Placeable Farm Issues

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Character: Marcus Calerus

Placeable Farm Issues

Post by Thes » May 5th, 2021, 2:23 pm

I believe this may already be known, but did not see any posts doing a search so am creating this one to collect the issues. Apologies if this actually belongs in Map bugs.

It appears that the placed farming lands have some graphical issues that make using them a bit of a pain.

The graphic for the dirt patches appears to have layering issues with the crops themselves, at times rendering over the crop so that you have just a few pixels available to actually select the plant.

Here we have a 0.15 zoom, which is necessary for ensuring all plants are properly taken care of in lieu of having all the appropriate equipment and resources for spreaders, hoses, etc. If you note the small purple object in the center, that is all that is visible of this particular corn plant.


Here is a standard zoom screenshot for comparison of visibility, the crop once again highlighted purple.


We can also see that some of the patches do not render at all, and I have seen other placed farms that there is no dirt visible whatsoever.

Another visibility issue are the pieces of tall grass that poke through the dirt, though I admit I am not sure if this is a map conflict with the dirt plots or a piece of the farming mechanic I do not yet understand. It does not appear to be grass that is able to be pulled.

Posts: 165
Character: Elsea Hunter

Re: Placeable Farm Issues

Post by Meowakin » May 5th, 2021, 2:46 pm

I believe dirt plots disappearing is similar to a rendering issue with dinghies, if you relog with the field on screen it should become visible again.

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Aeolian Staff
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Character: Isidor Abendroth

Re: Placeable Farm Issues

Post by Sic » May 8th, 2021, 4:22 pm

There is a revision of farms we are now testing for the dirt related clipping issues. This is step one of a two step process. The next step will be the implementation of a new function to assure these plants are properly inheriting z levels. This will be implemented shortly.

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Re: Placeable Farm Issues

Post by skew » May 10th, 2021, 11:50 am

I understand there's still work pending, but as of the most recent downtime, farms now seem to "stay" visible... BUT...

Some plants are being placed beneath the soil and cannot be interacted with. In the attached image, there's 2 plants (in yellow circles) growing here. The arrow points to another plant that's peeking out through the dirt.
Screenshot 2021-05-10 104926.png
Screenshot 2021-05-10 104926.png (125.78 KiB) Viewed 2725 times

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Aeolian Staff
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Character: Isidor Abendroth

Re: Placeable Farm Issues

Post by Sic » May 10th, 2021, 1:29 pm

We're aware of this, thank you.

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Re: Placeable Farm Issues

Post by Cons » May 17th, 2021, 12:55 pm

Just a friendly reminder that this is still an issue. Our faction members have been discouraged to continue farming on the faction claim due to this. And this isalso one of the main reasons why I plan my crops on the public fields.
