Old-Town Park Beautification

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Posts: 112
Character: Nicolien de Ravin

Old-Town Park Beautification

Post by Lexi » April 8th, 2023, 10:36 am

On the 7th of Dewfall, 1348, Nicolien de Ravien and Lucien Silvercrest met with Lord Holmquist and requested permission to clean up and beautify the park area in Old-Town. With permission granted, they left the meeting to survey the site and discuss initial ideas for the space. Both agreed to the planting of new flowers and perhaps trees as well as the placement of benches for the enjoyment of the space. A new statue to take the place of the unfinished one is a top priority.

In the coming weeks they will ask the community to help them clear the land so that the new garden can be planted.

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Posts: 112
Character: Nicolien de Ravin

Re: Old-Town Park Beautification

Post by Lexi » April 16th, 2023, 6:32 pm

16th of Dewfall, 1348

Multiple people gathered to help with the hardest part of the beautification process: the cleanup.


More people would come by as the hours went on into the evening with Constantine providing lanterns to light their way.


With all said and done, they had pulled all the weeds and wild flora (except the ones good for the bees), saving the creeping vines on the fences and walls, destroyed the unfinished statue, cleaned out between the remaining cobblestones, trimmed and cleaned the hedges, cut the grass, dug out the old potted trees, and cleaned the planters. They were still debating whether or not the old benches should be replaced with some on the side of their "rustic charm".


It had a been a well spent afternoon with lots of work and lots of fun. Melchiorre treated them to some Legion marching song and then started an outbreak of shirtless workers. Doctor Quanasar taught Ser Lucien about which flora to keep and they all did their part to make the work lighter. The park was in good shape to move forward with the next steps of deciding how best to plant new things and replace some of the old ones.


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