The Legacy of Gwyndolin Taliesin

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Character: Mirana

The Legacy of Gwyndolin Taliesin

Post by Drucilla » April 17th, 2021, 2:25 am

Full Name: Gwyndolin Taliesin
Birthyear: 1316
Birthplace: A farm in the midlands
Birthsign: The Fool

Age: 25
Height: 5'4"
Weight: Lighter side of average
Eyes: Greyish blue, a stormy shade
Hair: Long, light blonde with a cool tone
Skin: Light with a healthy glow
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Posture: Good with a notable grace to her movements, much like a dancer
Hygiene: Excellent
Scent: Fresh lavender
Physical Description: Gwyndolin is a young woman in her mid twenties with pale blonde hair. Her eyes are a dark shade of greyish blue, like the sea on a stormy day. She had been blessed with good looks and a pleasant expression, plump lips typically turned up at the corners with a warm smile. She has an approachable air about her and carries herself with the grace of a someone light on their feet.


General Health: Very healthy and resistant to sickness
Profession: Circus/Carnival Performer/Blade for hire
Faction Affiliation: None
Accent: Nothing notable
Roleplay Tools: A small blade she keeps hidden in her boot
Hobbies: Dancing, singing, juggling, knife throwing, hunting
Habits: Saying the word "well" too often
Personality Description:
Gwyndolin is a cheerful young lady who is used to being in the spotlight, thanks to her days of being in a traveling circus. Because of such, she's comfortable in just about any situation. She's a people person who gets along with most people, though it's hard to say if this is genuine or if it's out of necessity. She is very close with her twin sister, Etain, and shows great care for her well-being. Despite looking nearly identical, Gwyn is quick to call her sister the "prettier" sister, likely as a joke. Because of their past and what they lost because of an apostate, Gwyn harbors a deep hatred for mages, as well as the Church for allowing the Inquisition to go unchecked.

Gwyndolin and her sister were raised by their parents on a farm. When they were quite young still, a traveler came through and stopped at the farm asking for food and shelter for just a few hours. Gwyndolin's parents, being kind hearted, allowed the traveler to rest a few hours and provided a meal before they moved along.

Within an hour of the traveler's departure, the Inquisition came by the farmland asking about an apostate that was spotted leaving the area. The family of course, had no idea that the traveler was anyone nefarious and they told the Inquisition that the man was no longer there. The Inquisition was not convinced, and so accused the parents of harboring evil and set fire to the family home with them locked inside.

Gwyndolin's mother and father managed to get their children out of the window, urging them to run as far and fast as they could before they, themselves were consumed by the flames.

Gwyn and Etain ran as far as their small legs could carry them into the forest. They spent several days alone, wandering. Hungry and cold and mourning their parents, they were discovered by a performer from a nearby travelling circus. The children would not speak of how they came to be alone and in such a sad state, but none-the-less, the performer took them in and they began their journey with the traveling circus.

Gwyn and Etain grew up learning all sorts of abilities, such as acrobatics, juggling, slight of hand, singing and dancing. They quickly became a hit in the show, as twins were an oddity in itself. The pair rarely spoke of their time before the circus, but learned quickly the value of coin... and keeping your mouth shut. Along with their typical duties, the two were taught to be proficient with the blade and to kill, when the time and coin was right. After all, a circus would only bring in so much coin, but people would always harbor ill will toward others. It's what the ring leader told them as he armed them with blades and sent them out on whatever job happened to be that day.

At present, they saw the opportunity to make a new life on their own and followed the crowds travelling to the first province. Where the coin went, they went. So they left off on their own to make their way in search of a new living, with all the skills and lessons they had learned from their torrid past.

Strengths: People person, easy going, flirty, generous, good looks, talented
Weaknesses: Calculating, possessive, indecisive, quick to kill
Governing Virtue: Valor
Governing Throne: Murder

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