New Character: Madilyn Montgomery

Forum used for archiving approved character applications.
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Posts: 2
Character: Madylin Montgomery

New Character: Madilyn Montgomery

Post by doubletrouble » September 2nd, 2023, 10:22 pm

Do you have any prior experience with Requiem?


I worked it out with a friend that we'd play twins.
viewtopic.php?f=19&t=3620&sid=6be40298a ... 461e60bafb

What will your character’s name be?

Madilyn Montgomery

Please briefly describe the physical attributes of your character, including age, looks, height, weight and any notable features:

Madilyn is 28 years old, tall, light weight, brilliant red hair and playful green eyes. Her build is slight and willowy, her fingers are nimble and quick, accustomed to doing precise detailed work. She is quick to smile, and laugh, often showing her perfect white teeth. She has an identical twin, and her appearance is startingly similar to her sister.

Briefly state your character’s intentions or motivations for entering the First Province:

She is looking to escape the Legion, and follow her twin sister to the First Province, where they can find trouble and adventure without looking over their shoulders constantly.

Please provide a few short paragraphs with pertinent details or notable qualities of your character’s history. This does not have to be exhaustive nor revealing of any information you wish to keep secret:

Madilyn Montgomery was born with an identical twin sister in a small village in Athaerun. She was very close with her sister, Madison, and spent her childhood out into the yew forests, exploring the grand monasteries and swimming on the beaches of the Pearl Sea. Her ancestors were skilled hunters, and both her and her sister carried their legacy with them.

Her innate fearlessness and lack of concern for civilized laws and regulations often combined to get her into trouble. However, her deep respect for the law of the wild and the rules of survival in nature often led her to spend days and weeks with her sister in the yew forests. She shared her sister's love for crafting bows and arrows, and they would often compare notes as they worked.

Her sister became obsessed with the idea of exploring the old monasteries, of a life of adventure beyond their small village. Madilyn's interest was more focused on remaining with her twin, content to help her explore her passions as long as she had time to stir up trouble along the way.

When they received an offer from some mysterious member of the Prelacy to infiltrate the Alftwyn Monastery, Madilyn found her own enthusiasm for adventure matched that of her sister. Knowing the Torment was said to haunt the old monastery, Madilyn worked hard to craft a strong greatbow and many arrows for the event.

During the mission, they were swarmed by the dead, and although they were able to fend off many of the initial ramblers, the larger more dangerous Tormented creatures forced them to use the ruins and terrain to their advantage. Eventually, they were forced to flee right through a legion brigade. The brigade had to deal with the dead first, and but the containment of the monastery was breeched and the sisters knew they'd be hunted.

They decided to split up to throw off their pursuers and reunite somewhere distant. They'd often dreamed together of running away to some dangerous wild place like the First Province was rumored to be, so they agreed to meet up there as soon as they could.

Please write a few short paragraphs of an in-character response to the following scenario:

Madilyn was late, she was always late. She had spent a bit too much coin at the last Inn and had one too many drinks. She always got too flirty when the drinks were flowing, and the locals there had given her a lot of attention. She was supposed to get up early so she could catch a ride to the station, but she overslept.

She'd been in such a hurry, she'd almost forgotten the Visa she had picked up a few days prior. That had cost her several days of delays, waiting on paperwork and approvals to get the documents she needed. She was sure she'd hear about it from her sister. She didn't care. It'd been so strange being separated from her twin and she was eager to see her again.

It was times like this that made her really appreciate her childhood spent running through the forests. She was in excellent shape and she had spent the last two hours on a steady run, she needed to make it to the station before the train left for the day. That's why she arrived at the station breathing heavy and a bit sweaty.

The place was crowded, and she darted around between onlookers who were saying farewells and found a spot in line. It only took a moment for her impatience to flare up. She'd been in such a hurry to get here, pushing herself, and now this damned line wasnt moving and all. She could feel her momentum halted by all these people, milling about listening to the man up front give a rehearsed speech.

After five more minutes passed without the line moving, she started looking for alternative options. She watched as the officials buzzed and paced around the impressive mechanical beast that would carry her into the First Province.

Ten more minutes passed, and her impatience was gone, replaced by that excited surge of adrenaline she always got when she was about to do something dangerous. She'd figured out a pattern with the way the men paced around the train, and she saw a way she could sneak past them. She was sure it would work, she could feel it with such certaintly that she no longer even considered waiting in line anymore.

A few minutes later, she slipped out of the line, and walked over toward the rear of the train. As one official paced away, she saw the other one turn back to look at a rather loud fellow who apparently didnt have a Visa and was arguing about it.

She could've done it without the distraction, but she appreciated the timing. She slipped around behind a few people, ducked low and stepped out behind the train. On the other side, she climbed up and slipped into an empty cabin.

A moment passed, heart beating, and she was confident that she was free and clear. Then after another few moments passed, she groaned in frustration. She'd made it, all she had to do now was wait and she'd see her sister soon... but Decus be damned, she hated waiting.

Aeolian Staff
Posts: 666
Character: Swaglord420

Re: New Character: Madylin Montgomery

Post by Coty » September 3rd, 2023, 2:10 am

Congratulations, adventurer! Your application is...


Please ensure that your character name is spelled correctly upon exiting the Songmaker's chambers. A GM will approve your character at their earliest convenience.

Gasp! A stowaway! Welcome to Requiem!

Posts: 2
Character: Madylin Montgomery

Re: New Character: Madylin Montgomery

Post by doubletrouble » September 3rd, 2023, 4:59 pm

Hello, thanks for the approval. Rex changed the name in game for me to:

Madilyn Montgomery

Posting this here for clarity.

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