Farmable plants eaten by Wildlife in Faction Claims dont despawn

Resolved, closed or solved reported bugs.
Posts: 81
Character: Tacitus Etiam

Farmable plants eaten by Wildlife in Faction Claims dont despawn

Post by Domitian » May 15th, 2021, 12:56 pm

Title basically ... my fields are cluttered with plants I cannot remove because the wildlife ate them. There is no UI gump with double click and using a shovel gives the "you cannot dig here" error.

The two corn and the cotton in the screenshot cannot be removed and will not despawn naturally like wild plants that have been eaten since they are in the Faction claim:

Related - viewtopic.php?f=47&t=2165&p=5020#p5020 - some plants are plantable and tendable (ie you can finish growing them), but not harvestable at the skill required to grow them. This also causes things in the fields that cannot be removed.

Aeolian Staff
Posts: 252

Re: Farmable plants eaten by Wildlife in Faction Claims dont despawn

Post by Rex » May 11th, 2022, 4:18 pm

Coded a fix for this an a system message explaining how to remove it.
