The Legacy of Salazar de Velle

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Posts: 20
Character: Salazar de Velle

The Legacy of Salazar de Velle

Post by wojto » July 3rd, 2021, 8:44 am

One. Two. Three. Motherfucker. Next time yer gonna pay, richy boy, ey? I did couple more hits right into his face. I think I crossed the line, I did for sure. Otto stopped me. He’s been always a good guy, well better one for sure. Auntie's Victoria only son, like a brother to me.

The guards went all over tha place, it was fuckin’ mess. That fuckin’ whipster I’ve beaten yesterday? Barely made it out alive and he was some councilman’s son. Fuck. I was Vincent’s oldest son. I was meant to take over the business in Redholme, they couldn’t get me for tha’. Otto said it was him. Years in jail, fuck me.


We couldn't leave Otto there to rot, we had to do somethin'. It was meant to go all smooth. Quick diversion, quick boom. A lot of smoke, a lot of chaos. We get in, we get out with Otto. Simple as that. But it's a fucking life, it never goes your way.

Everythin' was set up. Vee made all the calculations and man she was good at it. Never made a mistake. Never, until that day. Tic-tok, tic-tok. Few more minutes and we start it, everyone's where he's meant to be. Finally she pushes the detonator.




Holy shit... holy shit, what a mess. I passed out for a minute. A minute or more? I didn't have time for tha', we're screwed. Otto went out of all that ash, screamin' and laughin', fuckin' madman. What's wrong with ma eye? What would be fuckin' wrong? Let's get the hel outta 'ere.

We always hid in that alley when somethin' went wrong and today everythin' went wrong. What do we do, huh? We knew, we fucked up. We had to leave the city, we had to leave Redholme.

Posts: 20
Character: Salazar de Velle

Re: The Legacy of Salazar de Velle

Post by wojto » July 3rd, 2021, 9:20 am

I’ve heard about the Quarantine Zone. Looked like a fine refuge. Damn that Pass... never seen so many people in such a small area. It smelled like shit there, but so did we after days of walkin'.

We finally arrived at Fort. I thought Redholme looked like a shithole in some places? Fuck I was wrong. There were poor people everywhere in the streets. Beggars, drunks, junkies. It was even worse in Old District, what a place... Then I saw it, as usual. Big fucking church, villas for high officials. Makes me sick.

So what do we do? We start over? Running an Inn, ey? Something we know best. Fistfights, dogfights, alcohol and shit... aight.


It wasn’t goin’ bad. Couple of people comin’ by... tha Barn was gettin’ pretty popular. Soon there was time to turn into some less legal business. But.... what is all that for, huh? I felt like somethin’ was missin’, way back there in Redholme. What’s all tha’ money for, ey? Gettin’ scraps from those wealthy fuckers and yet they would never see us equal.

All those people out there in the streets. It was horrible. Starvin’, dyin’ and so called decusians were prayin’ in their big sanctuaries to their saints. I don’t think there are saints here anymore. I think they are all long gone... and those... oppressors only take the advantage from fear and misery spread among simple folk because of the Torment.

Posts: 20
Character: Salazar de Velle

Re: The Legacy of Salazar de Velle

Post by wojto » July 3rd, 2021, 9:35 am

I met her before the performance. One of those Circus girls. She was pretty, but that wasn’t what caught my eye. I liked her straight away, I really did. Hours of talks, hours of walkin’ around. Is that love? She told me 'bout it all. Her whole family burnt in their own house by a templars. She barely escaped it with her sister. Fuckin’ beasts.

How much more pyres will be lightened with innocents before the People stand up against that terror? To lid up a fire, you only need a single spark. So we did lid it. Saw templars there for quite a while. Their encampment? They were careless there, good place to start.


We came out of nowhere. In the night and mist, we attacked. That was quick, they wasn’t prepared. We started to lid up a pyre and throw the bodies there, living or not. Let them taste their own medicine. What are those screams? Medics? Here? Fuckin’ hel... not the best start. Run, you fools, you are free to go.


I needed a break. We acted too harshly... We cannot let that happen again. It cannot be like tha’. Then I’ve heard ‘bout it... First Highfield. Burned to the ashes. Then Teneborough, slaughtered by the Legion. That was too much.

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