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How to Record Req in OBS

Posted: August 8th, 2022, 7:39 pm
by TheOriginalFive
I've recorded playthroughs of Requiem for a while now, and would like to share a basic method of recording your game screen cleanly. If you're not sure how to set up a scene, think of it as a folder for video/audio input in OBS.

Your OBS screen should ideally look something like this. I set OBS source to Window Capture and "Window title must match" because I'm recording 2 different characters and some games may not register in Game Capture as a source.

Add a crop/pad filter if your game screen doesn't take up the entire window. Exact amounts to crop may vary.

If you don't, you get a slightly jarring letterbox effect.

I used this guide to separate audio so that desktop noises don't get into the recording. The plugin is win-capture-audio for OBS, again.

PS: Animated avatars aren't mandatory, nor webcams. Animated avatars are another subject in itself.