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Lillian's Application

Posted: December 9th, 2018, 11:27 am
by LillianRothmitzer1
Requiem Application

Do you have any prior experience with Requiem? If so, please detail when (and what characters, if desired) you previously played.


Briefly summarize your prior role-playing experience in a sentence or two:

I have played in various pen an+ paper and online roleplaying experiences but the ones that standout are: Ultima Online Catskills Roleplaying Community Dark Elf (Drow) Guild Hard roleplaying; Lord of the Rings Lauren Shard where I both participated and helped develop roleplaying classes for those who wished to learn; and finally, Second Life where I roleplayed within an exact replica of Alcatraz Prison as well as other simulations.

Why do you wish to play on Requiem, and what do you expect from the shard?

I have been looking to return to the UO community but I prefer a roleplay environment that is immersive and yet structured. In addition, I seek a challenge to both contribute to the community but also to learn and develop my own skills. I believe that Requiem offers this and more. I expect to find a community, a fellowship that will develop and I expect that I will learn new things and grow from this

What will your character’s name be?

Lillian Rothmizer, youngest child of a honored legionnaire and his wife.

Please briefly describe the physical attributes of your character, including age, looks, height, weight and any notable features:

A young woman of about 20 years of age with red curly hair up to her shoulder, and emerald green eyes. To look at her slender, stately looks, you would deem her to be tall for a woman of the day, being 5’3”.

Briefly state your character’s intentions or motivations for entering the First Province:

Lillian had heard about the call to travel for to the Ruins of Tor where she hoped to find for herself some type of document or scroll that would help her in her life’s work, as well as revealing important information that needed rectify a decision.
As she neared her 21st birthday in becoming an adult, this need has become necessary. She would then only need to keep it a secret a little while.

Briefly provide a pertinent detail or notable quality of your character’s history (this does not have to be exhaustive nor revealing of any information you wish to keep secret):

All her life, Lillian has been gathering scrolls of history, and information of this and than. Anything that might help in these times to either cure, ward off, soothe, or prevent the Torment. Now the missing scroll might be found within the Ruins of Tor, and she must be there to find it.

It was a coincidence that her father, a legionnaire, was leading a unit to these ruins. This afforded a perfectly good reason to go forth and thus meet him there.
Yet, all her life, there was a deeper reason that she and her mother had striven to keep hidden. She would not reveal it now but its time was becoming urgent. With that, she thrust it from her mind, her hands shaking.

Briefly write an in-character response to the following scenario:

You have finally arrived at your destination; the Rumbling Pass checkpoint. Before you stands a massive outpost, looking to have been erected only recently, of which is patrolled by numerous Legionnaires and
Church Templar. The outpost guards the only viable entrance to the recently quarantined First Province; the home of Tor, the fallen capital of the Republic. Sitting at the foot of the massive mountain line that effectively contains the First Province within, the outpost serves as the last obstacle you must overcome before gaining entry into the quarantined territory. You and others like you assemble outside of the palisades of the outpost, awaiting the opportunity to speak your case to the presiding Legion officiant who is processing admittance to the Province.
You watch as but a scant few of the dozens that approach the officiant, whom stands at the outer gates of the outpost flanked by a few heavily armored Legionnaires, are actually allowed to pass through the man-door and into the outpost. You see some slip pieces of gold to the officiant, while others plead their cases and rationale as to why they should be allowed to enter the recently fallen territory. Some appear to provide some sort of paperwork to the officiant, whom promptly waves them through. While eavesdropping, you manage to overhear the well-rehearsed speech the officiant provides to those whom don’t provide paperwork or grease his palm.
“By decree of the Venerated Church, the First Province is considered to be a mortal health hazard, and as such, is quarantined under Article Eighteen of the Republic Treatise of Health Act of 1320. Citizens who do not possess a Quarantine Visa issued by one of the recognized Factions of the Republic are considered non-essential to the reclamation of the First Province. Under Article Eighteen, non-essentials seeking entry into an official quarantine zone must petition for entry into a said zone, and state just cause for the issuing of a visa by the perimeter authority. State your business and make it good, citizen; we’ve enough bodies in there to keep us busy for months without adding yours to the pile.”
You ponder the situation for a moment, evaluating your options. It’s well known that with the right connections and the right amount of coin, one can get their hands on a Quarantine Visa from any one of the major Factions of the Republic, or even a passable counterfeit from more nefarious sources. At the same time, it would appear that the officiant doesn’t appear to be above some simple bribery. However, you’re sure that some of those let in appeared to have made a convincing case with the officiant. Gathering your wits, you make your decision as to how to gain access to the First Province.

“M’Lord, you would, of course, recognize my name Lillian Rothmizer, as one of your honored legionnaires who is thus also named. I am his beloved, youngest daughter”. *Drawing herself up proudly, she goes on to say, “it is urgent I meet my father as soon as I am able to on this journey to the Ruins of Tor”. She felt no shame in exaggerating his title to further her own needs.

Smiling gently and respectfully, She passes over her birth documents stating that she is indeed Lillian Rothmizer, a daughter of the honored legionnaire along with a number of coins and bills of currency to sooth the officiate’s need. “As you can see, I need to pass through immediately to meet up with my father. Once I do, I am sure to pass on the message of your good service, and my father will be sure to reward you handsomely.”

Re: Lillian's Application

Posted: December 10th, 2018, 12:37 pm
by Kristijonas
"-Please DON'T tell your father, miss.Have a pleasant stay..."
Says the clerk as he glances at the birth documents and drops the coins into a cushioned back by his table.

Congratulations, adventurer. Your application is...


Please ensure that your character name is spelled correctly upon exiting the Songmaker's chambers. A GM will approve your character at their earliest convenience.

Welcome to Requiem!