Lyle Baros - Character Application

Forum used for archiving approved character applications.
Posts: 8
Character: Vernon Jayek

Lyle Baros - Character Application

Post by Jayek » March 3rd, 2021, 8:13 pm

Do you have any prior experience with Requiem? If so, please detail when (and what characters, if desired) you previously played:
Yes. Previous characters were Vernon Jayek and Delacroix Mercer.

Briefly summarize your prior role-playing experience in a sentence or two:
A little bit of UORP, D&D, and several other RPGs.

Why do you wish to play on Requiem, and what do you expect from the shard?:
Would like to play for fun as previous UORP has been as such.

What will your character’s name be?:
Lyle Baros

Please briefly describe the physical attributes of your character, including age, looks, height, weight and any notable features:
He is a man of average height standing at 5’10” with a weight of 143lbs and an average build though very thin, a bit taller than the average man of Yultac from which he hails. Sporting short well-trimmed dark brown hair he often stands with a slight hunch or leaning to the side. His eyes are an icy blue and his nose has a pointy aquiline shape to it. He is very pale and thin lipped.

Briefly state your character’s intentions or motivations for entering the First Province:
Seeking to establish a representative office of Redholme University in the First Province through the Sindelar Anatomical Institute.

Briefly provide a pertinent detail or notable quality of your character’s history (this does not have to be exhaustive nor revealing of any information you wish to keep secret):
Born in the midland province of Yultac in the famed city of Dwindain his family was no different than many of the Yultish inhabitants and worshipped the coin more than anything. They were a lowly family with insignificant impact on the region at large. From their small estate they produced a fine wine they sold to other surrounding families and made a fortune. The head of the family, Lyle’s father was a beloved socialite but was obsessed with material things and appearance, this however drew the eyes of many. After accumulating a mountain of debt from loans he was unable to pay back he fell ill. Succumbing to his illness the estate and family passed on to Lyle who had high hopes for the future though it would not last. Banks called for their loans to be paid back by the young patrician or the estate would be seized. Seeing as the loans were going to be the death of him he promptly sold the entire estate to a long-time ally, a girl who he had eyes for since adolescence and her family.

After selling the estate and having little money remaining he stayed in Dwindain for some time doing petty crime and loan sharking with his trusted friend and former head of the guard for his estate. This petty crime would be cut after a somewhat successful year when one of the debtors refused to pay his loan and was established in a rival house. Before formulating their plan to leave they approached the few who owed them favors and were supplied with what they needed for the journey. Lyle and his best friend left for Redholme University where Lyle applied to the business end of the university and with legendary charisma wowed even the most stone-faced of staff. However, one of his supervisors noted he had a knack for monetization schemes and formulating business plans for some of the dwindling campus shops. In the later years of his time at Redholme he found himself working the front end of many financial aspects of the university. Once the news of the successful doctoring program reached the university he was tasked with travelling to the First Province and establishing an official representative office of Redholme. Supplied with a passport and paid for out of his own pocket he set off with a caravan of people travelling to the First Province.

Briefly write an in-character response to the following scenario:
Early in the morning the caravan arrived to the Rumbling Pass much to the relief of the ostlers and caravaneers who were exhausted from such a long journey. This was only exacerbated by the seemingly endless line of haggard people with hope filled eyes that could be seen from almost half a mile away. Lyle sighed looking to the sky and thought to himself “Surely this is a joke.”. Lyle could not bear the thought of having to wait even longer to conduct his business within. All of that time and effort at Redholme for this? To wait among a crowd of lost souls and dirty refugees? Lyle became more and more irritated for such circumstances so early in the morning. He was not having it and so he straightened his clothes and did a once over of his hair in the reflection of his small pocket watch before looking back at the line, which seemed to only get longer as they got closer.

“Unbelievable” he scoffed. Lyle motioned to his companions to come with him as he walked past people who must have been in the line for hours with a fast stride paying them no mind . He skipped to the seventh spot of the line and awaited his turn. Several people behind him shouted at him and the man behind him tapped his shoulder. Annoyed that one of these people had the audacity to touch him and dirty his clothes he turned around to face the large, old, and gruff man.

Missing many teeth, an unkempt and stained grey beard, he growled at Lyle “Hey punk didn’t you see the line?! Get all the way to the back before I put you back there!”.

Lyle was in danger, what sort of creature was this? He looked around with visible confusion to see if this thing was talking to him or someone else before pointing to himself with a raised brow.

The man replied “Yeah, I’m talking to you moron! Or did you not see the line past that ego of yours?!”. Lyle was amazed that this man would confront him like this.

“What did I do to earn such ire?” Lyle asked. “I’m sure you can wait a bit longer.” Lyle said before he could even respond while turning away a bit.

The man pushed his shoulder to make Lyle face him once more “I said get to the back of the line!”. Lyle was now very annoyed, even more than before and sighed looking off to the field beside him and saw a small herd of boar nestled in the tree line.

“Ah!” He exclaimed with wide eyes “Is that your family there?!”. The angry old man looked over for a moment scanning the field before spotting the boars wallowing in a patch of mud and looked back ready to beat Lyle to a pulp. Lyle was now gone, to the second spot in line with such swiftness the man was stunned.

He began to walk to Lyle ready to put him in his own patch of mud but then the guard called for the next entrant and the man was stopped by the other guards after they saw him shouting and approaching Lyle with murderous intent. “Alright back of the line with you!” the guards yelled.

Finally the time came to enter. “Next!” the guardsman shouted with a lazy groan looking up. Lyle lurched forward clearly faking fatigue.

“How about that line, eh?” he said with two short laughs. “Some people are so rude I tell you!”

The guard looked at him and rested his head in his hand.

“Passport.” he said lazily motioning his hand.

Lyle, now annoyed at this lowly man’s demeanor, straightened himself and leaned in some and placed his passport on the desk.

“Everything is in order, go on, hurry up, I do not have all day you know.” he motioned to be quick before backing away with his passport and turning around to face the guard again with a renewed attitude.

He cleared his throat and proclaimed with a pointed finger “Time is money you know and it would appear neither of us have much of either at the moment… I am sure if you got myself and many of these.. people through in a timely manner you would get a hefty raise from your superiors, no?”.

After his grand display he slid his passport to the guard and with his ever so charismatic smile he said “After all, we are both just businessmen doing business.”

Aeolian Staff
Posts: 681
Character: Swaglord420

Re: Lyle Baros - Character Application

Post by Coty » March 3rd, 2021, 9:07 pm

Congratulations, adventurer! Your application is...


Please ensure that your character name is spelled correctly upon exiting the Songmaker's chambers. A GM will approve your character at their earliest convenience.

Welcome to Requiem!

The officiant looks over your visa, seeming preoccupied at the moment. Without much trouble, he stamps it and passes it back.
