Housing Storage bug

Resolved, closed or solved reported bugs.
Posts: 81
Character: Tacitus Etiam

Housing Storage bug

Post by Domitian » March 4th, 2021, 2:00 pm

Posted through the ingame UI as well but putting it here in case this is a better place.

When trying to place a container with 33 items into a Secured Container (in rentable house) with 21/125 items the following error occurs:

"The action would exceed the secure storage limit of the house" (this can be seen in discord player_help channel on 3/4/21 at 8:57am EST.

Working with Archin, we tried replacing the bags and moving other items in and out. Not sure if this is an issue with nested containers or some specific issue with the particular storage item or house, etc. My understanding is the storage of the house should be equal to the storage limit of the single Secured Container allowed in the house and this would only result in 54/125 items in the Secured Container (or 55 if the additional bag is included in the calculation - which it likely is).

Edit - confirmed I have the same issue with another bag with only 11 items in it (33 items in secure container if combined).

Posts: 81
Character: Tacitus Etiam

Re: Housing Storage bug

Post by Domitian » March 4th, 2021, 9:47 pm

Update - I've confirmed a workaround for now. For anyone else experiencing this, if you unsecure the container combine the two bags, the resecure it it works fine.

You just cannot add more than one item to the Secured container at a time.
