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Files, laws, posters - Foundry Archives Rediscovered

Posted: January 13th, 2019, 7:35 am
by Verange
Most posters made by Wyrmlance, some by me. Everything in this thread is old stuff from Act V Beta.










Re: Files, laws, posters - Foundry Archives Rediscovered

Posted: January 13th, 2019, 7:45 am
by Verange
Collected and organized from various sources by Algans Blans.

Much like people of any other profession a professional jargon has developed in the underworld of the Republic and is actively practised by thieves, beggars, con artists, smugglers and men of other criminal professions. Unlike any other form of jargon I have came across this one has a special quality: the vocalbury of the underworld serves the intention of being misleading to those not familiar with it. Ordinary phrases, such as tapping someone on the shoulder, have special meanings: to tap someone on shoulder means to shove a blade in their back. Playing outsiders a fool like this can be vital in order to maintain a public image, or in contrast to identify an another criminal through the way they speak.
The vocalbury used may change from region to region, but here I have collected a few of the most common terms I have ran across during my time on the field.

Abbess - The mistress of a brothel.
Abbott - A beggar pretending to be insane.
Academy - A brothel.
Addidavit Man - Someone who will testify anything in a court session if the price is right. A buyable witness, for example.
Anglers - Petty thieves or muggers that steal easy targets.
Bagged Flash - Magic item.
Barrow Man - A man awaiting sentence or transport.
Beggar Maker - Keeper of a tavern or a bar.
Bingo - Brandy or other spirit.
Birds of a feather - Criminals of the same gang.
Bite - The act of stealing.
Black Art - The art of lockpicking. "He excels at black arts".
Bluffer - An innkeeper.
Blunt - Money of any type.
Boned - Seized or arrested.
Boung - A purse. A boung snipper is a cutpurse thief.
Box-man - A thief specialized in cracking safes.
Brown Boys - A member of the Republic Foundry.
Button - Fake currency, fake coin.
Burning - Stolen, for example a "burning sword" would be a stolen sword.
Cackle - To snitch, to rat out, to inform the authorities of a thief.
Canters - Thieves or beggars, also called a "canting crew".
Caravan - A large sum of money or someone with a large sum of money.
Charm - A lockpick. "To be out of charms."
Cloy - To steal.
Crawl in a hole - To hide, usually from law enforcement.
Dangle - To hang, to be hanged.
Darkmans - Night time.
Ding boy - A mugger.
Equipt - Well equipped or wealthy, for example "that man is equipt" when referencing to a possible victim.
Expense Money - Bribes offered to law enforcement.
Family Man - The receiver of stolen goods.
Fang - A dog.
Fence - To sell or deliver stolen goods.
Fencing ken - The place where stolen goods are hidden.
Game - Any form of robbery.
Gentleman - A common word for thief.
Gibberish - Thieves' cant.
Going Home - To break out of a jail.
Going Legimate - To die.
Grease - An another term for bribes.
Guesthouse - A jailhouse.
Hatchet Man - An enforcer or an assassin.
Hike - To leg it, to run away.
Hired Help - Accomplice for criminal activity.
Holy Man - Someone from the Church.
Holy Sword - A templar.
Hush - Murder. Hush Money means a bribe.
Invited - Arrested.
Iron - Money.
Knight of the Road - A bandit.
Kindling Collectors - Inquisition.
Lightmans - Daytime.
Lone Wolf - An independent thief.
Long Tongued - Unable to keep a secret.
Maunding - Begging.
Myrmidons - Law enforcement, ants.
Nab - To seize.
Numbered - A mage of the Consortium.
Noose - A necklace.
Office - To "give office" means speaking to the law enforcement.
Old Hand - An experienced thief.
Peeper - A spying glass or a stalker.
Popular - Someone wanted by the authorities.
Piece Man - Trader of knowledge on where stolen property can be sold.
Pig - An officer of the law.
Pig Poker - A dagger.
Pigeon - An easy target to cheat.
Pigeon Plucker - A con artist or a swindler.
Quota - A thieves' share of the booty.
Racket - Larceny.
Rascal - A rogue or a thief.
Rat - An informer, to turn informer.
Resurrection Men - Graverobbers that steal bodies.
Rot Gut - Cheap spirituous liquor.
Rounder - A professional burglar.
Rust - Copper coins.
Red on Cheeks - Someone from the Venerated Legion.
Scapegallows - Someone who escaped to avoid the gallows.
Score - Loot from a theft.
Scratch - Injury
Sea Pig - Most commonly refers to a Foundry Marine.
Shadow Dancing - Hiding.
Sham - A trick.
Show - A trial.
Sing - Call out or inform (the law enforcement).
Squeak - Escape. "To squeak" means confessing.
Sweating - Removing metal from a coin to make cheap counterfeits.
Thief Takers - Someone who associates with thieves in order to gather information and arrest them for glory.
Tin - Silver.
Turncoat - Someone that betrayed their friends.
Twig - Realizing that something is up.
Two to One Shop - Pawnbrokers.
Under the Mountain - Something from "under the mountain" is smuggled into the First Province.
Visiting the Neighbours - Burglary.
Wry Neck Day - An execution day.
Yellow Tin - Gold.
Addemdum I: Maritime Jargon

"Crime is common among seafarers. This is a quick overview of "maritime jargon", that may sound confusing to someone unfamiliar with the charasteristic language of sailors. This listing was made by the Gendarmerie of Greatport.

Adrift - Not tied or secured.
Ahoy - A nautical greeting.
Aweigh - The moment a ship's anchor leaves the bottom of the sea.
Bail - To throw out water that has collected on the ship's deck.
Beachcomber - A sailor with no ship of his own or assignment to one.
Beam - The width of a ship.
Becalm - Stopping due to the lack of wind.
Belay - Stopping an action. "Belay that dreaming!", "belay the ships here".
Boatswain - A Boatswain is usually a trusted senior member of the crew who might oversee the ship or other members of the crew.
Bow - The front of the ship's hull.
Bilge - Lowest part of the ship's hull, forming a transition between the bottom and the sides.
Bulkhead - A wall inside the hull of the ship.
Bumboat/Boomboat - A boat that sells supplies or provisions to other ships.
Chit - Refers to a letter, note, voucher, or receipt.
Colors - The factional insignias. Sailing under false colours would be sailing under a false flag, and a ship without colours does not carry any insignias. The colour on Blackwatch's ships is usually green.
Coxswain - The one who has charge of the boat during the Captain's absense.
Ditty Box/Bag - A small box or a bag sailors carry. This often contains letters, small souvenirs, and even sewing supplies.
Dead Horse - An advance payment of wages.
Field Day - A day set aside so that the ship can be cleaned.
Gangway - An opening in a ship to give entrance for boarding or leaving the ship.
Holystone - A flat stone used to scrub the ship's deck.
Keel - The backbone of the vessel. Runs along the center of the ship's hull.
Keelhaul - Dragging a sailor underneath the ship along the hull as a punishment. Those keelhauled usually drown.
Landsman/Sandcrab - Someone who does not go to the sea. For more derogatory means the word "sandcrab" is used.
Leeway - Sideways movement of the ship due to the current or the wind.
Lookout - Standing on watch, or the place where someone stands on watch.
Mate - A companion.
Overhaul - To prepare equipment for use, fixing something.
Port - The left side from the ship.
Rudder - The underwater part of a steering oar used to guide the boat.
Seaworthy - In condition to be sailing.
Scuttle-butt - A container of fresh water in the ship. Also any rumours or gossip.
Skipper - Any ship.
Starboard - The right side from the ship.
Swamped - Sunken, underneath water.
Sword Salute - A salute performed with a sword in your hand. Mainly done in ceremonies.
Sea Legs - Adapting to the movement of the boat and defeating sea sickness, "finding your sea legs".
Wake - The visible trail of ripples left by a ship.
Waterlogged - Full of water, but still afloat.
Weigh Anchor - Weighing anchor means that the anchor will be lifted and the journey continues."
Addendum II: Thief Codex discovered during a raid in a Smuggler Port, written by Ed Ski

