Commune of Frenchie [WIP]

Forum used for submitting new applications for Factions on Requiem.

Moderator: Gatekeeper

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Alan Chapman
Posts: 3
Character: Alan Chapman

Commune of Frenchie [WIP]

Post by Alan Chapman » September 29th, 2024, 4:25 pm

Basics & Logistics

1. Have you read all of the prerequisites and considerations and do you agree to abide by them?
  • Yes, we agree.
2. What is the name of your intended Faction?
  • Commune of Frenchie (actually a work in progress, so the name may change before final application)
3. What is the expected or intended size of the Faction in terms of player characters?
  • 3-5 in the following 1-2 months, maybe more once the community established.
4. What is the expected or intended size of the Faction in terms of its’ lore concept, and/or including NPCs?
  • Its a commune, so the size of a village or a small city at best. 1-2 npc benefactors maybe to represent Staff presence.
5. Roleplaying wise, how influential will the Faction strive to be? Will it tend to stick to itself and not make waves, or will it try and become a household name? How will the Faction accomplish this level (or lack thereof) of influence and reputation?
  • The goal is to become a self-sufficant commune, maybe one day take over the mine and/or establish an economic diplomacy.
6. Does the Faction have any unique colors, sigils, banners, or signage that uniquely identifies it? What is the significance of it?
  • TBD
Goals & Future

1. What purpose, direction or goal does the Faction have in the world at large?
  • Minor, influencing mostly the First Province, see below
2. What purpose, direction or goal does the Faction have within the quarantined First Province in particular?
  • Being a commune, the goal is self sufficency. We might even need the help of a benefactor for a real military defense for anything more than our small militia against 5-6 monsters.
3. Role-playing wise, what would the Faction seek to accomplish within the next six to twelve months? What are their immediate and long-term goals?
  • The self-sufficancy stays an acceptable goal, first goal is actually to establish, then our independance towards the city for crafting areas ;), long term establishing a perimeter to make our commune safer then establishing trading routes and dealings.
4. Is the Faction famous or infamous for anything in particular? Will it strive to be famous or infamous for anything in the near future?
  • Open mindness and autarky
Concept & Community

1. Please provide the Discord handle of the intended Player Leader of this Faction that will serve to liaison with the Staff in the future:
  • Joelcarl/Alan aka joelcarl (#6999), alternatively, Daedalus aka daedalus3689
2. Please provide a summary as to the out-of-character purpose of the Faction, what sort of role you feel it will fill in-game (trading guild, PVP, PVM, etc.), and what sort of player character you intend to attract and/or support with the Faction in general.
  • The OOC goal is open-mindedness about language. The acceptance of our language in our city. At the same time we will be an economic force, therefore a bit Trading guild/pvm. We are mainly looking for Frenchies but we will remain very open with those who have the concept of community

1. If you have anything additional you would like to publicly share with us, to include in-character write ups, descriptions, organization structures or even custom logos and sigils, please provide them here:
  • TBD

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