Application for Bishop - Secondary

Forum used for archiving approved character applications.
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Character: John Llareth

Application for Bishop - Secondary

Post by Rasamith » January 4th, 2024, 1:45 pm


Do you have any prior experience with Requiem? If so, please detail when (and what characters, if desired) you previously played?

John Llareth, Marilla, Rasamith, Benjamin, Reeva

How did you hear about Requiem?

Have played since Act II


What will your character’s name be?


Please briefly describe the physical attributes of your character, including age, looks, height, weight and any notable features:

Wrapped head to toe in cloth and bandages he changes semi-regularly. He looks like a corpse prepared for burial. Normal height, non-muscular, seems to be in his 30's. His voice seems damaged, and it's difficult to hear him.

Please provide a few short paragraphs with pertinent details or notable qualities of your character’s history. This does not have to be exhaustive nor revealing of any information you wish to keep secret:

Part of the fun is figuring out what's real and what isn't. Whatever is physically revealed as proof Bishop was somewhere does not account for his character knowledge. This is a character that has lost their mind and does not "hold grudges" or "solve mysteries" or remember "who did what when." There may be kernels of truth in what he says.

Briefly state your character’s intentions or motivations for entering the First Province:

Bishop has remained in the province for a while now, spent some time at the Sanitarium, and continues to exist here. What parts of him that can still focus in seems to have an interest in engineering and explosives. So in this age of steam and fire, he feels exhilirated.

Bishop spent some time at the Sanitarium. I intend this to be strictly a patient to patient experience, he won't have gleaned any knowledge about what was going on in there unless staff sees that as interesting. He will however view the place as "the old homestead" and often try to get back inside.

Altered Primer for First Province Resident

A group rides up on the refugee camp, the red and whites of their Decusian clergy insignia denoting their purpose. Devices glinted in the morning light, a length of metal tubing from an incinerator, vials, syringes. Sterile gloves and uniforms shows some to be apothecary servicemen. They rein up a few hundred yards from the shanties and wooden spikes, squinting at the burnt down buildings and occasional rat. The sound of something larger within the refuse can be heard, rummaging.

"Filters" Says the commanding officer in a stern voice.

Each member of the corp got their mask on, checking each other's for proper seal, and one by one a pop and hiss sound filled the afternoon air of the First Province. It had been some time since the burnout of the structure on the peninsula to the east, but still teams were sent out to monitor for any resurgence.

Dismounting and moving in on foot, two of the medics make their way into the shanties. hearing the sound of ruffling off to the side, seeing empty cans and bottles being thrown by a man in the refuse. One medic draws a smooth but sturdy billy club, and the other produces a FL-3 T.D.D. for the hunched over figure they now approach. With his back turned, the two set on him rather quickly, striking the back of his head to render him unconscious or dazed, and setting out collecting a sample. Rolling the man on his back, they look at him with surprise.

"He's all bandages, he a burn victim or something?"

"I don't care, just get some off and take a sample."

The machine whirs with sample inside. And the first Apothecary corpsman nudges the one with the billy club, motioning to the skin of the man's exposed wrist.

"Decus... Should we just burn him?"

A little ping from the device interrupts them before he can reply, and they both look at it wide eyed and curious.

"Shows negative"

"Yeah he's not exactly clean though is he? I would at least burn those gloves when we're done."

The one who collected the sample looked at his hands as if they might betray him, but taking a breath and putting faith in their design, he undoes a couple more bandages.


They both look at the exposed brand on the other side of the man's forearm with brows furrowed.

"Probably a good thing, no sane person would live this close to a burnout"

Looking back at the gathered others, the second medic slips away the club, confident that the man will remain out until they're gone. "Well we should be getting on, there's more regions to check."

"Think we could convince the prelate to allow us to just put this one down?"

"We're not in the business of delivering mercy. We have a job to do today, and can't get side-tracked"

Aeolian Staff
Posts: 684

Re: Application for Bishop - Secondary

Post by Coty » January 4th, 2024, 2:06 pm

Congratulations, adventurer! Your application is...


Please ensure that your character name is spelled correctly upon exiting the Songmaker's chambers. A GM will approve your character at their earliest convenience.

Welcome to Requiem!

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