"A common misconception is that a succesful thief owes his fortune to some certain talent he has born with; nimble fingers, intelligence, or even size. The truth is that everything which makes a good thief can be taught. The key to being a succesful thief is to know what to do in every situation. This is why I have listed so called "rules of acquisition" in this book, and keeping them in your mind will guarantee that you stand as a succesful thief and a liar. Their interpretation and execution depend on yourself, and some decide to not follow all the rules due to things such as companionship, honor, or reputation. My personal opinion is that the more rules you follow the greater outlaw you become.

1. Once you get someone's property you never return it.
2. The best deal is that which yields you the most profit.
3. Upon acquiring something never use more money than is necessary.
4. Even free things can be bought cheaper.
5. Small print leads to big problems.
6. Everything worth selling is worth selling twice.
7. Everything worth doing should be done for a fee.
8. Keep your family and friends close, but your moneys even closer.
9. A deal is a deal - until a better one is found.
10. Satisfaction is not always guaranteed.
11. Give money only to those you know you can steal from.
12. Never place friendship before profit.
13. Nothing is more important than your health - except your moneys.
14. Money cannot buy happiness, but at least you can rent it.
15. There's always a way out.
16. A honest man cannot be cheated.
17. Nothing is more dangerous than a honest businessman.
18. Remember to always ask yourself what's in it for you.
19. It never hurts to respect your boss.
20. War is good for business.
21. Peace is good for business.
22. Friendship is temporary; profit is eternal.
23. Never trust those whose clothes are fancier than yours.
24. Everything is worth something to someone.
25. Reward everyone that increases your profits; that is how they keep doing so.
26. Never ask if you can take.
27. Always estimate too high.
28. Good customers are as valuable as gold - hang onto them.
29. Keep your lies solid.
30. Never trust your customers.
31. Information means profit.
32. It's better to swallow your pride than lose your profit.
33. When the game starts to look bad, change the rules.
34. More suspicious the product, higher the price. Price is always more suspicious than quality.
35. A true friend does not ask for a discount.
36. Never let the competition know what you think.
37. Find out about your customer's weaknesses so you can use them.
38. A friend in trouble means triple profits.
39. Do not hesitate.
40. Do not rush.
41. Love and business do not fit together.
42. Drinking and busienss fit together only if you have high endurance.
43. Every rule has the equal and opposite rule (except when it doesn't).
44. "Enough" is an useless word.
45. If you can't take it with you, don't leave.
46. Every man has his price.
47. The only worth of antique is how much you can make someone else pay for it.
48. If your first offer is acceptable you asked for too little or offered too much.
49. Never trust anyone that trusts you.
50. There is nothing honorable in poverty.
51. Guarantee is valid only if the collector can find you.
52. Treat your debtors like you treat your family - use them.
53. There's always a catch.
54. Everything is for sale.
55. You can't make a deal if you are dead.
56. In conflict stay neutral so that you can sell to both sides.
57. Before everything be armed.
58. Never trust a benefactor.
59. Unfair advantages do not exist.
60. Lies are a good way to tell the truth to someone who doesn't know.
61. Even on the worst times someone manages to make profit.
62. Competition and fair play close each other out.
63. Know your enemy... but do business with them.
64. Listen to everything; don't trust anything.
65. Let others keep their reputation - you keep their money instead.
66. Make the offer only after the partner has tired himself.
67. It's always good to know about your customers before they walk in.
68. A thief is needed to cheat another thief.
69. Always know what you buy.
70. Sometimes that which you get for free costs way too much.
71. Sometimes the only thing more dangerous than a question is the answer.
72. Never hesitate to give a false description of a product.
73. Life is not fair. How else would you make profit?
74. A rich man can afford anything except a conscience.
75. An unwritten deal is not even worth the paper.
76. Customer is always right - until you get their money.
77. When hesitating, lie.
78. Everything not worth fighting against is worth hiding from.
79. A good deal is not usually that.
80. One man's secret is another man's chance.
81. A hand offering gold might always have a dagger in the sleeve.
82. Everything costs.
83. A man is only as valuable as his wealth.
84. Business is business even with friends.
85. Deep within everyone is a thief.
86. Animals make you trustworthy.
87. Expressions are worth practicing.
88. You can't be blamed if you didn't know.
89. Rich men do it for the money; dead men do it for the fame.
90. The greatest retaliation is when he lives in fear of vengeance that never comes.
And lastly:
91. If there is no fitting rule, make one."

Re: Files, laws, posters - Foundry Archives Rediscovered

Posted: January 13th, 2019, 7:48 am
by Verange

The OLD Legislation of Fort Praesium


Misdemeanors are minor crimes, wrongdoings, or otherwise non-indictable offenses against the Foundry, the Fort or the people residing under the Foundry's law. Most offenses will only bring punishments of jail time for repeat offenders, and the most common consequence will be fines.


GUARD OR FOUNDRY OFFICIAL DISRESPECT - Guardsmen employed by the Foundry as well as the Foundry Officials shall not be insulted or otherwise disrespected.

Punishment may include FINES: 40 silver pieces after a warning, or JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 1 - 3 days in jail.

DISTURBING THE PEACE - The following acts are considered disturbing the peace:
• Causing a disturbance in or near a public place by screaming, shouting, swearing, singing or using insulting or obscene language.
• Impeding other persons.
• Loitering in a public place that, in any way, obstructs persons.
• Disturbing the peace and quiet of the occupants of any building.

Punishment may include FINES: 20 to 100 silver coins depending on the violation, or JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail.

