Ranged Attacks/Polearms Pulling Enemies

For issues concerning melee or ranged combat (non-magic).
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Posts: 165
Character: Elsea Hunter

Ranged Attacks/Polearms Pulling Enemies

Post by Meowakin » April 19th, 2021, 12:23 am

Now, I believe this has been noted multiple times in Discord and I may have reported it as a bug in-game, but I haven't seen any mention of it from staff, so I'm opening this here.

When you hit an enemy with a ranged (or polearm), they will 'lurch' towards you one tile. For archers, this means you need to run a little faster, but for polearms this means that you *will* take an attack back every time you hit an enemy. Is this intentional?

I can easily record this happening if you like, it's incredibly consistent. Most obvious when an enemy is fighting another target and you hit them, but even solo you can see it in action when kiting enemies. Also fairly apparent when using Crippling Shot (which pins an NPC in place for 3 seconds) - an enemy will always move one tile closer after being hit by the Crippling Shot.

Posts: 88
Character: Mektor

Re: Ranged Attacks/Polearms Pulling Enemies

Post by Mektor » April 19th, 2021, 10:56 am

Agreed. It makes polearms useless in PVM Solo. Haven't tried them in PVP.

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