Alexander Tremblay Application

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Character: Lex

Alexander Tremblay Application

Post by Zesty » November 26th, 2018, 6:39 pm

Do you have any prior experience with Requiem? If so, please detail when and what characters you previously played :

I've played many characters on Requiem since its original inception, but most recently, was Alexander Tremblay.

Briefly summarize your prior role-playing experience :

I played Alexander for an 11-month stretch where I joined the 901st as an Postulant, and later went from Aspirant to Templar; unfortunately, with Jayce killing off his character, I scaled back my playtime quite a bit. I returned for the latest iteration of Requiem, but was discouraged when my character as a Templar was mostly laughed at and everyone ran around with a "mage friend". I'm hoping things will be different for this attempt.

Why do you wish to play on Requiem, and what do you expect from the shard?

I have always loved Requiem and the “horror experience” that is trying to be achieved. I am excited to see how things are being played out in the current version.

What will your character’s name be? :

Alexander Tremblay

Please briefly describe the physical attributes of your character, including age, looks, height, weight and notable features :

Six feet in height with a sleek, athletic build. Green eyes are surrounded by an almost comedic helmet visor tan. He moves with a slight swagger that he has been striving to break and is often seen with a bow slung over his shoulder.

Briefly state your character’s intentions for entering the First Province :

His experience in Ancora has been the entirety of his Templar training, and even having accomplished his goal, as well as helped form the first Apothecary Corps of Widow’s Port, he felt like he lost something in himself when he was forcefully returned to Tor in the wake of Ancora being labelled a heretics haven. His premature departure, 11-years ago, left his Sister and two brothers behind in Ancora, something he has long regretted during his time in Tor and Redholme.

With his displacement from Tor in 1341, following the Three Hour War, he never quite felt at home in Redholme. Perhaps it was the guidance of Archbishop Landcaster or maybe just the longing to feel free again.

Now with the death of Prelate Ashton as well as Arch Bishop Naum still unanswered, Alexander used this as an excuse to leave Redholme and head to the First Province; claiming he was planning to return with information on the heretical actions there. Ultimately, his goal was to see if any of his family members had made it to the First Province and perhaps find some solace in knowing what transpired after leaving Ancora. This turned out to be a mistake.

Upon arriving in the First Province, he found people openly practice magic without enforcement and when he struck out against these "casters" he was ostracized due to the lack of support from the Church in this region and how complacent people had become. To survive over the coming year, he had to adapt and unfortunately, that meant he had to accept some of these heretics being around him at times. Alexnader was now a Templar and although he did not have the same backing as before, he still worked for the betterment of the Church.

Briefly provide the pertinent details of your character’s history :

At the age of 19, Alexander came to Widow’s Port, seeking an opportunity to truly shine within the Republic and Church, something he felt was impossible until the End of the World became a reality. Shortly after arriving, his Sister and two brothers joined him, but they were not so savvy on the Church and found their own stations within Black’s band of spies.

Although Alexander had thought his fit might be within the clergy as an Inquisitor, much like his idol at the time, Dealardach Rodimen, the charismatic Jayce was able to convince him to join the 901st as a Postulant under the first probationary cadet class. His bond to his fellow 901st members grew over time and so did his rank; climbing to Aspirant and finally, Templar within the Ancora Penitent and Temple of Savio over a long duration of training.

As Ancora was deemed heretics and all Church members returned to Tor, he was loathed to leave his family members and upon arrival, busied himself with work for the Church as a distraction. Time went on, his rank remaining at Templar as he worked in the name of Arch Prelate Decus.

Now he has become somewhat disenfranchised with his ambitions within the Church and the guilt of leaving his family behind has begun to gnaw at him daily.

He seeks to leave to the First Province and will be forced to keep his identity secret in the current world, as a means of survival.

Briefly write an in-character response to the following scenario

Alexander approached the officiant, “I am here by order of Archbishop Landcaster and my identity is to be held in discretion.” He holds out his visa with a stern expression, yet his eyes dart around as he begins to come to the full realization as to where he is.

After some debate with the legionnaire, Alexander began his way past the palisades and out of the docks, knowing full well that it was unlikely that he was going to return to Redholme, but if he did, he would never be the same man that arrived on the docks that day.

Aeolian Staff
Posts: 106

Re: Alexander Tremblay Application

Post by maldonado » November 27th, 2018, 6:59 pm

Congratulations, adventurer. Your application is...


Please ensure that your character name is spelled correctly upon exiting the Songmaker's chambers. A GM will approve your character at their earliest convenience.

Welcome to Requiem!

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