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Re: Maximus has something to say!

Posted: February 7th, 2023, 2:38 am
by Rhonja Swiftfox
Rhonja, just browsing through the wares the man advertises forrows her eyebrow "Two people bedroll? For camping right? I am actually looking for a two people bed, do you sell one?"

Re: Maximus has something to say!

Posted: February 7th, 2023, 4:23 am
by OrdinaryCitizen
Maximus locks his gaze on the white haired brunette's, shoving his hands into his pockets as he comes over:
As sad as that makes Maximus, we won't have what you need as wooden merchandise is not really in our purview. We have confidence you can find it in one of our colleagues' stalls, though, so don't lose hope!

Since you're already here, how about one of these fine, criminally cheap repair deeds? You never need 'em until you need 'em! Or, perhaps, a nice and juicy slab of meat for a fine meal? It'll make a marvelous pick for a memorable, intimate dinner! Just so you know, Maximus is available to partake in your table so we can share much together! How's that sound?

Re: Maximus has something to say!

Posted: February 7th, 2023, 8:57 am
by Rhonja Swiftfox
Rhonja chuckles, as if she would have kown it, the merchant tries to sell her something else.
"Criminally cheap you call that deeds? Maybe for inside the town, when you strall outside the town, you find some a lot cheaper!", she shakes her head, playing the pouting customer, "Maybe I buy one, of you give me a rib for free to it?"

New Restock, New Wares

Posted: March 1st, 2023, 6:43 am
by OrdinaryCitizen
Maximus preys upon every soul ambling through or nearby the crafter's hall, shouting his sales pitch to the four winds (even when there was none):
Regular restock is still in effect! Come get your sand, wool and leather fix with the one and only Maximus! New pieces of studded armor available, both with horned and barbed hides! I'm sure a couple of them will fit you just fine, and may heaven strike me down if I can't tighten loose pieces to make you look just the right amount of snazzy!

But that's not all! We got meters and meters of rope for your every need, as well as watering hoses, bowstrings, leather wraps and much, much more! If you don't check Maximus' wares, you'll be missing out and pretty much become the talk of the town! Don't let such fate befall upon yourself, come on and take a gander now!