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Gareth Crane (secondary character)

Posted: December 17th, 2018, 4:47 pm
by Nemo
Do you have any prior experience with Requiem? If so, please detail when (and what characters, if desired) you previously played:
Yes, i've played Nemo Kanenas and Varyag in the last beta and Nemo again in the last incarnation. Other than that i've also played for some time way back in Act I, but details elude me after all these years.

Briefly summarize your prior role-playing experience in a sentence or two:

I've played on a few UO RP shards and some NWN PWs durign the years.

Why do you wish to play on Requiem, and what do you expect from the shard?

I want to play on Requiem because i think it's the best UO shard out there. What do i expect from the shard? To see how the story ends to be honest.

What will your character’s name be?
Gareth Crane

Please briefly describe the physical attributes of your character, including age, looks, height, weight and any notable features:
Gareth seems to be a young man in his mid-twenties. He has shoulder length black hair and a wiry build, coming to about 6" tall. His dark brown eyes seem to dart around the area as if scanning for anything out of the ordinary, but you would be hard pressed to call him anxious. He seems to carry himself with grace and confidence, even though he never seems to relax fully. If you would spend some time conversing with the fellow you would find it slightly disconcerting that he never seems to hold your gaze for long, preferring to instead scan his surroundings almost compulsively.

Briefly state your character’s intentions or motivations for entering the First Province:
Gareth has had his share of misfortune in his life so he is driven to gather enough wealth so he can retire comfortably. The first province seemed like a natural choice after overhearing rumors about lost treasures and mysteries hidden in the hard to reach places of the province.

Briefly provide a pertinent detail or notable quality of your character’s history (this does not have to be exhaustive nor revealing of any information you wish to keep secret):
Gareth was born in a mid-sized town in the Eastern Baronies, as a son of a common streetwalker. He never knew his father and his mother never seemed to want to talk about him much, so Gareth learned quickly to not push the matter. As far as he knew, the man could very well be just another of his mother's clients. The man did manage to at least pass on his looks that seemed to turn Gareth into quite the ladies' man as he grew up.

His childhood was spent avoiding the strange men that seemed to populate their home in the town's slum district, though he remembered an older, kind, priest always handing him some sweets if he managed to meet him on the house's stairwell. Otherwise he much preferred staying in the alleys with the other children of the local working women and seemed to develop a knack for being in the right place at the right time.

This sometimes led to him finding some silver someone managed to "forget" in the alley or avoiding a beating from the town's rival gangs. He guessed he was just lucky but his luck seemed to be running out. One day, while trying to slink off outside the house in the dark, he heard the sounds of shouting and shuffling feet in his mother's room. Usually he tended to avoid overhearing the sounds coming from that room, but this time something pulled him to the door. Leaning his ear to the door he managed to overhear the sound of voices arguing about some loot and mentioning something similar to a feisty wench while in the midst of laughter.

Gareth peeked through the keyhole and saw his mother draped over the bed with blood pouring out of her mouth. He made a soft gasp, which seemed to be overheard by the men inside.
Cursing they stormed to the door while Gareth was already ahead of them slipping out onto the roof and running as fast as his feet would take him to the guardpost. Once he reached the post the guard inside dismissed his rantings about the strange men in his home but relented once the boy spoke about seeing his mother dead. The guard
couldn't care less about the matter but a corpse without explanation would seem quite bad once the seargant comes back.
Accompanied by the guard Gareth entered his home again to find most of the valuables ransacked and the corpse of his mother on the bed, just as he saw her. The guards seemed to be of no use in regards to finding the culprits and Gareth couldn't stomach staying in his home anymore after these events. He sold his house for a fair price to a friend of his mother's and took to drinking in the local tavern to try and forget about that night.

Being quite the mean drunk he started to get a reputation around town soon after that and his coinpurse soon started emptying. This could be it for Gareth, if it weren't for a night where two armed men walked into the tavern, wenches on their arms and full purses on their waists. Gareth seemed quite drunk that night but as soon as he heard the men speak he seemed to come to his senses. These were the men that killed his mother...or at least had a hand in that.

