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Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Posted: May 1st, 2023, 10:29 pm
by TheOriginalFive

Dear Cerise, Florys, Niccolo, and Tiziano,

How are you faring? As of this letter dated 2 Flowerbloom 1348, I have opened a cafe after all. It’s beside the Praesidium Post Office, part of a newly established office block.

Wanda and Jemima agreed to help man the cafe as I wouldn’t always be around except on weekends. We made ginseng, ginger, turmeric, and alfalfa tea to start with. With the generous use of honey, the tea was a hit.

Thankfully, it didn’t turn into a food fight nor did the opening get marred by an enormous misunderstanding like in Teneborough. Mister Avi, Constantine, Doctor Theo, Gryhun, and even Nicolien de Ravin turned up, as well as plenty of others I introduced myself to.

Lucien gave a spice rack as a housewarming gift. I wish I could talk to him and get the Teneborough incident all straightened out, though I probably should ask Gryhun to accompany me if so.

In short, the opening weekend was a great success.

It seems Mateo Cassini likes me very much. I do care about him, but I would like to get to know him better first. When Gryhun heard this he kept on talking about dunking Mateo in the very dirty river.

Even with the threat of dunking, Mateo was still interested in me. It’s not out of the blue either, we had danced at the de Ravins’ Winter Ball at Mrs Duffield’s (the Reeve’s wife) request. I hope when we are able to return to Redholme that you will welcome him.

PS: I’ve included the previous notes I meant to address to you for the last two years. You should receive a fairly thick parcel with this one on top.

PPS: What do you think of this portrait I received of us at the Winter Ball?

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Posted: July 15th, 2023, 12:40 am
by TheOriginalFive
A Suitor?

Dear Cerise, Florys, Niccolo, and Tiziano,

I hope you are well. This letter is dated 15 Midsummer 1348. I’d like to confess something in this letter. I hope you don’t take it too badly.

Mateo Cassini and I will be courting. If we get the chance to return to Redholme, I’ll introduce him to all of you. He used to be a lumberjack for the Legion in Arkhess. He is currently working with Meddler’s Inc. to improve the municipal utilities in Fort Praesidium.

While he’s rough around the edges, he shows the makings of a gentleman. Much as he said I could pass for prelacy. Though I wish we really were prelacy to begin with so that our future children wouldn’t have to worry about any fidebes.

I will continue searching for leads on whether we have relations to the prelacy, along with managing the Cafe and courting.

PS: Nicco and Ziano, you might have a hard time dunking Mateo in the river. Unless both of you have become broad and not just tall when I was away.

(Included is a clipping of Buttonwillow's column.)

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Posted: September 26th, 2023, 3:19 am
by TheOriginalFive
A Crumpled Angry Family Letter

Dear Cerise, Florys, Niccolo, and Tiziano,

I hope you are well. This letter is dated 26 Warmwind 1348. Io sono soffire de crepacoure!

I thought Mateo and I were a thing, but it turned out that he doesn’t see me in that light. That’s why I couldn’t get a hold of him for the last month or so.

Absence made his heart go yonder. Is it my mistake for not seeking him out sooner? I sent him some letters but he never got them. I looked in the places he told me he’d usually be but there wasn’t any sign of him in town. His lodge didn’t have anything amiss either.

Then a few days ago I saw proof of the matter with my own eyes. Mateo happened to be at the Fort Hospital with another woman both seeking treatment. They didn’t see me at first, though Ara the Giant was with them too.

The other woman talked loudly about canoodling together while in the Craft Hall’s market, sharing smokes and asking to buy a new corset. Mateo looked so happy with her. Am I so dull that he lost interest in me?

I finally asked him about it in front of his new innamorata and in earshot of Adam and Eva, and put my foot in it. He claimed he would’ve sought me out sooner but the other woman stopped him from finishing his words, and he listened to her. Then he said our previous relationship wouldn’t work any more.

Is the “true love” I’m meant for only the platonic kind? A cosmic joke played on me while I was blind to the truth?

But your big sister’s still going to go on. I have many friends who still care about me, namely Kaelius’ Mercantile and company.

There’s a wise man who said that I should carry on, a more worthy suitor will appear in due time. Perhaps once I get over this matter and return to Redholme, I’ll consider it.

I will still keep searching for traces of our rumored prelacy. Even if I walk that path without a suitor, I still have many platonic friends at my back.

PS: I never kissed or canoodled him, since that sort of thing before matrimony is frowned upon, I know that.