Ellie Andrews Character Application

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Character: Ellie Andrews

Ellie Andrews Character Application

Post by Scarlet » December 2nd, 2018, 11:25 pm

Returning Beta Player Application

Do you have any prior experience with Requiem?
I have extensive experience with Requiem starting with Ancora (Widow's Port) though beta, to still playing at this time.

Briefly summarize your prior role-playing experience in a sentence or two:
Catskills OSI, Khaeros, Darkfall, and Requiem.

Why do you wish to play on Requiem, and what do you expect from the shard?
I wish to play on Requiem because I love the story and the RP. I expect to die horribly, and have fun doing it.

What will your character’s name be?
Ellie Andrews

Please briefly describe the physical attributes of your character, including age, looks, height, weight and any notable features:
Ellie could be considered to be a very pleasing woman to look at if not for her cold, or withdrawn demeanor. Perhaps for some that makes her even more alluring, depending on taste. Though her looks might not make a man's heart stop in his chest at the sight of her, his gaze might linger a moment longer than it might otherwise. Her hair is a deep, sun-kissed brunette that flows in a rippling waterfall past her shoulders, though she usually keeps it bound up. Her eyes are a warm amber-green within a sun-warmed face for one that chances to glance it. Her lips are full and pleasant, though worry lines show at the corners of her eyes.

Briefly state your character’s intentions or motivations for entering the First Province:
Ellie seeks to find out if her parents and aunt survived the fall of Tor, and if they still walk among the ruins, to set their bodies to permanent rest.

Briefly provide a pertinent detail or notable quality of your character’s history (this does not have to be exhaustive nor revealing of any information you wish to keep secret):
There are those that have asked me about my past. It is not something I truly even feel connected to at this point. There is a feeling of surrealism whenever I even think about it. With who I am now, what I have become: I am far different than what I used to be. My parents would likely not even see their daughter, if we stood face to face. That is an impossibility at this point, with the fall of Tor. I am more than I was. I feel as though I have accomplished something, where before there was only emptiness whenever I thought about my past, as well as my plans for the future.
I look back on my younger self and I cannot help but shake my head at that poor, nieve fool. She knew nothing, and I still have no idea how she survived those first months alone. It is no wonder I have always been prone to find danger and trouble laid before me like rotten, overripe bodies sweltering in the summer heat of a battlefield. My parents did what they could for me, but I still have not changed my opinion that their way of raising me was not in my favor. It brings me a vague sense of sorrow, knowing that I will never again see them. They were no longer a part of my life the moment I left those years ago, and yet, I do still owe them something of myself, if the opportunity presents itself.
Memory...It is both a blessing and a curse. I found wonder in my wanderings; yes I found wonder! More often than that, however, I found agony too painful to bear. Even now I cannot face memory without feeling emotionally torn apart. The scars I bear still bring me pain: a constant reminder of everything I lost. My innocent youth...My simple joy...My best friend... They were all taken away from me, and for that I can never forgive.
I cannot.
Rumor pulls me to the First Province; rumor of everything happening there. It is all that I have, and if there is even the smallest chance...I must seek there.

Briefly write an in-character response to the following scenario:
Ellie kept her eyes down as she shuffled forward in the long line of miscreants and fortune seekers. No doubt they had no idea what they were getting themselves into, but it was their foolish choice to make, just as it had been hers to leave Tor in search of her own path. Perhaps one or two of those around her would struggle their way to survival, but she did not have high hopes for many that she saw. as she approached the front of the line, a couple sentences of conversation wafted through the air as someone lied through their teeth, and was turned away for it. The man in front of her, just as believable, flashed a coin, and was passed through for his efforts, much to Ellie's disgust. She did not was words on the crooked guard, as she showed him her papers.

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Aeolian Staff
Posts: 119

Re: Ellie Andrews Character Application

Post by maldonado » December 3rd, 2018, 12:34 am


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