Returning Character: Mote

Forum used for archiving approved character applications.
Posts: 7
Character: Mote

Returning Character: Mote

Post by Starly » March 5th, 2021, 1:07 am

Do you have any prior experience with Requiem? If so, please detail when (and what characters, if desired) you previously played:
I played Mote in Act V.

Briefly summarize your prior role-playing experience in a sentence or two:
Played on TLEA and Dark Age both for years, and then was on Requiem Act V from day one till not too far off from its end.

Why do you wish to play on Requiem, and what do you expect from the shard?
For the roleplay! Getting to revisit a setting with characters I liked and cared about a lot. Plus lots of old friends are here.

What will your character’s name be?:
'Mote.' Which is more a nickname than her actual name, which she hates.

Please briefly describe the physical attributes of your character, including age, looks, height, weight and any notable features:
Mote is a woman in her early mid-twenties. She's very short and slender and is mostly lacking in curves. However she does have a little bit of muscle. She has long messy hair, which used to be brown until she started dying it red at the behest of a friend in Act V. She's not particularly attractive, and the only noteworthy part of her appearance is that she has a lot of small scars all over from a rough life in the slums of Tor and the many many battles she has been in at this point

Briefly state your character’s intentions or motivations for entering the First Province:
The first time Mote entered the First Province, it was to loot the place for all its worth, and basically morbid curiosity in what had become of the place she escaped. The actual motivating factor was that her beloved adoptive sister, Niamh Valfear had come for much more charitable and dutiful reasons and Mote tagged along.

This time though? There's still people she's come to care about and she's been separated from Niamh for a while. And she's determined to get vengeance for the friends she did lose.

Briefly provide a pertinent detail or notable quality of your character’s history (this does not have to be exhaustive nor revealing of any information you wish to keep secret):
Mote and Niamh (her sort-of adopted sister/best friend) had lived in the slums of Tor for most of their childhood. They had already been leaving the province because of a serious crime Mote committed when Tor fell, so they were ready and escaped just ahead of the Torment outbreak.

Niamh, ever a devout follower of Decus, had wanted to return to the province to help in restoring it and spreading the true word of Decus. Mote found herself dragged along by the only person in the world she had at the time.

After the events at the plantation, Mote lost track of Niamh one day and managed to sneak her way out of the province.

Briefly write an in-character response to the following scenario:
Mote casually walks up to the official and give him her most charming smile. "My my, fancy seein' you again, guy. How's the wife? Anyway, you've seen me visa before, remember? I jus' lost it in the chaos of all the shit goin' on way back."

Mote shakes her head, smiling wryly. Then, tapping her chin and looking thoughtful as she pretends to recall something she says, "Oh, and I just remembered that we needed ta settle my gambling debt with you from way back, yeah?"

Mote displays a couple gold coins and winks at the official as she hands them over.

Aeolian Staff
Posts: 681
Character: Swaglord420

Re: Returning Character: Mote

Post by Coty » March 5th, 2021, 3:01 pm

Congratulations, adventurer! Your application is...


Please ensure that your character name is spelled correctly upon exiting the Songmaker's chambers. A GM will approve your character at their earliest convenience.

Welcome to Requiem!

An expression of bemusement quickly changes to sly understand as the officiant eyes the coins. Reaching out he plucks them from your grasp offering a grin in exchange. "Ah, yes. I do recall. Allow me to issue you a replacement." He quickly scribbles something on a piece of parchment, stamps it and hands you your new visa.
