The Sindelar Institute of Anatomical Sciences (ARCHIVE)

In-Character message board for Renatus & Thrupp. Posts made here are considered physical messages upon an in-game message board.

Moderator: Kent

Posts: 30
Character: Cornelius Sindelar

The Sindelar Institute of Anatomical Sciences (ARCHIVE)

Post by Sindelar » February 16th, 2021, 5:51 am

The Sindelar Institute of Anatomical Sciences

“Reason will prevail.”
-Cornelius Sindelar
Founder of The Sindelar Institute of Anatomical Sciences

The Institute began as a collaboration of like-minded individuals with the goal of providing standardized, safe and regulated medical treatment to all within Fort Praesidium. Headed by the brilliant mind of Cornelius Sindelar, the Institute has grown greatly since its founding. It has since expanded its scope and become a place of learning and cooperation between many walks of life. Doctors, alchemists, engineers, horticulturists, metallurgists and many others may find a home and means of support within The Sindelar Institute of Anatomical Sciences.

Act V - Act VI

The Sindelar Institute of Anatomical Sciences started as a small group of four doctors, all of whom shared a passion for helping those in need. The group soon expanded into a larger community of like-minded intellectuals, tradesmen and even soldiers with the shared goal of bettering the First Province. It was not without its own strife and struggles but together the Institute managed to persevere and even thrive within the First Province.

In recent times, the Institute has further its ambitions to the creation of a safe hub for all those who seek refuge and the pursuit of knowledge. With the backing of it’s lead investor, Mappo Thrupp, the Institute now seeks to transform itself from a rag tag group of doctors into an institution and beacon of respite in the harsh lands that make up the First Province.

Our Goals

-Establish a neutral center of operation open to all factions. With the intention to supply a means of recovery for the injured, a research facility for medicines and diseases, a place of learning and a safe haven for all those in need.

-Further our understanding of the medicinal sciences and increase the communal understanding of more severe ailments and injuries.

-Teach and guide new practitioners of the medical sciences to ensure a high standard of care for all.

-Set the standard for science education in the First Province as well as offer public education to all those interested, regardless of affiliation.

-Research the Torment and strive to develop a cure or vaccine. Furthermore, ensure all research and dealings with the Torment is supervised and conducted safely.

What we Provide

“Talent may lead to success but it is only teamwork that leads to progress.”
-Cornelius Sindelar
Founder of The Sindelar Institute of Anatomical Sciences

Doctors and Tradesmen a place where they may feel safe practicing their trade.

The Institute learned the hard way that quick wit and a sharp mind isn’t enough to survive the trials of the First Province. With this knowledge in mind, it has established a force of orderlies to ensure the protection of its patients and staff. Likewise, to aid in expeditions and the gathering of valuable resources vital to the Institute's function.

A place to collaborate with like-minded intellectuals.

It is the Institute's stalwart belief that it is only through community and cooperation may we find success within the First Province. Within the Institute knowledge is freely shared between peers, be it through one on one interactions or through scheduled public classes.

A bountiful supply of medical and scientific resources.

The Institute’s support goes further than just knowledge. It strives to provide all those under its banner with the material resources they need to conduct their crafts. Doctors who have graduated and been certified by the Institute will have all their medicines provided free of charge as long as they continue to abide and operate by the policies of the Institute. Tradesmen are free to use the communal resources provided for whatever they see fit.

Safe and high quality care to the people of the first province.

Foremost The Institute is still a medical institution and its primary goal is to provide high quality, standardized medical care by trained and experienced professionals. It will oversee the training of new Doctors as well as ensure all those certified meet the rigorous standards that the Institute requires.

Classes, Lectures and Public Education

In the spirit of bettering the community The Institute has made it a priority to provide public education to those even outside of it’s banner. Scheduled classes ranging from general topics to more specialized fields will be open to the public. These courses are to be open to all regardless of standing or allegiance.

Code of Conduct

The Institute holds sacred the relationship between a doctor and their patient. While all within the Institute are expected to hold themselves to a high standard of conduct it is doubly so for those who become certified as doctors. As such all certified doctors are expected to take and conduct himself/herself by the Practitioner’s Oath.

The Practitioner’s Oath is as follows:

"To treat all patients to the best of one's ability, to preserve a patient's privacy, to pass the knowledge of medicine onto the next generation, and in doing so ensuring the continued success and safe practice of the medical field.”