A rage started to boil inside him but he calmed himself, took a deep breath and raised the hood of his cloak over his head. Hi didn't drink a drop of liquor that night, waiting for the men to leave the tavern, as he knew they would eventually.
Luckily for him the night seemed to be a dark one, with low clouds covering the sky. He stood in a nook by the tavern, almost invisible even to passing guards, waiting for the men to leave. He didn't have to wait long, soon he saw the two men holding eachother up in their stupor. They've drunk well he thought, while slowly unsheathing his dagger and hiding it in the sleeve of his tunic, silently starting to follow the men.

The men were a strange pair, one short and very fat, the other quite tall and thin. First, the tall one he thought. That one might actually make a run for it. The fat bastard won't outrun me in a million years. Following the men he seemed to overhear them speaking about riches in the first province and that this place doesn't have much to steal anymore. The two seemed to be agreeing on the matter while Gareth slowly caught up to them. Right at that very moment the tall man loudly exclaimed he needed to relieve himself. This seemed like just the opportunity to Gareth so he watched him wheel off to the side to lean against a wall while the fat man waddled on in the street.

Coming behind the tall man he quickly jabbed his dagger into the side of the man's throat, punching it forward, making the tall man collapse with a gurgling sound. Nervously he peered around the area but the fat man was still waddling on as before. Running softly behind him he clutched the still bloody dagger tightly in his hand. Closing in on the fat man Gareth slipped behind him and began stabbing him over and over with his dagger. Luckily for Gareth, the man went down almost without a sound.

Quickly searching through their belongings Gareth found a tatterred entry visa into the first province along with some coin. Knowing that the guards will be searching for the culprit of the murders and realizing someone like him would be a prime suspect he joined the first wagon leaving the town towards the first province with thoughts of what awaits on his mind.

Briefly write an in-character response to the following scenario:
“By decree of the Venerated Church, the First Province is considered to be a mortal health hazard, and as such, is quarantined under Article Eighteen of the Republic Treatise of Health Act of 1320. Citizens who do not possess a Quarantine Visa issued by one of the recognized Factions of the Republic are considered non-essential to the reclamation of the First Province. Under Article Eighteen, non-essentials seeking entry into an official quarantine zone must petition for entry into a said zone, and state just cause for the issuing of a visa by the perimeter authority. State your business and make it good, citizen; we’ve enough bodies in there to keep us busy for months without adding yours to the pile.”
Looking around the faces gathered by the admission desk Gareth wonderd if the permit he has will actually do him any good. All manner of folk seemed gathered there, with someone who clearly appeared to be a hunter, with a bow slung over his back and pelts hanging off his side.

Approaching the man Gareth quickly offered a few silver coins for hi pelts and bow. the man seemed surprised but after some haggling managed to agree to Gareth's offer. Gareth dipped into a side alley and quickly put on the bow and pelts and approached in line before the admission desk.

As he saw the man in front of him dismissed, almost causing a scene, he wondered if his ruse might still not be enough to fool the clerk. As a precaution he quickly stuffed a small bag of silver coins into the visa scroll, to be seen by the one opening it. As it seemed this was just in time as the clerk loudly spoke for the next in line to approach.

Clearing his throat he began to speak: "Good day master officiant, my name is Gareth Crane and i am a skilled hunter of beasts and various monsters", he gestured at his bow and pelts slung over his back.

"As you can see here," passing the visa scroll to the man, watching the pouch of coins fall into his lap as he unfurled the scroll, " there seems to be quite the need for skilled hunters to manage the ammount of wildlife in the province. This is why i am volounteering to do my part as a citizen of the republic should!"

Expectantly he gazed at the officiant reading the scroll.

Re: Gareth Crane (secondary character)

Posted: December 17th, 2018, 11:42 pm
by Kristijonas
Congratulations, adventurer. Your application is...


Please ensure that your character name is spelled correctly upon exiting the Songmaker's chambers. A GM will approve your character at their earliest convenience.

Welcome to Requiem!