The Warder strengthening the burned Wood.

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Papa Virgle
Posts: 77
Character: Virgle Jack

The Warder strengthening the burned Wood.

Post by Papa Virgle » February 3rd, 2019, 8:48 pm

Virgle moved about the wilds gliding from shadow.... to brushy spot.... to the briars ….always wary..... too many times there have been unseen eyes watching and waiting.

Today he was on a mission to strengthen Tenabrae Wood ..the burned wood. The Wood had spoken and Virgle heard ...the balance was becoming cleared again. He was relieved to again hear and feel the balance as thinking his way through these things was cumbersome.

Virgle askes the doe in the grasses to move to the wood to let her skat there to strengthen the Wood.

Strengthening the foxglove.

Strengthening the flowers.

In the Garden Of the Lass strengthening the growing things.

The length and breadth of the Tenabrae Wood had been strengthened this day and would again in the days to come. It was dangerous work as there were many deadly things stalking and waiting in the Wood. Soon it would be greening again growing in strength and in life.

Papa Virgle
Posts: 77
Character: Virgle Jack

Re: The Warder strengthening the burned Wood.

Post by Papa Virgle » February 6th, 2019, 10:18 am

It was another full nights work of strengthening the balance. Before shutting his eyes to drift off to slumber the man played a happy tune of the western spring festivals, thinking over the nights work. HE reveled in FEELING the balance once again.

He had made a trip to the walled place and given strength in the form of supplies to one that would in turn strengthen other worthy ones about, ones that he could not, for they likely would not accept his hand to strengthen theirs.

The most important of the nights work was the return to Tenebrae Wood where he was pleased beyond green flash to see the Wood respond to his loving care so well. He moved about cautiously strengthening here studying there, taking note of the new growth of old things AND the growth of entirely new things. He made his way to the heart of the Wood the Garden of The Lass of the Wood. There was so much life and energy gathered … he was pleased again beyond green flash and soaked up being one with the growing flowing life and energy all about. He gave a great deal of strengthening fertilizers and energy to the garden and surrounding area. Studying and taking note of the new strength and life there.
Then he was gone, away to let the balance adjust to the added energy and strengthen from it.

Papa Virgle
Posts: 77
Character: Virgle Jack

Re: The Warder strengthening the burned Wood.

Post by Papa Virgle » February 13th, 2019, 8:58 am

Again it was a full night of tending to the balance. There was much work to be done. Virgle had gathered and foraged through the night and was just beginning to make his rounds to deliver the things that had been put in his hands for the strengthening of the balance, when she called to him. It was her no doubt, The Lady of the wood she was grateful for the Victuals he had left for her and the fertilizer he had given to the wood itself, but she hungered still. Her words were brief and there was only her sweet giggly voice, perhaps she was still tired and gathering strength ...though the wood was greening it was still tender and a fraction of what it had been.
Virgle headed to his first regular stop gathering the victuals along the way for the Lass of the Wood, and the Tenabrae Wood itself. He bundled the Vegetables and ribs in a makeshift hide wrapping and the fertilizer in another. He made his way to his first stop to strengthen the balance and hid supplies where they would be found, lightening his load significantly. Now he headed back to the Wood and gathered all he could carry.

Reaching the Wood proper by daybreak he cached the hide of fertilizers then set about the caverns to seek the Lass playing on his flute and alternately calling out in his natal tongue. There was no answer so he paused to feel the balance to know the way. He made his way to a central point in the caverns and left the food, again calling out for the Lass to be well and eat. He then made his way to the Blocked caverns and repeated his work.
Then off to the garden he went toting his hide of fertilizers. The tree, the brambles and a visage of the lass were there and he watched and waited from hiding ...spoke and come out of the bushed he ALMOST did. BUT almost … there was something wrong …. the visage of the Lass was different and he thought she wold not recognize him as a friend so he simply left the victuals for the growing things in the Garden and his own victuals near the visage of the Lass of the Wood but she payed no heed and he left to ponder the meaning of it..... as he gathered fertilizer and strengthened the rest of the wood even that of the dark pagans abode.

Papa Virgle
Posts: 77
Character: Virgle Jack

Re: The Warder strengthening the burned Wood.

Post by Papa Virgle » February 27th, 2019, 8:19 pm

The Tenabrae Wood grew stronger day by day. There was new growth and new life throughout the wood. Virgle spread fertilizer to strengthen the growing things throughout Tenabrae Wood every several days, and left victuals for the Lass as well.
It was becoming more dangerous to move about the Wood with all the new growing things.... many of the creatures were very territorial and aggressive. Virgle moved about the Tenabrae Wood like a shadow studying the new growth and fertilizing as he heard the call for strengthening. He worked and moved in silence untill well away from the aggressive denizens of the Wood, then left victuals for the Lass, hoping she would be strengthened as before. He worked to strengthen that which was about him and watched and waited ... listening closely for her voice.

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