Application for Gabriel Chiurgeon

Forum used for archiving approved character applications.
Fresh Meat
Posts: 1
Character: Gabriel Chiurgeon

Application for Gabriel Chiurgeon

Post by Chiurgeon » February 3rd, 2021, 8:29 pm

Do you have any prior experience with Requiem? If so, please detail when (and what characters, if desired) you previously played:

Briefly summarize your prior role-playing experience in a sentence or two:
I've been roleplaying across a lot of platforms for a good portion of my adolescence into my adulthood.

Why do you wish to play on Requiem, and what do you expect from the shard?
I want to roleplay, and I like grim-dark medieval low-mid fantasy settings akin to Ultima, or Diablo, or otherwise.

What will your character’s name be?:
Gabriel Chiurgeon

Please briefly describe the physical attributes of your character, including age, looks, height, weight and any notable features:
A formidably average individual donning the blackened robes and plague-mask of a stereotypical doctor of the era, with gloves to boot. He seemed to be of a height around five foot ten inches, with a lithe body that was otherwise covered up by clothing. Without a mask, one could make note of the wrinkles on his face placing him in an age bracket of 35-45. As for his hair though, he is bald. Purposefully, it seems; shaven to the flesh with no color or pigment to give evidence to what color it could possibly be. Even his eyebrows were shaven off, accompanying his pale complexion to give off the most disturbing look for an individual wearing robes without a mask to cover his face.

Briefly state your character’s intentions or motivations for entering the First Province:
As a man of medicinal practice and pursuer of sciences and such, he wishes to 'aid' those he can with his extensive doctoral knowledge and learn more about the plague ravaging the land in the quarantine zone.

Briefly provide a pertinent detail or notable quality of your character’s history (this does not have to be exhaustive nor revealing of any information you wish to keep secret):
Once a prominent (not well known) practitioner in a distant city, he was excommunicated from the Republic for reasons unbeknownst to anyone that wasn't him and those responsible in his trials.

Briefly write an in-character response to the following scenario:

You have finally arrived at your destination; the Rumbling Pass checkpoint. Before you stands a massive outpost, looking to have been erected only recently, of which is patrolled by numerous Legionnaires and Church Templar. The outpost guards the only viable entrance to the recently quarantined First Province; the home of Tor, the fallen capital of the Republic. Sitting at the foot of the massive mountain line that effectively contains the First Province within, the outpost serves as the last obstacle you must overcome before gaining entry into the quarantined territory. You and others like you assemble outside of the palisades of the outpost, awaiting the opportunity to speak your case to the presiding Legion officiant who is processing admittance to the Province.

You watch as but a scant few of the dozens that approach the officiant, whom stands at the outer gates of the outpost flanked by a few heavily armored Legionnaires, are actually allowed to pass through the man-door and into the outpost. You see some slip pieces of gold to the officiant, while others plead their cases and rationale as to why they should be allowed to enter the recently fallen territory. Some appear to provide some sort of paperwork to the officiant, whom promptly waves them through. While eavesdropping, you manage to overhear the well-rehearsed speech the officiant provides to those whom don’t provide paperwork or grease his palm.

“By decree of the Venerated Church, the First Province is considered to be a mortal health hazard, and as such, is quarantined under Article Eighteen of the Republic Treatise of Health Act of 1320. Citizens who do not possess a Quarantine Visa issued by one of the recognized Factions of the Republic are considered non-essential to the reclamation of the First Province. Under Article Eighteen, non-essentials seeking entry into an official quarantine zone must petition for entry into a said zone, and state just cause for the issuing of a visa by the perimeter authority. State your business and make it good, citizen; we’ve enough bodies in there to keep us busy for months without adding yours to the pile.”

You ponder the situation for a moment, evaluating your options. It’s well known that with the right connections and the right amount of coin, one can get their hands on a Quarantine Visa from any one of the major Factions of the Republic, or even a passable counterfeit from more nefarious sources. At the same time, it would appear that the officiant doesn’t appear to be above some simple bribery. However, you’re sure that some of those let in appeared to have made a convincing case with the officiant. Gathering your wits, you make your decision as to how to gain access to the First Province.

It doesn't take long to bring about the courage to press on to the perimeter guard and present oneself before him. A courteous bow is offered, with no word escaping from behind Gabriel's tell-tale mask until a statement bellowed from the officiate's mouth:

"State your business." his words were quick and to the point, formal and without mercy in their delivery. Bureaucratic; expectant of someone whose job is to sit at a checkpoint and ensure people who don't belong don't go inside and cause issues or get them-self killed.

"I've come to help those in need. I am a renowned surgical practitioner that has come to lend my services to the poor and physically weak." Gabriel had nothing to his name. No tools. No luggage. It was an odd sight to the Officiate who normally dealt with more equipped individuals purporting their job to be one of a medical nature. The evidence of his own confusion spreading across their weary face.

"Our people could always use more trained practicing surgeons like yourself. Where are your tools and paperwork?"
If the expression wasn't visible on Gabriel's face, you could almost hear what it might look like from the tension in the words that escaped his lips in quick response.

"I have none. I was robbed. This does not exempt my own talent as a person, however. I simply ask for a visa re-issuance, and I'll make do in finding a place that'll accept my abilities with open arms."

Some time passed. The Officiate looked down at his various paperwork and stamps that laid before them both. A line was in long procession behind the doctor and was continuously being queued and inversely left by some individuals. Then, in that moment, he looked up with a smirk that was telltale among the devious.

"We can reissue you a visa for a small sum... if you've the coin to pay up."

Gabriel hesitated. He instinctively reached for where his coins MIGHT be, but he stopped himself. He returned his hand back down to a neutral resting stance at his side and gathered his thoughts. He made a last ditch pleading effort to perhaps sway this man who was too tired to care.

"Please. Like I've said, I've been robbed. I'm sure a man like yourself can cover the costs with the over abundance of others who have been robbed just like me paying for their own re-issuing of their quarantine visas. You'd be helping a lot of people through this kind act. A good word to be put in for those inside who toil aiding the sick that you let another medicine-man inside out of the kindness of your heart, simply to relieve the burden."

Another pause, longer than before. This time it was clear that the man was thinking, something he hadn't done usually given the lack of care he had for his own job.

"...very well. I'll have you a new visa issued at the expense of some other vagrant who doesn't belong. You'd best save some lives while you're inside, or else I might feel obliged to take back my kind gesture in the future."

Did it truly work? It didn't matter. Gabriel's silver tongue had perhaps given him that edge; the attire surely had helped present him in a favorable shining image of a plague-doctor. Soon, he'd have a visa that he never even had before, and he'd be far away from the prying eyes of those who were still looking for him in the outside world, outside of the quarantine zone.

Aeolian Staff
Posts: 681
Character: Swaglord420

Re: Application for Gabriel Chiurgeon

Post by Coty » February 25th, 2021, 12:43 am

Congratulations, adventurer! Your application is...


Please ensure that your character name is spelled correctly upon exiting the Songmaker's chambers. A GM will approve your character at their earliest convenience.

Welcome to Requiem!

After several minutes of finding and filing the correct documents the officiant stamps a seal upon the parchment before handing it over. "Here you are and on you go. Quickly now!" He waves you past. "NEXT!"

"My good deed for the day..." He mumbles as the next vagrant quickly takes your place.
