Application for Thalia Cirillo

Forum used for archiving approved character applications.
Sylvi Iramdottir
Posts: 17
Character: Thalia Cirillo

Application for Thalia Cirillo

Post by Sylvi Iramdottir » October 28th, 2022, 5:55 pm

Do you have any prior experience with Requiem? If so, please detail when (and what characters, if desired) you previously played:

Nope, brand new.

How did you hear about Requiem?

From a friend.

What will your character’s name be?

Thalia Cirillo

Please briefly describe the physical attributes of your character, including age, looks, height, weight and any notable features:

Age: 19

Before you stands a youthful woman, around 5 ft 8 inches with long jet black hair that reaches past her shoulder blades when let down, normally held up in a bun and Her skin is a pale alabaster and her eyes a frosty blue, her build appears not particularly powerful though lean and athletic.

Briefly state your character’s intentions or motivations for entering the First Province:

Thalia is running from her father, not possessing much worldly knowledge or skill. She is however used to spending plenty of coin, she's had plenty of time to decide just exactly how she wanted to get it. The events she had endured had thoroughly changed her. Desperately she clung to some semblance of security within her bruised spirit. She... Would.. Take.. Control.

She would put on an iron shirt and get her hands on a firearm. She'd heard the tales about the horror of the Quarantine zone. There was duality to her desire to go, sure she could manage to get good coin. Yet there was far more that drew her thoughts toward that end. She wanted to see more. What beautiful forms, what visceral scenery could she find? Her father probably would never follow her there even if he did trail her. It was a golden opportunity...

Please provide a few short paragraphs with pertinent details or notable qualities of your character’s history. This does not have to be exhaustive nor revealing of any information you wish to keep secret:

Thalia’s Father began sailing in his youth, over time he accrued enough wealth to own ships of his own. Eventually becoming a wealthy man of the GreatPort. He always seemed like a somewhat ambitious man, when he wasn’t enjoying his comforts and wealth. Vernon was married once before, for 15 years he rose to his wealth with her by his side. It seemed for a long time they tried to have children but soon it became apparent that she could not sire.It wasn’t long after this revelation that Vernon’s first wife ‘disappears’ at sea. Vernon made a perfect show of emotion for his lost love yet in the shadows Vernon’s workers whispered amongst themselves. At one point in time one of these whispers just happened to be overheard, the worker in question soon had a horrifying accident which left the man maimed, he was unable to work for Vernon after that. It seemed the rumors and whispers subsided thereafter.

Mere months pass before the wealthy Shipmaster remarries a young local fisherwoman, Thalia’s mother Calla. After just a year together Calla becomes pregnant with Thalia. A face she would never come to know, a voice she would never come to hear. It seemed tragedy was ready to embrace the babe as she entered the world, taking from her perhaps the only chance to escape the horrifying youth she would come to endure. Vernon was a cruel, truly evil man when all doors were closed and he felt free from consequences. He kept his predilections to the sea, there he was King of his own land, his crew his servants and slaves. His cabin was his castle, his… dungeon. There with a select few others he dedicated himself to foul research, calling upon the dead to bestow more secrets of the madness he was so drawn to. Her youth was dominated by cleaning her father’s quite literal messes and supplying him with her life’s blood for his research. Meek as a mouse she stayed by his side. Though this came with some duality, with every demeaning or disgusting thing she had to do she was rewarded kindly. Given gifts of fine clothing, toys, and sweets so often she became quite accustomed to it. Enjoying it even. It had been this way for some time, like she was being conditioned for the event.

The Event

It was her 18th birthday, a day her father had been promising to be the greatest party yet. For weeks he had prepared shipments of every exotic food she had asked for, fine wines, lavish hats and dresses, and even incense and tobacco were procured. Truly the day had been incredible, so much to eat and drink, dancing til dusk with every cute boy among her father’s crew to shanties and song. By evening Thalia had drank herself half to sleep, the wine she realized had an odd affect on her. When she waved her hands the image traced behind in a beautiful show. Colors exploded in the torch and lantern light, she felt happy and couldn’t help but giggle uncontrollably. She didn’t notice as she was carried, limp in her dreamstate, it felt more like she was floating in the air than being carried. Laid down within the circle of candles the chanting began. The low rhythmic chanting roused something deep inside of her. A crawling, creeping thing she couldn’t describe. She shuddered, despite the discomfort it was also somehow pleasant. The door of the cabin opens briefly showing a shadowy silhouette against the moonlight, Is that Father? The horror that followed could hardly be described in coherent detail. Thalia could barely tell what was really happening, doubting whether she was awake or having a nightmare. Somehow she found strength in her sudden desperation, breaking free from the grip of the occultists and getting to the door hearing “Thalia! No!!” her father called behind. Blindly she ran to the edge of the ship, looking back she could see the hooded figures mobilizing from the shadows. Without hesitation she jumped headlong into the sea. She knew how to swim, but in her drugged and drunken state she struggled desperately to keep her head above the water before finally.. Defeated by the currents she was swept under.