INDECENT EXPOSURE OF ONESELF – The intentional exposure of one's body's privates in a manner that gives offense against accepted or prescribed behavior. A man not wearing a shirt does not count, lest it be at a higher class function and it should then be counted as disturbing the peace.

Punishment may include FINES: 100 silver coins, or JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail.

UNLAWFUL DISPLAY – Displaying the following items on one's person shall be punishable by law:
• Magic: Casting hostile or offensive magic, unless you are defending oneself or the Fort.
• Weapons: Weapons are to be sheathed when you are within the Fort, unless you are acting in defense of oneself or the Fort.
• Body parts: Public display of limbs, extremities, or any other parts of a body is not permitted for any reason. This includes but is not limited to, hanging heads from ones person, placing heads on pikes, spreading body parts from the dead around, or any action similar to these.

Punishment may include FINES: 30 to 100 silver coins for repeat offenders with the possibility of confiscation of the violations, or JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail.

VANDALISM - The deliberate malicious destruction or damage of property.

Punishment may include FINES:30 to 100 silver coins in addition to repair costs as well as labouring to fix the damage, or JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail for extreme cases.

HARASSMENT- The act of tormenting by continued and unwanted persistent attacks and criticism. Following someone around and insulting them even after they have asked you to leave them alone is an example.

Punishment may include FINES: 30 to 100 silver coins for repeat offenders, or JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail.

FAILURE TO IDENTIFY- The act of disobeying a Foundry guardsman or a Foundry official and refusing to tell one's name or reveal one's face if concealed by a cowl, a mask, a helmet, or an article of similar qualities.

Punishment may include FINES: 30 to 120 silver coins for repeat offenders, or JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 1 - 3 days in jail.

TRESPASSING ON PRIVATE PROPERTY- The act of remaining on private or Foundry property without permission, or after being requested to leave. If trespass happens as part of a larger crime, it may be added to the list of crimes.

Punishment may include FINES: 40 to 120 silver coins, or JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail, and the possibility for banishment.

CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE - Recklessly acting without reasonable caution and putting another person at risk of injury or death such as. If criminal negligence leads to death, the charge will be upped to murder. If injuries occur, the charge may be upped to assault if the injured party wants it.

Punishment may include FINES: 40 to 120 silver coins, or JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail.


Felonies are major crimes against the Foundry, the Fort or the people residing under the Foundry's law. The consequences of committing these crimes vary depending on their severity, with the least severe being fines and the most severe going up to either banishment or execution.


PERJURY – The act of lying of perjury to a Foundry guard or a Foundry official regarding the invesigation of a crime. Charges may be upped to accessory if a person is lying to protect a criminal during a trial. Breaching a contract.

Punishment may include FINES: 30 to 100 silver coins plus any appropriate compensation, or JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail.

UTTERING THREATS - The act of threatening someone with violence through spoken or written means.

Punishment may include FINES: 30 to 100 silver coins plus any appropriate compensation, or JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail.

CRUELTY TO ANIMALS - The infliction of suffering or harm upon animals for purposes other than self defense or survival. This applies to any domesticated animal, such as mounts or pets, that may belong to another person.

Punishment may include FINES: 70 to 110 silver coins plus any appropriate compensation for the replacement of mounts, or JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail.

SLANDER – Spreading unjustly malicious, false, or defamatory information, statements, or reports against any person(s), faction or guild.

Punishment may include FINES: 30 to 100 silver coins for repeat offenders plus any necessary compensation, or JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail.

OBSTRUCTION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT– The crime or act of willfully interfering with the process of justice and law. Doing so includes, but is not limited to, influencing, threatening, harming, or impeding a witness, potential witness, juror, or judicial or legal officer or by furnishing false information in or otherwise impeding an investigation or legal process. Interrupting a guard during an arrest is an example of obstruction of justice.

Punishment may include FINES: 40 to 110 silver coins to be added onto additional crimes, or JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive anywhere from 1 - 4 days in jail.

ACCESSORY - An Accessory to a Crime is any person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not actually participate in the commission of the crime. This includes aiding a criminal escape.

Punishment may include FINES: 100 to 300 silver coins, or additional punishments equal to what the criminal they had aided is being charged with.

FRAUD – Fraud is a deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain. Fraud may be added on as an additional charge to some breaches of contract, if the situation is appropriate.

Punishment may include FINES: 100 to 300 silver coins in addition to compensation to the victim or victims, or JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 1 day in jail per 50 silver coins gained.

THEFT – Theft is the crime of taking the property of a guild, a faction or a person without permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of said possessions.

Punishment may include FINES: 50 to 150 silver coins plus the total value of the items stolen, or JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 1 day in jail per 50 silver coins of the items stolen.

ASSAULT– Assault is the offense of unlawfully touching a person by the aggressor himself, or by a substance put in motion by him.

Punishment may include FINES: 60 to 140 silver coins for repeat offenders plus any necessary compensation, or JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 2 - 3 days in jail.

AGGRAVATED ASSAULT – Aggravated Assault is the stronger form of Assault, involving the use of a deadly weapon. Aggravated Assault is committed when a person attempts to cause serious bodily harm to another with the use of a deadly weapon, or inflict grievous bodily harm to another person through methods such as rape or kidnapping.

Punishment may include FINES: 200 to 400 silver coins for repeat offenders plus any necessary compensation, or JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 3 - 5 days in jail, or BANISHMENT for repeated offenders.

TRESPASS – Trespass is a crime that occurs when a person sets foot in the Foundry's territory while banished or exiled. The trespassers may be given one warning and the chance to leave, and should they refuse, they are to be forced to leave or executed. These acts are considered to be in defense of the society and may be carried out by any citizen.

Punishment may include EXECUTION: Offenders will be given one warning and a chance to leave the Foundry's territory. If they refuse, they will be executed.

RAPE - Rape is the crime of sexual assault against a person without their consent through the use of force, coercion, abuse of authority or against a person who is incapable of valid consent in such cases of incapacitation, unconsciousness, or if the victim is below the age of consent.

Punishment may include FINES: 150 to 300 silver coins, or JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 7 - 12 days in jail.

DISTURBING THE DEAD- The act of disturbing a grave or disgracing a dead human body. This includes but is not limited to theft from a corpse, theft from a grave, opening a grave, unauthorizedly experimenting on a dead body, or unauthorizedly opening a grave.

Punishment may include FINES: 50 to 150 silver coins, or JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 2 - 7 days in jail.

BURGLARY – Burglary is the crime of gaining access to a personal dwelling or structure illegally for the purpose of committing an offense, most commonly theft.

Punishment may include FINES: 60 to 150 silver coins plus an additional 80 silver coins if the building is owned by the Foundry, or JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 2 - 3 days in jail, or BANISHMENT.

WITCHCRAFT - The usage of witchcraft or other black magic, other charges may be included if the magic was used in order to curse or harm an another person.

