not of binding or sealing, but of guidance. A spell that would gently whisper to the right soul, guiding them to this treasure trove of knowledge when they were ready, when the world needed them.

With the first rays of the sun casting long shadows in my chamber, I donned my weapon - an extension of my will, a symbol of my new journey. The path of the scholar was no longer mine to walk.

As I stepped out of the tower, the valley below me was waking up to a new day. The ley line, the Arch, the tower – they remained as sentinels of a path I once tread. My journey ahead was uncertain, fraught with challenges and battles of a different kind. But I was ready, for in my heart, the flame of honor burned as brightly as ever, guiding me through the darkest of nights and the most treacherous of battles...
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Papa Virgle
Posts: 77
Character: Virgle Jack

Re: Portal knowledge and knowlege to portal

Post by Papa Virgle » December 9th, 2023, 12:40 pm

The man now had a plan forming in his mind. He visited a few Sages to discuss the knowledge gained concerning their own investigations into the portals. One of the leading scholars, who had worked alone, went missing and was assumed dead. The man rummaged through the belongings left behind studying for any clue about the progress on the portals, he did find a solid lead there, one that was suspected from previous conversations ... The trail to the portal knowledge would likely lead through the Ashwalkers. It seemed clearer that the Ashwalkers possessed expertise on the subject and also a vested interest in limiting some other entity from following them here to the province through the use of portals.
With Divining rod in hand the man trod the criss crossing grid pattern about the province particularly near the towers he suspected to be built upon ley lines. The theory proved to be correct. Ley lines also ran through some of the places where more some of the more dangerous supernatural entities dwelt, a thing he had not considered but tucked away in his notes for future investigation. Having sketched a map with the ley lines in his notes the man rested. Tomorrow the work will continue.
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