Application: Slaking-Crow

Forum used for archiving approved character applications.
Some Guy on Requiem
Posts: 30
Character: Milton Fields

Application: Slaking-Crow

Post by Some Guy on Requiem » August 31st, 2021, 10:36 pm

Do you have any prior experience with Requiem? If so, please detail when (and what characters, if desired) you previously played:
Yup. Got a character on the go already and was eager to get started on numero dos.

Briefly summarize your prior role-playing experience in a sentence or two:
A little of this and that here and there. Enough to get me in the door the first time, and they haven't kicked me out yet!

Why do you wish to play on Requiem, and what do you expect from the shard?
It's been great so far. Honestly just looking for more of the same.

What will your character’s name be?:

Please briefly describe the physical attributes of your character, including age, looks, height, weight and any notable features:
An ancient woman, as wiry as boiled owl. Back unbowed by the burden of her years and a hard edge still housed within her ever-present glower. Cauled by cinereal strands of beaded hair and swathed in the russet hues of a Murandeshi. Upon her, wrinkles crease decades of esoteric tattoos.

Briefly state your character’s intentions or motivations for entering the First Province:
The long and perilous exodus which has carried her so far from her distant homeland is one of spiritual pilgrimage. Beset by strange dreams of herself--not wholly herself--and the death which awaits her.

Briefly provide a pertinent detail or notable quality of your character’s history (this does not have to be exhaustive nor revealing of any information you wish to keep secret):
Born into a stratum of pariah-folk to whom proper names were denied, 'Slaking-Crow' chooses to trade in descriptors and epithets when brought to conversation.

Briefly write an in-character response to the following scenario:
Slaking-Crow approached the final obstacle between herself and the vast foreboding lands which had called out to her a world away. This thing of flesh and blood and bone that thought to hide its frailties beneath a raiment of meaningless titles and empty hubris. His dismissal had not reached her, could not hope to cross the gulf of experience and preparation separating them as though a vast chasm.

The officiant knew nothing of the woman that came to stand before him, unhurried, unspeaking and unphased. But of him, she'd learned much. Enough at least, that she'd brought an answer for the question he'd only now brandished. 'Why should he deign to let her pass?'

It was answered without a word. Her hand, wrought thin in the span of many summers, passing to him not the unearned lucre to which he'd grown accustomed. Left instead to stare down at a single, stomach-sinkingly familiar lock of flaxen hair and the bright blue ribbon he himself had tethered to it in the small, tender moments that preceded his current post. A threat was there too. No less attached to the hair he held in his hands. That selfsame harm would find the object of his affections were it visited here and now to the cruel pilgrim within his reach.

He'd lost. Far and away in that bygone instant he'd let himself love: for giving your heart to another leaves it naked to all manner of wicked, unseen blades.

Aeolian Staff
Posts: 660
Character: Swaglord420

Re: Application: Slaking-Crow

Post by Coty » September 2nd, 2021, 8:06 pm

Congratulations, adventurer! Your application is...


Please ensure that your character name is spelled correctly upon exiting the Songmaker's chambers. A GM will approve your character at their earliest convenience.

Welcome to Requiem!