Punishment may include FINES: 100 to 200 silver coins, or JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 4 - 6 days in jail, or BANISHMENT, or EXECUTION.

KIDNAPPING – Kidnapping is the crime of unlawful taking or transportation of a person or persons against their will, sometimes done for ransom or in combination with another crime. This may be done by force, thus allowing battery or aggravated assault charges to be added.

Punishment may include FINES: 100 to 300 silver coins, or JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 4 - 7 days in jail, or BANISHMENT, or EXECUTION.

MURDER – Murder is the crime of premeditated, unlawful killing of another human being. Murder may be excused if done in self defense, though using excessive force to defend oneself using the concept of self defense will still be tried as murder.

Punishment may include FINES: 300 to 600 silver coins, or JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 7 - 14 days in jail, or BANISHMENT, or EXECUTION.

ESPIONAGE - Espionage is the crime of spying, typically through the use of a spy ring, on the government, any organization, or the individual obtaining information considered secret or confidential without the permission of the holder of the information. The punishments vary depending on the victim of the crime.

Punishment may include FINES: 100 to 300 silver coins, or JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 4 - 6 days in jail, or BANISHMENT, or EXECUTION.

SEDITION – Sedition is the crime of overt conduct, through such means as speech or organization, that is deemed by the authorities of the Foundry to tend toward rebellion against the established order.

Punishment may include FINES: 100 to 300 silver coins, or JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 5 - 7 days in jail, or BANISHMENT, or EXECUTION.


The Fort Law is enforced in the territories owned by the Foundry in the First Province where the Republic's Law is not authorized. Primary goals of the Fort Law are to not only secure the safety and justice but also to protect the Foundry's interests and control on the territories it owns. The guardsmen working under the authorization of the Foundry are allowed to detain wanted persons with a written warrant and to see to the enforcement of the laws. Bailiffs of the Foundry are allowed to write fines and judge jail time in accordance with the crimes.

A person receiving a fine is given one week to pay the fine to the Bailiff that wrote the fine. If a person feels that they have been unjustly charged they also have a week's time to contest the decision, in which case the Bailiff is required to take the case to the Magistrate's judgment. Contesting the Bailiff's decision may lead to the Magistrate deciding to overrule the charges, or raise the penalties and fines. Bailiffs are not allowed to order the execution or banishment of inviduals; such right is only given to the Magistrate and the Tribunal.


Structure of Law Enforcement
The enforcement of the laws in the Foundry's territory is handled by a structure of appointed officials and hired guardsmen. All positions inherit the rights of those under them.

•The lowest level of enforcement is done by the Foundry guards that oversee the peace and pass judgment on less serious crimes on a daily basis. The guardsmen are given the authority to take up arms in order to subdue violent behaviour within the Fort and the authority to detain inviduals assuming a warrant is written. Currently the Shadow Corps is hired for this purpose in Fort Praesium.

• The second level of enforcement is done by the Bailiffs; a group of officers appointed by the Foundry. The Bailiffs are given the authority to write fines for crimes committed as well as to sentence inviduals to jail time. They are also required to act as the investigators of more serious crimes if ordered by the Magistrate. Anyone may apply to become a Bailiff by speaking to one of them or the Magistrate. Current Bailiffs are Alphonse Camora, Alban Glass and Leah Redding.

• The third level of enforcement is done by the Magistrate; the person with the highest level of authority regarding laws in the Foundry's territory. The Magistrate oversees the Guard and the Bailiffs. He may overrule their decisions and is given the authority to hire or fire persons in those positions. The Magistrate is given the right to sentence someone into exile or to be executed as a punishment for their crimes. The current Magistrate is Septimus Ambrose.

• The fourth level of enforcement is done by the Tribunal; a group of high ranked Foundry members. The Tribunal's members are kept anonymous from the public in order to keep them safe. They gather when a Bailiff or a Magistrate decides to ask for the Tribunal's help in order to pass judgment on hard cases. The group is tasked with the management of the larger picture and making the lines regarding new laws.


Re: Files, laws, posters - Foundry Archives Rediscovered

Posted: January 13th, 2019, 6:13 pm
by Wyrmlance
This was one of my major projects in regards to the Foundry's Gendarmerie back in 2016 during the Act V Beta. Majority of the articles have draft versions, even though most of them are very raw. Unfortunately, my character died before I managed to finish this. I can't remember if I ever shared it in the public forum, so seeing verakke's thread, I wanted to post this here as well.

A lot of what is here is unofficial and has been written by me, some of it was given an OK from the ex-staff member who was in charge of Foundry affairs, but main parts of this were never officially put in. A lot of it has also been collected and edited from pre-existing lore resources with the mindset of taking the information to a platform where it translates smoothly into the game. That was to be the purpose of Gendarme's Handbook.

I hope it can prove to be an interesting read to some of you.

The following book is a version of the Gendarme's handbook written for the troops serving in First Province of Tor. It contains vital information about the Gendarmerie, in addition to containing a vast amount of knowledge to be used in different situations. As a gendarme, you are expected to keep the book with you at all times, as one can never know when it proves to be useful. One should devote time to read the contents of the book multiple times, to be sure that their skills and knowledge are on an adequate level.

As compiled by,
Dudley Rexrode,

from materials written and/or edited by,
Dudley Rexrode,
Francis Avery Eston,
Alexander Deval,
Algas Blans,
Adrian Roth,
and various other Foundry and gendarme officials.

1. The Gendarmerie
1.1 The Gendarmerie rank structure
1.2 The Gendarmerie uniforms
1.3 The Foundry and Gendarmerie honors
2. Etiquette and courtesy
3. The Foundry and the factions in First Province
4. Medical
4.1 Field evacuation and field injury treatment
4.2 Quarantine protocols
4.3 Death cause determination and field autopsy
4.4 Torment, symptoms and actions to take
4.5 In case of emergency
5. Spiritual
6. Hand-to-hand fighting, guide for a novice
7. Knots, and how to tie them
8. The Fort Laws

The Gendarmerie. A private army funded by The Foundry - making up the enforcement capabilities of the said faction. Consisting of mercenaries, ex-legionnaires, criminals buying off their sentence and all kinds of people with their own motives, the Gendarmerie is an unique organization. Gendarmes serve as the city watches of many towns and cities throughout the Eastern Baronies - which is where the Gendarmerie had it's start.

The Gendarmerie was not always a part of the Foundry, and thus, it is not an organization founded by the Foundry. The Gendarmerie has it's roots in a large mercenary company from the earliest days of the Republic, one that was based in the city of Greatport. Working for the highest bidder eventually brought them to the Foundry's employ. Nowadays, we, the Gendarmerie are obviously no longer a mercenary company - instead, we are a private army serving the Republic's interests. Our tasks mainly consist of guard duty and law enforcement of all kinds, investigations and helping the Legion and other factions with manpower when needed.

