Skill Name


Skill Category


Description of Skill

The Swords skill determines the overall damage dealt to targets when using a Swords weapon in combat. Swords skill also determines what Swords related special weapon moves you may acquire and use in combat. Utilizing a weapon belonging to this Skill class without appropriate skill (under 70%) will result in a damage debuff. Weapon Skill Damage Modifier % = ((Weapon Skill * 0.75)-50), add an additional 5.0% bonus if Weapon Skill >=100%.

Animus Costs

This skill can be raised 1% at a time for a cost of 2 Animus. A total investment of 200 Animus points will raise this skill to a 100% skill value.

Purchasable Skill Abilities

Swords Grandmastery

Deadly Swords I

Deadly Swords II

Deadly Swords III

Swords Focus I

Swords Focus II

Swords Focus III

Bleed Attack

Mortal Strike

Paralyzing Blow