Faction verse: A Wild Embrace

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Posts: 61
Character: Ashi Kirino

Faction verse: A Wild Embrace

Post by Cons » April 5th, 2022, 7:54 am


With a small mattock in hand, she carefully dug around the vine's roots and slowly, bit by bit, pulled it out of the ground. The soil and dirt stuck between the root was all mushy, so she gently wrapped a piece of clothing around and stored it in her basket along with the rest of the samples. She finally stood up and gazed upon her dirty hands with dirt firmly stuck under her nails. She took a few steps to a stream that was running nearby. The pristine water was joyfully running between the boulders and stones. She finally dipped her hands into it and waited a moment for it to calm down. A dark silhouette finally appeared in this watery mirror, revealing her weary face. A hint of a smile was enough to bring light back to her eyes, with a satisfying feeling of relief and accomplishment. She pulled herself up, washed her hands in the apron, and returned to her basket. An assortment of various seeds, plant specimens and vials with strange particulates were somewhat orderly collected in labelled. She closed the lid and bonded the basket with a rope.

The Northern reaches of the Province a colder climate compared to the lush south. The vegetation here is plain and sturdy and seemingly more resilient, which was beneficial to the task at hand. Ever since a small group of Westerners found themselves in the Province all those months ago and set up home, The Glade, in next to the southern marshes, the forests that enclose the clearing have provided the necessary protection. But with the newly constructed roads and an influx of people to the area, a safer solution had to be found. In the past few months, a collection of various plants and vines has been gathered with one purpose: to thicken the vegetation around The Glade that would act as a natural barrier to protect its inhabitants.

Ashi tied her sickle firmly under the wrap on her back, picked up her satchel and a basket with the samples and finally started moving back South, back home.

[ooc info]
If you have a character, interested in agriculture or horticulture (or one that is just generally helpful), you are more than welcome to drop me a DM on Discord (Cons) so we meet IG and see where this takes us. Looking forward to introduce more people to the Glade.

Papa Virgle
Posts: 78
Character: Virgle Jack

Re: Faction verse: A Wild Embrace

Post by Papa Virgle » April 7th, 2022, 7:04 am

The night was bright with Moon at her fullness. The man moved silent as a shadow amongst the trees of the wood. Stealthily he crept along the edges of the clearing and the edges of the Wood. Mother Made life more abundant at the edges. It was Mother who had called him in the song of the SongBird to collect of the strength of Tenabrae Wood and the edges thereof. The man had woven a living roof of vines and branches to shade the blessed pool from the direct sunshine for the cuttings to rest and to gather their strength and put forth shoots of nearly invisible roots they would need in their new homes. Glad of heart to be at the work of strengthening the Balance, the man accepted the starts that the Wood offered with a grateful heart as they nearly lept into his hands as he bundled them and set them to gather their strength in the pool, the comfrey ...strengthener of all her kindred about her healer of man and beast, yarrow ......she who cleansed the wounds of man, burdock who eased the pain of the burn and wound, Black berry who gave of her fruit to cheer the heart and fill the belly and grow tall and stout to make a prickly barrier, the strong and blessed honey locust he gathered in great abundance for it seemed Mother would have him give these all a new home in a new place to strengthen sisters and brothers who sat at another campfire but Mothers campfire all the same. These he gathered and set to rest in the pool until Mother would show him where their new home was to be, and as Sun crept near the dawning he crept back to his own place of resting and waiting on Grand Mother.

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Posts: 61
Character: Ashi Kirino

Re: Faction verse: A Wild Embrace

Post by Cons » April 14th, 2022, 4:07 am

The last rays of light were flickering between the tall trees surrounding the Glade. That evening light has always brought out the loveliest colours as it bounced from leaf to leaf. Ashi stood at the edge of the clearing, gazing upon the little heaven she now calls home. The seeds she planted a moon ago have already taken root and started to branch and intertwined with one another. The moist and fertile dirt under her feet had expedited the process.

She dug out a few and moved them into small baskets she had previously made from small fallen branches. With the seedlings in her hands, she made her way to the outskirts of the natural barrier. Thick vegetation already present will limit the amount of sunshine that will fall upon the newly planted specimens, but the newly acquired plants did prove to be very resilient before. Pushing herself up, she turned slowly to the left and then to the right. It will be a tedious job but hopefully worth it in the end.


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Posts: 61
Character: Ashi Kirino

Re: Faction verse: A Wild Embrace

Post by Cons » April 18th, 2022, 8:23 am

It was tedious work, but the results were already showing. Seedling by seedling, the northern part of the barrier was becoming ever slightly more overgrown and, therefore, much more difficult to pass. The pace at which the vines were intertwining has surprised Ashi. It almost looked like something else was helping her, yet she remained oblivious to the shadowy figure that was sometimes lurking in the bushes around the clearing.

With the help of the other residents of the Glade, the planting of the seedling will soon be completed. The focus in the following weeks will shift from the gardens to the library as they prepare for the final ritual.

