Tough Scribble

A general forum for all in-character posts as they relate to Act VI: Absolution, the characters that inhabit the world at large, and the events that help shape both.
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Posts: 90
Character: Matteo Ponz (deceased)

Tough Scribble

Post by Nedoral » May 12th, 2022, 10:44 pm

At the Frontier Herald's office:

"Yes?", said a young assistant, raising her gaze from her work to meet Matteo's.

"Howdy. Got this to put to 'em papers", he said, handing her a somewhat creased piece of parchment. She unfolded it and then blinked a few times when her eyes landed on those lines.



"Are you submitting this for publishing?"


"And, uhm...would you like me to improve it?"

"Whatcha mean?", he asked with a sullen expression.

"Well, we could use bet-, er, more appropriate words. For instance, this-"

"Ya use this as is, lassie!", he yelled, slapping the due silver coins so hard onto her desk they dented it. "And 'ave a nice one!"

The frozen assistant watched helplessly as Matteo stormed off the office, punishing the gravel hard with heavy steps of his battered sandals.

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