The Gendarmerie did start as a private army for the early Foundry as was mentioned, but at this point, we are much more. Trade & Mercantile does not control us. We do not control them. We have very specific roles in the Republic, and while someone high up enough in the Foundry can assign the Gendarmerie to guard projects, they can be overruled by just about any officer within the Gendarmerie of sufficient rank. One thing to be remembered about this is that the Trade & Mercantile cannot order investigation, or cannot meddle in matters of law. The power they have over lower ranking gendarmes is minimal, and is limited to basic orders such as guard duty described earlier. A gendarme may also always reply to their order as "I must check up with my superior first." if they are unsure whether or not they should follow the command.

As gendarmes, you might sometimes feel confused. What's our job? And what about the Church and Legion? Who is in control, and who handles lawbreakers?

We all - in a way. The Gendarmerie handles several very important jobs. One is the protection of Republic interests, especially where money and trade is concerned. The Legion isn’t going to be doing guard detail on caravans and trade routes when the Gendarmerie can do it instead.

If the Legion is the army, we - the Gendarmerie - would be the police, and by extension the court system. The role of the Legion and Templar isn’t to come in and adjudicate civilian matters. However, in their own jurisdictions, we need to politely back off and let them have their way. Persons of interests for a military tribunal, or perhaps even a captured enemy that the legion is currently facing on the front lines? Not our job. If witchcraft is involved, it is something where the Templar will make a case and if Martial Law is established, we are out of power.

What do -we- do?

Enforcing Taxation - Check.
Guarding Republic Foundry Projects - Check
Town Guards (And Hiring More) - Check
Adjudicating Civilian Law - Check
Adjudicating Law for Seditionists and Traitors - Check, Except when the Legion or Church have special interest and take control.
Adjudicating Law for heresy or witchcraft - No, this is the Church’s or Consortium’s job, but if civilian law is also broken you may try people for that separately.

Trainees that are occasionally given real jobs when manpower is stretched, but are considered marines in progress.
Can be given orders by following Trade & Mercantile officials:
Trade Officer, First and Second Class, Trade Marshal, Trade Captain, Trade Commissioner.

Marine Trainee
Trainees one step away from promotion to Marine - basically Marines that are on-the-job learning. They got all the rights as Marines do, but can be demoted back to cadets without much paperwork.
Can be given orders by following Trade & Mercantile officials:
Trade Officer, First and Second Class, Trade Marshal, Trade Captain, Trade Commissioner.

Most Foundrymen in the Gendarmerie are Marines, men and women trained for combat at land or at sea. They often act in policing capacities, but have occasionally acted in support of the Legion itself during times of battle and war when called upon.
Can be given orders by following Trade & Mercantile officials:
Trade Officer, First and Second Class, Trade Marshal, Trade Captain, Trade Commissioner.

Officer Trainee
Can be given orders by following Trade & Mercantile officials:
Trade Marshal, Trade Captain, Trade Commissioner.

Warrant Officer First/Second Class
Men and women with the capacity and training to lead. They often control small groups of the Foundry's forces. As a note, Warrant Officers are often cadets or marines who have just finished officer's training and have tested well.
Can be given orders by following Trade & Mercantile officials:
Trade Captain, Trade Commissioner.

Knight Marshall
Essentially a fully realized Foundryman that has begun training in mercantile regulations, and often tax collection. Occasionally they will serve as representatives of a Captain or general from neighboring regions.

Knight Captain
Commanding entire trade caravans and small armies, a captain in the Gendarmerie is someone to be feared and respected. Frequently, they will command guard outposts, or even a city watch in Republic Controlled lands if there is no Brigadier stationed in the area.

Knight Brigadier
Capable of requisitioning aid from the council and able to hire mercenaries using the Republic Treasury, a Knight Brigadier commands entire districts, cities, and occasionally, even a small province. They have mastered training in trade and mercantile methods, whether it be with pen or sword. Often, they will lead tax collection over a a large area, working with Knight Captains, and make up the spine of the foundry military machine.

Knight General
Capable of requisitioning aid from the council and able to hire mercenaries using the Republic Treasury, a Knight General commands entire districts, cities, and occasionally, even a collection of provinces. They are well trained, and capable in many areas of battle, whether it be with pen or sword. Often, they will enforce tax collection over a city of decent size, and are invaluable to the function of law and order in the Republic.

Cadet uniform consists of:
A white shirt, a Foundry golden roughspun vest, Foundry golden long/short pants, Foundry golden thigh boots, Foundry golden gloves and a Foundry golden tricorne hat

Marine uniform consists of:
A white shirt, a Foundry golden open tunic, Foundry golden long/short pants, Foundry golden thigh boots, Foundry golden gloves and a Foundry golden tricorne hat.

Officer uniform consists of:
A white shirt, a Gendarmerie blue vest, Foundry golden open tunic, Gendarmerie blue long/short pants, Foundry golden thigh boots, Gendarmerie blue gloves and a Foundry golden tricorne hat, optional Foundry golden cloak

Knight Marshal uniform consists of:
A white shirt, a Gendarmerie blue vest, Foundry golden open tunic, Gendarmerie blue long/short pants, Foundry golden thigh boots, Gendarmerie blue gloves and a Gendarmerie blue tricorne hat, optional Gendarmerie blue cloak

Knight Captain uniform consists of:
A white shirt, a Gendarmerie blue vest, Foundry golden open tunic, Gendarmerie blue long/short pants, Foundry golden thigh boots, Gendarmerie blue gloves and a Gendarmerie blue tricorne hat, optional Gendarmerie blue cloak

Knight Brigadier uniform consists of:
A white shirt, a Gendarmerie blue vest, Gendarmerie blue open tunic, Gendarmerie blue long/short pants, Foundry golden thigh boots, Gendarmerie blue gloves and a Gendarmerie blue tricorne hat, optional Gendarmerie blue cloak

Knight General uniform consists of:
A white shirt, a Gendarmerie blue vest, Gendarmerie blue open tunic, Gendarmerie blue long/short pants, Foundry golden thigh boots, Gendarmerie blue gloves and a Gendarmerie blue tricorne hat, optional Gendarmerie blue cloak

The following list consists of medals, awards and honors available to people serving for The Foundry, First Province. After receiving such, the foundryman has a right to use the medal, award or honor in their uniform at formal events.

"The Foundry Merit award", given out for long-lasting meritorious service - specifically non-combat prowess.
"The Foundry Fellowship award", awarded to a foundrymen who have shown notably good conduct and spirit of comradeship.

"Cross of Friendship and Mutual Assistance", granted to people who are not part of the Foundry, but who have greatly assisted The Foundry or the Gendarmerie in their duties and proven their worth with long-term cooperation. Generally awarded to high-ranking members of other factions for working together with The Foundry in various situations.

