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Black Wolves

Posted: February 11th, 2021, 7:47 pm
by Vee
Basics & Logistics

1. Have you read all of the prerequisites and considerations and do you agree to abide by them?
Yes and Agree with them

2. What is the name of your intended Faction?
The Black Wolf Vigil (most commonly known as Black Wolves)

3. What is the expected or intended size of the Faction in terms of player characters?
Starting with ~5 with no real plan of max number (in no way meant to be a giant group)

4. What is the expected or intended size of the Faction in terms of its’ lore concept, and/or including NPCs?
The Vigil (the group that the black wolves are a subset of) can be numbered in the hundreds since they are a coalition of witch hunter groups each holding 20-50 members.
With the death or mia of many of its members in the past two years it is safe to say that the Black Wolves numbers are lower than normal compared to other Vigil sets ~20

5. Roleplaying wise, how influential will the Faction strive to be? Will it tend to stick to itself and not make waves, or will it try and become a household name? How will the Faction accomplish this level (or lack thereof) of influence and reputation?
They will strive to become a household name as a resident witch hunter group. Small in size but with a brutal unbreakable will and a force to be taken into consideration.
This will be done with an iron fist giving no quarter to anything deemed evil, human or not. They are the tip of the spear of The Vigil, ruthless elite hunters on the prowl for anything they consider heretical and/or evil, removing everything that gets in their way.

6. Does the Faction have any unique colors, sigils, banners, or signage that uniquely identifies it? What is the significance of it?
-Black is their color.
-A black covered book with a wolfs head drawing and the title “Black Wolves Handbook” can always be seen in their attire, and it is clearly precious to them.
-They all wear large brim hats.It is a symbol of brotherhood offered by an elder member to someone who is recruited. Some hats clearly have decades.

Goals & Future

1. What purpose, direction or goal does the Faction have in the world at large?
They are true Witch Hunters to the bone.
A brotherhood bent on eradicating evil and heresy from the world.
They do not seek fame or glory, just the joy that comes from fighting the good fight in any way they can.
With this comes the mission to recover what was lose to the torment too.

2. What purpose, direction or goal does the Faction have within the quarantined First Province in particular?
They come with the same goal they always had, to finish what others couldn’t.
Being the elite unit inside The Vigil they are called when all else fails, and with the death of the previous members inside the FP their resolve and belief that they are needed there is stronger than ever.

3. Role-playing wise, what would the Faction seek to accomplish within the next six to twelve months? What are their immediate and long-term goals?
To establish a new place of operations and to understand the workings of the FP (politics, persons of interest, factions)
In the long term the focus is to bit by bit eradicate everything deemed evil and heretical as well as spread hope to the people surviving there.

4. Is the Faction famous or infamous for anything in particular? Will it strive to be famous or infamous for anything in the near future?
They are known for their no bullshit attitude when it comes to hunting heretics, many accusing them of going too far and being judge and executioners.
They want to transmit the same message to the people inside the FP, there will be no safe place for those of rotten intentions. In a sense being beacons of hope for the good faithful ones and a true treat to those who dwell in heresy.

Concept & Community

1. Please provide the Discord handle of the intended Player Leader of this Faction that will serve to liaison with the Staff in the future:

2. Please provide a summary as to the out-of-character purpose of the Faction, what sort of role you feel it will fill in-game (trading guild, PVP, PVM, etc.), and what sort of player character you intend to attract and/or support with the Faction in general.
The Faction is a Witch Hunter group with the purpose of putting pressure on mages, pagans and everything deemed evil and unacceptable.
They seek to gather good hearted faithful warriors to join their hunt.
Crafting is not part of the roster (even if some may have minor capabilities) so trading will be very important for them.
They have the goal of fighting the torment so relations with people of science/specialists is something in their books too.


1. If you have anything additional you would like to publicly share with us, to include in-character write ups, descriptions, organization structures or even custom logos and sigils, please provide them here:

Re: Black Wolves

Posted: February 18th, 2021, 4:41 am
by Sic

I will always, and I do mean always, approve mage-slayers.

Joking aside, I am truly impressed with your supplemental post, and I am sincerely looking forward to what your group brings to the table for us in Act VI. Can't wait to see the Black Wolves stalking their prey across the Province!