Progress Update: 10/2

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Aeolian Staff
Posts: 368
Character: Isidor Abendroth

Progress Update: 10/2

Post by Sic » October 2nd, 2018, 2:40 am

As everyone can plainly see, we’ve pulled ourselves out of the ash-heap and have gotten back to making magic. In June of this year, our project suffered a large set-back due to issues outside of our realm of control; our data-center essentially nuked a large portion of its’ customers data, and our backup procedures for the project did not extend all the way to forum and website preservation as we were not yet out of beta. It had taken us up until recently to get the project back on track, including re-establishing our development environment, re-creating the website and forums, and trying to put back the pieces. While it was touch and go for a while, we’ve been able to successfully get things back to where we’re comfortable enough to continue forward with the Requiem project as opposed to laying it to rest.

Therefore, I’m happy to say that as of today, we’re back on track and working towards getting the official production server (launch candidate and official lore rollout) up and running. We’ve been working steadily on our official launch build that has been being developed up to and even during the downtime beginning in June of this year. As we have lost close to three months of time with everything, we’re battening down the hatches and doing our final review passes as well as final balance passes with the release build. At this point, we’re simply making sure all the content we’ve done so far is working as its’ intended and forgoing any additional “new” development until post-launch. We’ve got a lot of new, great content for launch and we’re very excited to share it with you all. In other avenues of development, map team volunteers are working to finish up the last touches on some map areas, and I’ve been hard at work trying to get the backed-up lore on to the new website.

At this point, we’re making good progress and are shooting for a pace to get things up and live and running as soon as practically possible. It’d be my pleasure to get things up by Halloween, and we’ll certainly try to make it happen. From now until then, we will be providing constant updates concerning our progress and what to expect in the coming weeks. Please bear with us while we re-establish ourselves and get things back in order around here.

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Posts: 43
Character: Daphne Whitestar

Re: Progress Update: 10/2

Post by Mystery » October 3rd, 2018, 12:17 pm

Great news my friend... *Smiles*

I am looking forward to the revelation of the entire team's efforts...

All of you have toiled for a very long while, facing obstacles, spending your valuable time, asking nothing in return and even getting grief from time to time, just to give us a world where we can let our creative selves a go...

You all have my admiration and respect.

A heartfelt "Thank you !". *Bows*

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