"Distinguished Service Iron Cross", awarded to gendarmes of any rank for significantly distinguished service.
"Distinguished Service Silver Cross", awarded to gendarmes for long-lasting significantly distinguished service in demanding missions.
"Distinguished Service Golden Cross", awarded for extremely great performance for the good of The Foundry and The Republic in a leader's position within the Gendarmerie.

"The Foundry Bronze Quill", given to foundrymen who have proven themselves in mercantile actions, bringing great fortune to the Foundry with their craftsmanship.
"The Foundry Silver Quill", given to foundrymen who have proven themselves further within the Trade & Mercantile side, not only bringing raw resources, but utilizing them in projects that end up bringing great fortune to The Foundry.
"The Foundry Golden Quill", awarded for exceptional leadership in the trade actions, forging many profitable deals and running a successful business - while keeping the image and reputation of The Foundry clean and respectable.

"White Rose Medal", granted for particularly selfless and heroic merits during a conflict or crisis situation, protecting and saving the lives of others at the risk of losing one's own.
"Golden Rose Medal", given to those who have suffered a career-ending injury while carrying out one's duty, signifying a life-long bond of friendship between them and the Foundry
"Red Rose Medal", awarded posthumously for those who have died while carrying out their duty, as a gesture of respect.

"Hawk's Eye", awarded for extraordinary prowess on scouting and intelligence missions, preventing disasters or relaying important information ahead of time.
"Heart of Steel", awarded to foundrymen that were taken in as a prisoner due to their duty - can also be awarded posthumously, if the fate was not too kind.
"Stalwart Shield", awarded for prowess in defending The Foundry and The Republic from an attack, and succeeding in it with exceptional results. This is for those who have gone against the odds and won the gamble - or at least having kept the game going for long enough.

"The Foundry Scales of Prosperity", the highest honor one can be given. These are the rarest of the normal medals, and will be only given after great consideration. It's given out for very long-lasting prowess, that has greatly benefited The Foundry and/or protected it's causes and goals - highly exceeding the expectations.

While the decision on all medals will be made in Redholme at The Foundry headquarters, the highest authority in the area where a potential medal-receiver serves, sends in their recommendations and argumentation for the said person. While for the "Distinguished Service Iron Cross", "The Foundry Fellowship" and "The Foundry Merit" awards, this is mostly a formality, the other medals will be carefully considered depending on the argumentation on the recommendation. A person may lose their right to their medals, if their actions later on deem them unworthy of such honor.

This list does not comprise of all the medals within The Foundry and Gendarmerie, but consists of the ones that are commonly achievable for people - for example, leaving out the ones given out in specific campaigns and situations.

Certain level of etiquette and courtesy is vital in order to maintain a level of discipline. Courtesy in military simply means good manners and an amount of politeness when dealing with people, in order to maintain a good image of our faction.

One example of etiquette in military is addressing. When addressing your superiors, you are supposed to refer to them as "Sir" or "Ma'am", depending on their gender - unless they give you a special permission not to. At the same, you are expected to stand in attention until given a permission to be at ease. When the superior dismisses you from the conversation, come back to attention and give the superior a firm salute.

Salute is an essential part of the etiquette. Few examples of situations where you should salute are:
When meeting with a superior on the street - give the superior a salute while walking, until you pass them or they reply to the salute and lower their hand.
When approaching a superior in order to converse, walk up to them, stand at attention in front of them - saluting. The superior will either ask you to speak or will dismiss you.
Whenever a superior salutes you, you are expected to salute back.
When a superior calls for you while you are not conversing with them, you are supposed to answer with "Sir!" or "Ma'am!", saluting them.
When you have received an order to meet up with a superior, you are expected to walk up to them, give a salute and say something along the lines of: "Sir, marine Smith!"
And lastly, you are expected to salute if someone ranking higher than anyone in the room you are, enters.
These are the most important situations where one needs to salute, but there are more, less defined rules for the salute as well. In most situations, one can figure out with common sense whether or not to give a salute. Something similar to salute, is a faction motto. In Foundry's and Gendarmerie's case, it would be "Laeta uero numquam". It's sometimes used at the end of the conversation, and one is expected to answer to it with the same words. It may also be used as a greeting.

In addition to these matters, there are also certain do's and do nots in armed forces. Most of these can be thought with common sense, as a good amount of them also breaks laws in some form, but some examples follow.
Never criticize your faction, superior or a leader in public.
Never jump the chain of command.
Never "wear" the rank of a superior, by saying something along the lines of: "The Constable wants this to be done." although the constable has not said such a thing.
Never avoid the hand salute.
Never appear in uniform while drunk.

This is not all there is to etiquette, courtesy and manners, but it is a good scratch on the surface to give one the idea of what they are expected to do and what not. As is mentioned multiple times, in lot of situations one needs to use common sense to determine their actions in social situations. Good manners never hurt when it comes to these.

The Foundry stands in a very relevant and pivotal position in the First Province. At the forefront of the reclamation efforts, the Foundry is responsible for supplying and supporting the functions of other Republic factions. Buílding and maintaining infrastructure and safety in reclaimed areas by acts such as law enforcement and taxation are also an important part of the Foundry's work and often require cooperation with other factions.

The Apothecary Corps, represented most visibly by the 19th Apothecary Corps in the province, are the Venerated Republic's experts on the affliction commonly known as 'Torment'. Additionally they provide their services to other factions – including the Foundry – when they require medicine, medical attention or advice.

The Foundry has always had warm relations of mutual respect and companionship with the 19th Apothecary Corps in the provinces. Gendarmes are often sent to them for inspection and treatment of wounds and ailments. We have cooperated with them and relied on their expertise on several projects in the province, and if the current trend stands, strong cooperation will be present in the future as well.

A gendarme falls under the authority of the 19th Apothecary Corps when a localized quarantine is declared. In this occasion no-one, no matter the rank, is to leave the quarantine zone until approved by the provost of the 19th Apothecary Corps or an extension of the provost's authority.

The Holy Decusian Legion may not have a very visible presence in the region, but the Eighth Legion are an important part of Fort Praesidium's defence. During times of crisis an emergency is declared in Fort Praesidium and the legionnaires are tasked with manning the streets, effectively reinforcing and in parts even replacing the gendarmerie.
Normally the Eighth Legion secures and watches over less populated areas that the Foundry's reach does not extend over, and strikes viciously against the enemies of the Venerated Republic there. Typically these enemies are bandits, deserters and savages, and the Legion has been known to call upon the Foundry to help them battle these threats. During these scenarios the Foundry is more than happy to have the trade and mercantile supply the Legion and send the gendarmerie to assist them in direct military endeavours.

Surprisingly the Consortium has been one of the most visible allies of the Foundry in Fort Praesidium. The First Circle is based in Fort Praesidium and its members are not an uncommon sight, walking along the streets in their numbered robes.