Papa Virgle
Posts: 78
Character: Virgle Jack

Re: Faction verse: A Wild Embrace

Post by Papa Virgle » April 19th, 2022, 4:18 pm

The man moved now as Grand Mother urged him along. With loaded goats he set out just at dusk; arriving in the southern Glade by the light of Moon. The plantings took to their new homes with gladness and vigor. The man moved along as a shadow as the goats followed nibbling here and there. Each planting was fed from below and watered from above with the blessed water of the blessed spring, with a whispered blessing to grow strong and tall, to work with their new friends to make a hedge about this place. Lastly the man set the comfrey all about at the edges of the hedge to feed and strengthen the living wall with nutrients from deep deep below. He inspected the empty packs and sent the goats to go and find rest in the wood. Then the shadow figure walked the perimeter of the hedge whispering to all of the plants as a community “Grow strong …. Together….. lend your strength to your near neighbors weakness….accept that which is given to strengthen you, grow in stout and tall thick and bound together in Balance…. Blessed of Grand Mother!”

Papa Virgle
Posts: 78
Character: Virgle Jack

Re: Faction verse: A Wild Embrace

Post by Papa Virgle » April 24th, 2022, 8:24 am

The man worked in his shop tinkering away at the silver. Heat it beat it, krimp it roll it slowly 4 silver lids emerged as if coaxed into being. The man worked carefully until each lid perfectly fit the jars. He looked at the sealed jars lost in thought remembering re-living a better time. A time full of danger and hardship but a time he moved with the Song Bird at his side.
The man remembered the civilized folk seeking refuge with him and Song Bird in Tenabrae Wood; and the Cambion that followed the civilized folk there. The Lady of the Wood showed him the warding to set about the camp. He and Song Bird had gathered of Tenabrae all that the Lady required and all of nature let them pass unhindered. The ingredients were combined and poured out about the camp and indeed the Cambion never passed the Warding.
Having gathered and prepared the ingredients and Moon being right, the man set out with goats laden for the work. When the stars shown bright and Moon in her darkest was at her nearest and the jars had been buried a short distance from the hedge the 4 forming a diamond on the cardinal points, the man began his walk pouring out the warding which the sod drank quiet readily. The man speaking in tones of a soft wind in the night on the trees, sometimes of a splashing spring meandering from mountain to valley, sometimes as the hum of the insects at their work. Starting at the northern jar buried below the Dogwood sprig and moving eastward in an arc to the next jar. “ You who sit in the treasury of snow and ice and strong wind come set here to watch and strength this circle”. He passed the eastern jar buried below the Dogwood sprig “You who sit in the treasury of the Sun rising come and set here to watch and strengthen this circle”. He continued on in an arc to the southern jar buried below its Dogwood sprig. “You who sit in the treasury of Suns strength the perseverance to prevail come and set here to watch and strengthen this circle”. He continued on in an arc to the western jar buried below its Dogwood sprig. “You who sit in the treasury of Sun setting and things complete come and set here to watch over and strengthen this circle” the man moved on in an arc back to the northern jar buried below its Dogwood sprig pouring out the warding which the ground eagerly drank. Upon reaching the beginning of this circle making it complete and continuous without end the man cried out in a voice as loud as thunder. “THIS CIRCLE IS OPEN!” An energy poured from the Balance all about into this ward in a circle and above and below to form a complete bubble above and below this hedge visible to all with the natural eye for but a second. Then the bubble changed in its frequency to become invisible to the natural eye seen only by those at one with the Balance….. or those at odds with it who could not pass.
“BLESS-ED BEE!” the man shouted in a thunderous voice. Then he sent the goats to rest and once again melded into the night shadows passing northward as a soft breeze in the night in the trees.

Posts: 15
Character: Lex

Re: Faction verse: A Wild Embrace

Post by Zesty » January 22nd, 2023, 11:37 pm

Khristo stood at the center of the Glade, surrounded by his three companions, all concealed within hooded robes. They formed a circle around the flower that stood in the center of the clearing. They were optimistic and eager, taking special care to infuse a morium so it surged with power and was ready to help the ceremony succeed.

The flower had become a focal point, a central source of power and was selected for its ability to grow aggressively and attune with the local vegetation when infused with the right energy. The group had spent months studying texts and learning the rituals and incantations needed to infuse the flower's roots with the strength to grow. They had gathered all the ingredients for the ceremony, including rare herbs, crystals, and incense.

As the full moon rose above the trees, the group began the ceremony, chanting in unison, "Facio Anima Tempus Vita Contego." Khristo held the flower's roots in his hands, channelling his energy into them. He could feel a tingling sensation in his fingers, and a warmth spreading through his body.

The others followed suit, each adding their own energy to the flower. The ground beneath their feet began to vibrate, and the flower's roots began to grow, spreading out in all directions. They could feel the roots pushing through the earth, growing aggressively, reaching out to the edges of the Glade.
As the ceremony came to an end, the group could see the wall of dense vines thickening around the Glade, the same wall that Ashi had meticulously planted by hand with great care and precision. Now, with the addition of this Parlance, the thickened wall would serve as a ward, keeping out any unwanted intruders.

Khristo and his companions were exhausted but satisfied with the outcome of the ceremony. They had successfully completed the ritual, and the wall of vines now surrounded the glade, fulfilling its purpose as a protective barrier. They knew that the Glade was now secure, and they could rest easy, knowing that their home was safe… for the moment.

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