The Board of Directors

The Sindelar Institute of Anatomical Sciences is and always has been a collaboration of peers seen as equals. However, as the Institute grows and expands this structure becomes less feasible. Hence the establishment of The Board of Directors to help ensure that the will of the few will never outweigh the good of the whole.

The Board of Directors is made up of several doctors, associates and partners. Each represents a field within the Institute. Together they discuss and vote on all major decisions concerning the Institute. All members of the Institute may join The Board through means of merit or tenure, financial investment, or as head of a department of study.

Current Board of Directors Members

-Mappo Thrupp, Partner and Chairman
-Cornelius Sindelar, Head Physician and Founder
-Erillian Lamora, Head Alchemist and Overseer of Internal Affairs
-Adalar, Lead Researcher of Applied Magical Sciences
-Khalkeus Renatus, Partner and Head of the Department of Physical Sciences
-Lyle Baros, Head of Operations and Financial Manager

Disclaimer: A board position does not correlate to absolute authority over an associate. A board member can not fire/discharge anyone within the Institute without a majority vote. A member of the board does not “outrank” a normal associate and holds no individual authority.

Posts: 30
Character: Cornelius Sindelar

Re: The Sindelar Institute of Anatomical Sciences

Post by Sindelar » February 18th, 2021, 10:56 pm

*Copies of this poster can be found across the First Province,
and printed in several major news publications across the Eastern Baronies.*


Posts: 30
Character: Cornelius Sindelar

A letter bearing the seal of the Sindelar Institute of Anatomical Sciences arrives for Doctor Aradia

Post by Sindelar » February 24th, 2021, 3:16 pm

Dear Doctor Aradia,

I hope this letter reaches you with the grace and precision that an individual such as yourself deserves. The Sindelar Institute of Anatomical Sciences has been observant of your capability as a physician, and we are quite impressed with your training amongst the Apothecary Corps. As such, the Institute believes you would be a great asset and would like to formally invite you to be a part of the future of science and medicinal innovation.


Doctor Cornelius Sindelar
Head Physician and Founder

The Sindelar Institute of Anatomical Sciences

Posts: 73
Character: Aradia

Re: A letter bearing the seal of the Sindelar Institute of Anatomical Sciences arrives for Doctor Aradia

Post by Luci » February 28th, 2021, 9:54 pm

Dear Doctor Sindelar,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am pleased that you reached out to me and I am glad to see that my reputation has preceded me in these difficult times. I have done a lot of work with the apothecary corps and I am interested to learn more about the Institute. Please let me know if you have availability in a fortnight for us to discuss this further.

Best Regards,
Doctor Aradia

Posts: 73
Character: Aradia

A letter is left for Mister Renatus at the craft hall forge

Post by Luci » March 7th, 2021, 4:28 pm

Dear Mr Renatus,

I have received your request for carpentry work and I am working on the requested order of pistol stocks, blunderbuss stocks, and carbine stocks. This particular order requires a lot of boards and will take some time to complete. I will contact you when I finish it for pickup and payment for services.

Thank you,

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Posts: 262
Character: Requiescat In Pace

Letters arrive to the Members of the Board

Post by Kent » March 9th, 2021, 8:46 pm

Each fine envelope is sealed in cerulean wax with the crest of the Parish of Renatus, hand-delivered by day-laborers to members of the Institute Board
Misters Thrupp, Sindelar, Lamora, and Adalar

I write to you this day with a heavy heart. It pains me to inform you of the unfortunate death of Mister Lyle Baros, Head of Operations & Financier.

Mister Baros' was identified by Master Mappo Thrupp in a swampy bog, his corpse partially devoured by wild beasts. Also nearby was the similarly partially devoured corpse of our beloved Institute Beast of Burden, Lucien. Lucien has been laid to rest in honor of his service to the Institute, and though he was but a horse his absence, I know, shall be felt by us each in our own ways.

Appropriate means should be taken to notify any next-of-kin for Mister Baros' and his possessions turned over to them. Should no-one respond to the Death Notice which I shall soon post, his property and goods will be forefeit to the Institute.

Master Thrupp's brief examination of the body was unable to determine whether or not foul play was involved. Currently we believe it was Westerners or vagrants. Though his body is lost to the swamp, it may be desirous to erect a memorial stone for him or other similar appropriate gesture.

May the Institute see better days.

Dux Khalkeus 'the Younger' Renatus, Head of Physical Sciences.