Gripping, pulling, grabbing at her ankles. She was being dragged through sand, not too kindly. She was knocked awake as she’s dragged over a pile of bones. She calls out weakly and she’s quickly dropped. A dirty, scarred man in rags runs off amongst the bones realizing his catch still had some life in it. Weakly she gets to her knees, shaking and coughing. The effects of the drugs had not entirely faded but she could at least think clearer now. She looked around gauging where she was. She was within the partially exposed skeleton of a giant beast, ribs jutting out to the light blue sky of the pale morning before the sun rose. Vaguely she remembered the tales of the Church of Bones, she must be within the corpse of Ahmael. Her thoughts trailed off into another waking dream, it can hardly be called a nightmare any longer. There was comfort within the horror, somehow she thought she could see Ahmael as it must have been, a colossus that should not be. She dreamt that there she lay comfortably within the beast’s belly devoured whole and forgotten..

She was changed that day. A deep seated taint rested in the depths of her spirit, a creeping and crawling need she couldn’t put to words. Now there was nothing for her to do but survive another day. No more of father’s wealth, no more safety. What now?


There was only one place she knew she could go. Her Grandparents were never quite fond of her father. Himself having remained so distant and perhaps it was instinct that told them there was something off about the man. She had to consider her options, she couldn’t run or hide forever. Where could she go? That’s when she remembered overhearing someone out on the docks talking about the riches the First Province must hold. She explained to her Grandparents her plan to run away to the First Province, there she could make a name for herself, she tried to convince them. At first they were concerned for her, they could not let their granddaughter go into the Quarantine zone where the dead walked! Yet as months passed and no sign of her father showed her Grand parents began to have doubts. She refused to tell them details of why she was running just that it was imperative that she did. She spent much of her time sleeping beneath their roof and eating their food yet contributing nothing to the household. Just the incessant spoken fantasies about reaching the First Province bombarded the Grand parents on a daily basis.

A full year had passed like this, finally they’d had enough. They’d lived a full life and had enough coin to spare the young woman, and old friends in odd places that could manage to get the necessary papers. If she truly was this desperate to run away from her wealthy father to run to the First Province, then by all means let her find out what it had to offer..Here this spoiled child had begun to break their valuable silence and invade their humble space. By now they are happy to oblige her. They’d seen her off on the train with some provisions and clothing, some meager coin along with her necessary papers and fare. She stared out in wonder, marveling at the locomotive and watching the scenery as it passed, numb and not knowing what expect.

Finally she arrives at the Rumbling Pass trainyard, rather impatiently she waits among those assembled to present their cases to Officiant. It seemed like days before finally she stands before the Legionnaire. Eagerly she slaps on her practiced charm and gives him her papers, which the man seems almost grimly amused by. After all here she was running from a wealthy father to unknown horrors. It only gave her goosebumps and managed to crack her interior shell, for the first time truly doubting her decision. Yet as she stepped forward now there was no going back.
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Last edited by Sylvi Iramdottir on October 29th, 2022, 1:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Posts: 110
Character: Archin

Re: Application for Thalia Cirillo

Post by Archin » October 28th, 2022, 9:49 pm

Congratulations, adventurer! Your application is...


Please ensure that your character name is spelled correctly upon exiting the Songmaker's chambers. A GM will approve your character at their earliest convenience.

Welcome to Requiem!

Sylvi Iramdottir
Posts: 17
Character: Thalia Cirillo

Re: Application for Thalia Cirillo

Post by Sylvi Iramdottir » October 29th, 2022, 12:43 am


((There was a copy/paste mess up! Oops. Reads right now))
