Firearms Bugs

For issues concerning melee or ranged combat (non-magic).
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Posts: 165
Character: Elsea Hunter

Firearms Bugs

Post by Meowakin » May 14th, 2021, 6:26 pm

Couple of minor bugs I've noticed so far:

BACKFIRE: Your Musket explodes loudly, backfiring!

Scary, what with everything going on. Missing element? Being on fire doesn't actually do any damage to you, it's all up front. There's also nothing preventing you from instantly un-jamming a firearm mid-combat (which I don't mind? Still requires being prepared!)

Incendiary Shot (the reason I can backfire!): It looks like it's possible to have multiple embers in one tile on rare-ish occasion, causing the damage to stack very well. I suspect it's not intentional.

The on-fire state also counts as you attacking the enemy anew it seems like, which is awkward if you want to hold off on the next shot (to see if the target burns to death). There also seems to be some weirdness with breaking hiding for a bit after using Incendiary Shot.

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