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Re: Legacy of Ida Murasaki

Posted: April 2nd, 2023, 10:13 am
by TheOriginalFive
Mixed Signals


“The way you go on, fine!” I said, hands on my hips. Although I didn’t intend to join the Meddler’s last drinking contest, I humoured a friend of the Satrapy.

Long story short, I got very drunk after tasting the intentionally awful Last Resort brew. And the biggest irony was when I opened the gift box I picked. A dinner for two? How would I exchange that?

Before I could get around to changing my prize, Gryhun stuck himself in the seat across from me after asking Constantine to redeem a garden patio set.

“Wha' prize did ye get?”

“Dinner for two. I think the Winter Ball couple would make better use of it,” I said.

“I dunno Ida… Maybe it's destiny.”

I scowled. What a piss poor joke. “Don't you have Nola already?” I said sharply.

“O' course, but the point o' havin' a harem is to have many.”

I snapped back, “You’re loony!”

I heard a little laugh from a bystander. Damn Gryhun, why did he have to bring that up?

“Nola's fine with it. She be top bitch. So, whadda ya say? Member number three?” Gryhun said, with a big smile.

“Who the hell is number two? And that's still no.”

“Tha's privileged information only released to harem members.”

Thankfully, Constantine’s return with the garden furniture put that awkward exchange on hold. I thought he’d be placated with the sexy vase and portrait of Vespera Visconti that Hollis made, but no.

With a grin and his gift in hand, Gryhun told me, “Farewell, Ida. I look forward to our date,” and left the Risk.

I growled, “I thought he’d forgotten about it. What’s he got against me?”

Constantine shrugged. “Sounds like he likes you.”

“He thinks so. I think he’s an obscene braggart! Chasing after me ever since Anslem broke out of Aiwella, asking me to shag him and his harem, and-”

“Well, you're a good judge of character. He's other things too, of course.”

“He might be, but I don’t like obscene braggarts.”

“A good friend, a good man… Kind, beneath all dee pomp,” Constantine said, with a little chuckle.

“I’ve tried being prickly to him.”

“He probably finds dat encouraging. Grows on you, not unlike a fungus.”

“He’ll never let up on asking to shag me, will he? Wish I could…” I said, making a slapping gesture in the air.

Constantine laughed. “If you were to, I'm sure he'd make it into something... well, something to tease you about. Not dee first time I've heard dat sentiment, though."

“Who else wants to slap him?”

“It’s a shorter list of who he's met who hasn't wanted to,” Constantine said, counting on his fingers. “Viola?”

“Surely he’s been rude to her too,” I said, having a lot of thoughts about the childish chef that the rats all ran after.

“Undoubtedly, but dee woman has dee patience of a saint. I'm out of names.”

I merely snorted.

“I can’t imagine Ashford or Barney or Theo haven't fought dee urge a time or two,” he continued. A thought struck him then. “Artemis? Nothing seems to bother him, though.”

“He’s steady, but loud when waving his axe. Valentin doesn’t do that.”

Constantine smiled. “Grandfather doesn’t, thankfully.”

I smiled and we talked a little more about the family. Soon, I had to take my leave, and told Constantine so.

“You're welcome to exchange dat prize. Or you could see what interesting situations might arise from it.”

“I’ll think it over.”

I was lost in thought as I walked back to the Cubby Hole. Why did I feel so excited about the dinner date? I shouldn’t be as giddy as a romance novel heroine.

The almost-prelacy girl in Drolund was long gone. I am Ida!

It’s infuriating! I hope those butterflies in my stomach were just drunk ones.

Re: Legacy of Ida Murasaki

Posted: May 1st, 2023, 11:06 pm
by TheOriginalFive
Meddler’s Revel


Constantine had pretty much set up shop where the Bistro used to be. While we still had free reign upstairs, the bar itself would attract all sorts of people and not just the Old Townies.

I did not join the drinking contest this time. Fire and booze don’t mix. From the others’ reactions, the booze in the contest still wasn’t very nice, but not as bad as the Last Resort.

However, I had to put up with Gryhun plopping himself beside me. He was still an infuriatingly oblivious jackass. Why do I keep having butterflies in my stomach every time he talks? Ugh!

I occupied myself by observing the others as they tried to drink over the braziers without setting them alight.

Ara the Giant definitely was a fan of the Meddler’s booze. After the rest got thoroughly sloshed, Constantine had a raffle for all sorts of prizes. The grand prize was a bundle of things, including a choice of furniture, clothes, and a dinner date; and an old man named Rick won that set.

I was right not to take part in the drinking contest again! Gryhun left, so I was free to bag on him to the remaining patrons of the Revel. Though they said his jackassery was well known even before I ever set foot in the Province.

When it came to the subject of the dinner date, Mateo seemed very interested in dating Viola. I wish him luck and I doubt it would be as infuriating as Gryhun’s assumption about me.

Ara had a suggestion for me which I hope to put into action during the dinner date, if Constantine is agreeable to it.

Re: Legacy of Ida Murasaki

Posted: May 26th, 2023, 11:17 pm
by TheOriginalFive
Maeby’s Art Class


Some time after the Revel’s opening, local art all rounder Maeby decided to have an art class.

I was basically out of practice, but I managed to make a decent sunset river. I was surprised when it was claimed to be outstanding. I thought Rhys’ painting was better.

As for Gryhun, he was still a jackass and put an obscene mountain in his. That was intentional, although he was upset about his river looking like literal crap too. He STILL would not stop propositioning me, or flattering me, or even saying he’d resort to serenading me.