The Foundry calls upon the aid of the First Circle when magical threats and phenomenons are present, and both factions have a long tradition of supporting each other with supplies and manpower.

It should be noted that while members of the Consortium are subject to laws regulated by the Foundry, gendarmes should take extra care when acting upon them. It is the 901st templar chapter's duty to monitor the Consortium, and all cases of misconduct should be informed to them.

While there are several templar chapters in the province, the ones the gendarmerie routinely work with are the 23rd 'Invictus Igni' and the 901st 'Ancora Penitent'. The 23rd is tasked with hunting down Resolvists and other enemies of the Decusian faith, while the 901st is more focused on practitioners of magic and the First Circle.

The templar chapters a militant organization directly under the Holy Decusian Church and carry on their duties independently most of the time, but occasionally work together with the gendarmerie to bring down enemies of the Venerated Republic of Decus.

The templar chapters do not often involve themselves in matters of Fort Praesidium, but when apostate mages are being hunted, the Foundry steps back and lets the 901st do their duty.

The Venerated Inquisition Corps should be mentioned in the same context as the templar chapters. Those inquisitors who chose not to follow the former warbishop Naum Alexandrov in treason are still part of the Venerated Republic of Decus and support the church in a manner alike to the templars.

On a final note, the Foundry and the other factions form the Venerated Republic together. They all have an important part to play and serve the same purpose, not as rivals, but allies. All members of the Foundry gendarmerie should always keep that in mind and be respectful when dealing with them. Cooperation with other factions is encouraged, and it is not uncommon for the Eighth Legion, the templar chapters or even the 19th Apothecary Corps or the First Circle to participate in training gendarmerie cadets.

This section contains valuable, detailed yet brief information on injuries, treatment and how to act in different situations. All of the matters in this section should be something every gendarme should learn to do by memory, but usage of the book for reference if needed is suggested.

Few important picks:
All matters of Torment, be it a supposed sighting, death, catchment, infection, are to be reported immediately to the Provost, First Province, 19th Apothecary Corps. Failure to do such by any organization, faction, guild, or individual will be seen as treason and subject arrest and further actions of Law and Order Under The Republic Treatise of Health Act of 1320, Article Seventeen.

First Province is under Quarantine Protocol Level 3 - Republic Health Treatise Act of 1320. All individuals are subject to the Quarantine protocols, failure to follow Quarantine Protocols by any organization, individual, faction, guild will be seen as treason and subject to arrest and further actions of Law and Order under the Republic Treatise of Health act of 1320, Article Seventeen.

Any matter of Health, Public Safety, and Torment can and shall be presented to the 19th Apothecary Corps.

If on battlefield, and you see a comrade falling down from an injury caused by an arrow shot from distance, a hand cannon, bombardment, shrapnel or such - crawl to them, staying low. Check if they are conscious - and if they do not answer to your speech, run your knuckles against their chest pressing tightly to see if they regain their consciousness. If there is still no response, check for their vitals.

Checking pulse:
Press the arteries located on the underside of wrist with your index and middle finger. This is the most common way of checking pulse. You can also use the same technique on a person's neck.

Checking respiration:
This is simple. Lift the patients chin up to open their airways - then use hand in front of the mouth and nose to see if they breathe. If you can see their chest rising clearly, you can also tell by that.

If the patient has no vitals and is visibly severely injured, you might need to leave them on the battleground - especially if the battle is vicious. Use good judgment when deciding whether to do that, as the opposite action could potentially save a person's life.

If you have found vitals or decide that in the situation, evacuation is worthwhile - do as follows.
If the battle is ongoing and there are projectiles in the air, take the patient by their armpits - position your legs on the patients sides. Start dragging the patient to safety, using your legs to push forward while doing a rowing kind of abdominal movement.

After having reached a spot of considerable safety, keep the patient calm by talking to them, assuring them that everything will be fine. Cut their clothing open and attempt to locate the wound(s). Check the joint areas, armpits, groin, undersides of knees - don't be shy. Try to spot any bleeding. If the patient is responsive, they can help you in the task with verbal guidance.

Once you have spotted the wound, if it is on a limb and of small or mediocre size, perform pressure bandaging. Wrap the bandages around the area tightly, so that it will stop bleeding for now.

If instead, the wound is large and bleeding heavily, you must constrict the blood flow to the limb. Use a strong strap, such as belt, and wrap it around the limb a hand's length before the wound if just possible. Tie the strap around the limb, then tie a stick or similar object above the knot. Start spinning the stick, it working as a "handle". This will tighten the constraint. If the patient is responsive, ask how it is feeling. Keep tightening until the strap is reasonably tight, constricting the blood flow. After this - use another strap, tie it around the other end of the "handle", then tie it around the limb as well - locking the constraint in place.

Quarantine Procedures are based upon Three standards of protocol.

Quarantine Protocol One: Suspected torment within a neighboring region
1. Burning by cleansing pyres for all dead, animal, plant, and human in the region
2. Burning of all garbage.
3. Individual visual inspection for affliction of persons, at checkpoints by Legion or Templar posted at location.
4. Request for proper bathing and cleansing of all food, goods, items, clothing, animals, and person through utilization of cold water.

Quarantine Protocol Two: Confirmed reports of torment within a neighboring region.
1. Assignment of Apothecary Corps Provost team to region
2. Burning by cleansing pyres for all dead, animal, plant, and human in the region
3. Burning of all garbage.
4. Individual visual inspection for affliction of persons, at checkpoints by Legion or Templar posted at location.
5. Random inspection of all goods, items, produce and animal for affiliation by Legion or Templar
6. Issuance of Cloth glove, aprons and masks to all military personnel in region.
7. Proper bathing and cleansing of all food, goods, items, clothing, animals, and person through utilization of cold water entering Region from outside.

Quarantine Protocol Three: Confirmed reports of Torment within Region.
1. Assignment of Apothecary Corps Quarantine Control Team to the Region.
2. Declare area Quarantined under Authority of the Republic Treatise of Health Act of 1320
3. Burning by cleansing pyres for all dead, animal, plant, and human in the region
4. Burning of all garbage.
5. Removal of all Non-Torment afflicted from Quarantine Zone.
6. Seal all Entrance and Exit into and out of the Quarantine Zone.
7. Allow only those with Quarantine Visa’s under Republic Treatise of Health Act of 1320, Article Eighteen entrance, through controlled access.
8. Inspection of all goods, produce and animal for affiliation by Apothecary Corps Quarantine Team or appointed representative.
9. Requirement of usage of leather glove, aprons and masks to all military personnel in region.
10. Require and establish locations, for proper bathing and cleansing of all food, goods, items, clothing, animals, and person through utilization of cold water.
11. Confiscate, detain, and destroy any item, good, animal, or person showing signs and symptoms of affliction.
12. Destruction of any and all Afflicted.

