Character Application : Sivart Calamo

Forum used for archiving approved character applications.
Posts: 2
Character: Sivart Calamo

Character Application : Sivart Calamo

Post by trreed » March 2nd, 2021, 9:13 pm

Do you have any prior experience with Requiem? If so, please detail when (and what characters, if desired) you previously played: No

Briefly summarize your prior role-playing experience in a sentence or two: I have played a D&D campaign for the last year and am working on DMing my own.
Why do you wish to play on Requiem, and what do you expect from the shard? I am really excited about the world building aspect of the shard and playing a game that can dynamically change. It feels very much like a D&D campaign and I am excited for the possibilities this brings. I played UO when it first came out an was really hopeful at the time of the potential to be a farmer or a tavern owner and sculpt the world we play in. It didn’t quite hit the mark but it was the closest an MMO has gotten.

What will your character’s name be?: Sivart Calamo

Please briefly describe the physical attributes of your character, including age, looks, height, weight and any notable features: Light skinned man in his late 30’s. Light brown hair with scruffy facial hair that will never fully grow into a beard. Six feet tall and 160 pounds. He does not look sickly but is definitely not a physical specimen. Would not be ideal for any sort of physical activity.

Briefly state your character’s intentions or motivations for entering the First Province: Sivart is fleeing his current circumstance, looking for a new start and hoping his current problems do not follow him into the First Province.

Briefly provide a pertinent detail or notable quality of your character’s history (this does not have to be exhaustive nor revealing of any information you wish to keep secret):

Briefly write an in-character response to the following scenario:
Sivart confidently hands the Quarantine Visa to the officiant. No one around would detect but inwardly he is on pins and needles, just waiting to be caught. The counterfeit visa was to be the last resort to escape, purchased years ago and stored away. Now here he stood with his loyal brother in tow. This is one of the many times Nayr’s blind loyalty to family had come in handy. When awoken in the middle of the night saying they must flee he asked no questions, simply packed his things and awaited orders. The kind of reaction you would expect from a military man receiving order from an officer or in this case an elder brother. As they escaped by cover of darkness he could begin to hear them. An hour later and the inferno that was once the family store could still be seen. An all purpose store that has been passed down from his late father and his father’s father, they had spent years learning the skills and trades to create and sell all manor of goods instead of simply reselling them. Sivart was so sure he had been careful. Alchemy, tinkering and engineering has seemed the perfect cover for his gifts. What his brother was in brute strength and dexterity Sivart was with his mind.

When he first found the book under the pile of old tomes he thought nothing of it. Once opened he realized exactly what it was. But why would his father have such a spell book stashed away in the most forgotten reach of the store room? His first instinct was to question his father but maybe he did not know it was there. If he turned the book in the authorities would surely question him on where he got it which would then implicate his entire family. The only option was to destroy it but first one quick glimpse to quench his thirst for knowledge. What he found was not destruction and chaos bound to the pages but the complete opposite. He contained in this book was the ability to enhance and create all matter of objects to help and aide people. The livelihood of everyone he knew could be changed by the contents in this book. With that he was set out to learn everything he could and conceal it through his crafting. The next several years were spent studying and practicing by night while continuing the family trades by day. He infused potions and trinkets with his magic and the store became known for their vastly superior products. Maybe it was over confidence, maybe he became lazy in his concealment or maybe it was a jealous competitor but he knew something is wrong when the Templar entered the building. He had never seen one before but there was no mistaking what he was. Sivart eyed him closely as he browsed all of the goods the store had to offer touching nothing until coming upon a rack of potions. He inspected each potion thoroughly but said nothing, simply turned and exited the store. There was no doubt he would return but next time there would be more than an inspection. Sivart would have to flee and he would have to do it tonight.

Inwardly trembling Sivart watches anxiously as the officiant inspects the document. He has no idea what lies ahead of him in this new frontier. Whatever it is, he is sure it beats what he has left behind.

Aeolian Staff
Posts: 681
Character: Swaglord420

Re: Character Application : Sivart Calamo

Post by Coty » March 3rd, 2021, 11:32 am

You will need to provide your character's history before we can accept your application.

Posts: 2
Character: Sivart Calamo

Re: Character Application : Sivart Calamo

Post by trreed » March 3rd, 2021, 11:59 am

Sorry that didn't copy over I guess.

Sivart was raised by his merchant Father and lived with him and his brother, Nayr in the small lakeside town of Palgrove. Weaker in body than his younger brother but stronger in mind, Sivart was tasked with learning the inner workings of the store. He quickly found a passion for learning new things and by his early twenties he had become knows for his alchemy and engineering skills.

Aeolian Staff
Posts: 681
Character: Swaglord420

Re: Character Application : Sivart Calamo

Post by Coty » March 3rd, 2021, 12:20 pm

Congratulations, adventurer! Your application is...


Please ensure that your character name is spelled correctly upon exiting the Songmaker's chambers. A GM will approve your character at their earliest convenience.

Welcome to Requiem!

The officiant eyes the paper before looking up to you. He gives you a quick 'once over', a grin seeping onto his weathered features. "Ye look a bit meek ta be makin' dis venture, friend." His pale eyes look past you to your brother. "Though I 'pose ye had some 'elp. Merchants, eh? Sure, sure." He says in a knowing tone as he grabs the apple and potion, offering a not-so-sly wink your way. He makes a show of stamping the papers before handing them back. "Flame guide ye less she find ye!" He exclaims, gesturing in dramatic fashion for you to proceed.
