PV Faction Crop/animal Input

General discussions concerning the world of Requiem and the community.
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Aeolian Staff
Posts: 107

PV Faction Crop/animal Input

Post by maldonado » March 21st, 2024, 10:37 pm

Good morning,

I am looking for input regarding a small portion of PV and rather than the staff team spending days discussing I would rather ask the player base for their input. In the end it is you that need to enjoy it and you folks know the most of what our world has to offer and what it needs more of. As most of you know, PV will have different faction areas. Each faction area has its own "happenings" and one of those is crops/animals. Imagine each section has its own three special crops and one animal to harvest within it. These crops/animals are protected from "outsiders" to make things more interesting and to make decisions of what you do more important. What would you like to see them as? I would like two crops that are common near the fort and one more rare for each section but not the same as each other. It does not necessarily need to work like that but just an example of how it could. Add some reasons why you believe they should be included. Basic rough example of how it will work is below. Any input is appreciated and will help us speed this process along. We're in the section where we are doing lots of this and it is time consuming so player input will help me from spending a few days weighing out options instead of starting the next task. THANK YOU <3 Mal. Imagine ill throw some sort of reward for helpful input for this stuff going forward.

Section A:
Crop 1: Corn
Crop 2: Cotton
Crop 3: Cabbage
Animal 1: lamb/sheep

Section B:
Crop 1: Celery
Crop 2: Ginger
Crop 3: Flax
Animal: Cow

PS didn't proof read and was on my phone, don't judge my grammar.


Posts: 12
Character: Otis Mercer

Re: PV Faction Crop/animal Input

Post by GoRRiK » March 22nd, 2024, 5:17 pm

I like the idea of faction specific benefits to motivate people to play around. Personally I would like seeing more depth perhaps as Requiem has a lot to offer. So example resources of different types.

1) Crop-Food
2) Crop-Tailoring
3) Animal-Meat/Hides

The density and such would obviously be up to staff. Though properly done could add new dynamic to Requiem gameplay.

I don’t proof read I said what I said lol

Aeolian Staff
Posts: 107

Re: PV Faction Crop/animal Input

Post by maldonado » March 24th, 2024, 1:56 am

Won't reveal more.... I will say after years of knowing you that you will enjoy this update and MAYBE we have the same wants.

Posts: 18
Character: Constantine

Re: PV Faction Crop/animal Input

Post by Murdy » March 25th, 2024, 3:09 pm

Ginger is far and above the most useful crop just because of its scarcity. With this distribution, I feel like it'd be pretty one sided. Ginger would probably be better off as a contested resource just because its so essential to alchemy. The only crop that really comes close in terms of value/scarcity is black pearl and even then its not really close.

Cotton/Flax are so readily available they aren't much of a lure.

It might be better to lean into something like silk or other custom/new resources which then feed into faction rep patterns or something? That way noone is being locked out of sources of materials for existing crafts, and existing stockpiles won't make one choice or the other irrelevant.

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