Upon immediate discovery of any body, it is the responsibility of the locator to notify the nearest representative of Apothecary Corps to conduct a summary of injury. If no Apothecary is present, a visual inspection of the body may be conducted in completion to ascertain the injuries upon the body for report to an Apothecary.

Summary Of Injury. Summary of Injury will be conducted on any body found.

This summary will be conducted as the body lies if at all possible so as to remove any potential of transmission of any fluid from the body.

The first step of a Summary is visual inspection. Take note of the way the body lay, natural or unnatural, clothes or not.

Any visible sign of Affliction. specifically deformation of the head and nose area, blood within the eyes or tear ducts. Discoloration of the veins, or open lesion of bite upon the flesh.

Any sign of Affliction will result in immediate burning of the corpse in location. Regardless if it is within a structure or without.

If within any materials within close proximity of the body, any object that shows signs of blood, shall be burned.
If no sign of Affliction, the clothes if not already removed, shall be. At this point the body may be moved to a Hospital for further examination.

Visual inspection of the body in completion starting from base of foot. to top of head. noting any injury, marking, discoloration.

This information can be utilized if you have kept your patient records up to date for potential identification of the body.

Once this has been done, take note of possible reason of death. If achievable to note the type or style of weapon or weapons.

Once this has been complete note all this information in writing and seal it for Official investigation.

Your summary should take no longer than necessary. Identification of the body though helpful for follow on investigation by whomever is assigned is not your responsibility nor necessary at this point.

If no sign of affliction is present, all personal belongings may be bagged and held for the investigator.

Once this is completed the body is to be immediately burnt. There will be no storage of any body, nor delay for any reason in this matter.

Early symptoms, stage one of infirmus aegrotus: vomiting, blood weeping from tear ducts. When these appear, the person in question needs to be brought to medical attention immediately. If this is not possible, the person must be contained and kept away from others while being under surveillance.

Stage two of infirmus aegrotus: The person falls unconscious, and remains so from few minutes to multiple hours. During this time, the person goes through a multitude of changes - heightened sense of awareness, increased strength and dexterity, heightened tolerance to pain. The person is also believed to lose all sense of rational thought, short and long term memory, in addition to all traces of their personality. If the affliction spreads this far, the person must be put down immediately, their remains burnt.

The treatment might sound harsh to you, but as we do not yet know a cure to the Torment, we must act according to what is best for all of our community. After a case such as what was described above, one should proceed by acting accordingly to the Quarantine Protocols - even if an apothecary is not present. All afflicted flammable material should be burned, and each and every person inspected. A message should be sent by the person least likely to have been afflicted - once the messenger has eyesight onto a human not from the site, they should communicate by shouting and ask for them to bring an apothecary.

When dealing with a suspected torment cyst, or a plant that has been afflicted by infirmus aegrotus, the following should be kept in mind:

Wear proper protective clothing, to include covering your face, mouth and eyes and any exposed skin. When faced with a Tormented plant, fire down to the roots is the best option of cleansing. Ensure you cover your mouth and nose when burning any plant afflicted.

- TBD, the plan was to make a guide for gendarmes in regards to the existing emergency guide, their role and purpose during such situation -

- TBD, this section was to contain information about religion - prayers and such a gendarme would need -

- TBD, the plan was to have simplistic guide to dirty hand-to-hand writing -

- TBD -

The Fort Law is enforced in the territories owned by the Foundry in the First Province where the Republic's Law is not authorized. Primary goals of the Fort Law are to not only secure the safety and justice but also to protect the Foundry's interests and control on the territories it owns. The guardsmen working under the authorization of the Foundry are allowed to detain wanted persons with a written warrant and to see to the enforcement of the laws.

A person receiving a fine is given one week to pay the fine. If a person feels that they have been unjustly charged they also have a week's time to contest the decision.

FINES: 20 silver pieces after a warning
JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 1 - 3 days in jail.

FINES: 20 to 100 silver coins depending on the violation
JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail.

FINES: 50 silver coins
JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail.

FINES: 30 to 100 silver coins for repeat offenders with the possibility of confiscation
JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail.

FINES: 30 to 100 silver coins in addition to repair costs as well as laboring to fix the damage
JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail for extreme cases.

FINES: 30 to 100 silver coins for repeat offenders
JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail.

FINES: 30 to 120 silver coins for repeat offenders
JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 1 - 3 days in jail.

FINES: 40 to 120 silver coins
JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail, and the possibility for banishment.

FINES: 40 to 120 silver coins
JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail.

FINES: 30 to 100 silver coins plus any appropriate compensation
JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail.

FINES: 30 to 100 silver coins plus any appropriate compensation
JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail.

FINES: 70 to 110 silver coins plus any appropriate compensation for the replacement of mounts
JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail.

FINES: 30 to 100 silver coins for repeat offenders plus any necessary compensation, JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 1 - 2 days in jail.

FINES: 40 to 110 silver coins to be added onto additional crimes
JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive anywhere from 1 - 4 days in jail.

FINES: 100 to 300 silver coins, or additional punishments equal to what the criminal they had aided is being charged with.

FINES: 100 to 300 silver coins in addition to compensation to the victim or victims
JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 1 day in jail per 50 silver coins gained.

FINES: 50 to 150 silver coins plus the total value of the items stolen
JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 1 day in jail per 50 silver coins of the items stolen.

FINES: 60 to 140 silver coins for repeat offenders plus any necessary compensation, JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 2 - 3 days in jail.

FINES: 200 to 400 silver coins for repeat offenders plus any necessary compensation, JAIL TIME: Repeat offenders will receive 3 - 5 days in jail, or BANISHMENT for repeated offenders.

EXECUTION: Offenders will be given one warning and a chance to leave the Foundry's territory. If they refuse, they will be executed.

FINES: 150 to 300 silver coins
JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 7 - 12 days in jail.

FINES: 50 to 150 silver coins
JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 2 - 7 days in jail.

FINES: 60 to 150 silver coins plus an additional 80 silver coins if the building is owned by the Foundry
JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 2 - 3 days in jail, or BANISHMENT.

FINES: 100 to 200 silver coins
JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 4 - 6 days in jail, or BANISHMENT, or EXECUTION.

FINES: 100 to 300 silver coins
JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 4 - 7 days in jail, or BANISHMENT, or EXECUTION.

FINES: 300 to 600 silver coins
JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 7 - 14 days in jail, or BANISHMENT, or EXECUTION.

FINES: 100 to 300 silver coins
JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 4 - 6 days in jail, or BANISHMENT, or EXECUTION.

FINES: 100 to 300 silver coins
JAIL TIME: Offenders will receive 5 - 7 days in jail, or BANISHMENT, or EXECUTION.